The Hotel Bennett will be hosting a Live Duck calling contest on Feb. 15th 3:30 PM
60 second routine
Sign ups will start at 12:00pm on the 15th
I'll post more as we gain sponsors.
The Hotel Bennett will be hosting a Live Duck calling contest on Feb. 15th 3:30 PM
60 second routine
Sign ups will start at 12:00pm on the 15th
I'll post more as we gain sponsors.
That ought to be entertaining.
I don’t like going to sewe but the people watching should top notch from the performers line.
Sea Ark 1542 w/ Yamaha 40
Xpress 16 w/ 50 Hammer
War Eagle 15 w/ 30 Hammer
"Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and the women by the tits and take charge in your life" - General Patton
"I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over."
- Rhett Butler
Wanted to bump this,
Grand Prize: A year supply of shells from Migra Ammunitions and $1000 cash
2nd Prize: 3-hour, 2-person fishing charter from @Ace_Outdoors_Charleston, a lapel pin from @Brackish, a gift box from @marshhenmill and a Swag Bag from Migra Ammunitions
3rd Prize: Swag Bag from Migra Ammunitions and gift box from @marshhenmill
Building more to the prizes
Y'all better hope Duckman#1 doesn't turn up...
You going to have someone in the contest blowing one of your calls?
“Duck hunting gives a man a chance to see the loneliest places …blinds washed by a rolling surf, blue and gold autumn marshes, …a rice field in the rain, flooded pin-oak forests or any remote river delta. In duck hunting the scene is as important as the shooting.” ~ Erwin Bauer, The Duck Hunter’s Bible, 1965
Why are all the hotels on Marion Square built by assholes that named them after themselves?
Congrats to Brandon Tiesing on winning the inaugural contest.
About 1000 people watching it was a great time
Next year we will have a jr calling clinic and jr live duck as well as a two man live duck and the live duck contest.
Congrats to Brandon Tiesing on winning the inaugural contest.
About 1000 people watching it was a great time
Next year we will have a jr calling clinic and jr live duck as well as a two man live duck and the live duck contest.
The 2nd place winner could see if Ace Outdoors Charleston would exchange the fishing charter for one of the "hunting" trips he offers for mallards in Summerton. Call him out on tamies, and he will give you a biology lesson on how "you southerners" ruined the flyway and mallard releases don't hurt anything at this point. He's from Arizona.
he should consider going back...
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
So Brandon won a box of shells? That’s a seasons worth around here
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Can someone please cue Dave's meat calling YouTube video?
Low country redneck who moved north
I am a nobody, that met somebody, that can save anybody.