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Thread: Trump wins CPAC poll

  1. #1
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    Wateree, South Carolina

    Default Trump wins CPAC poll

    And it wasn't close...

    Trump, who’s repeatedly flirted with making another presidential run in 2024 to try and return to the White House, captured 70% of ballots cast in the anonymous straw poll, according to results announced by CPAC on Sunday afternoon.

    That's a boost from the 55% support he won in the hypothetical 2024 Republican primary matchup straw poll at CPAC Orlando in late February.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in a distant second, at 21%. No one else among the 19 potential 2024 Republican White House contenders topped 1%.

    DeSantis, a first-term governor and Trump ally who soared in popularity among conservatives nationwide for his resistance to lockdowns and COVID restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic, easily topped a second 2024 ballot question – without Trump on the hypothetical ballot.

    DeSantis grabbed 68% support on that question, with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at 5%. Donald Trump Jr. and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were both at 4%, with South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem at 3%. No one else topped 2%.

  2. #2
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    Jan 2003


    Trump will run. His ego won't let him sit on the sideline.

    He lives for Trump's his drug.

    Its over for the Republican party,.....they just don't realize it.

    Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Catdaddy; 07-12-2021 at 07:36 AM.

  3. #3
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    oh wait. never mind....

    trump will lose in 2024
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2017


    I dont know, the way things are going under biden people might be looking at an "anyone but biden" choice. It might not be hard for anyone to beat biden if they can check the cheating
    Last edited by Frank1; 07-12-2021 at 07:39 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank1 View Post
    I dont know, the way things are going under biden people might be looking at an "anyone but biden" choice. It might not be hard for anyone to beat biden if they can check the cheating
    You really think Biden will serve his full term?
    Miner's Daughter's Coal Train 'Rosco'

    "The only human quality he lacks is speech" -Alfred Brehm

  6. #6
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    Dems will never lose the white house again. 4 cities determine the outcome & that ain't changing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank1 View Post
    I dont know, the way things are going under Harris people might be looking at an "anyone but Harris" choice. It might not be hard for anyone to beat Harris if they can check the cheating

    Biden will not finish his first term.

  8. #8
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    Biden will be easy to beat unless they replace him soon. His minders are giving him a cheat sheet full of responses to potential questions. He likely has a key on a shoestring wrapped around his neck so he doesn't lose the key to the white house.

    There is a lot of time between now and 2024. And it doesn't really matter what politicians think about who should be president. The people will get their chance to speak.

  9. #9
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    The thing is no one likes Harris, her poll numbers keep getting worse and worse. Even democrats are tired of her attitude and they are starting to write hit pieces about her abusive management style. The D's will do everything they can to keep Biden there so they dont have to deal with the fallout of not supporting the Pres in a re-election campaign. They can pass on supporting a VP but not a sitting if the sitting wants to run and she is guaranteed to want it. Hopefully Trump gets behind DeSantis and we can get somewhere.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    Biden will be easy to beat unless they replace him soon. His minders are giving him a cheat sheet full of responses to potential questions. He likely has a key on a shoestring wrapped around his neck so he doesn't lose the key to the white house.

    There is a lot of time between now and 2024. And it doesn't really matter what politicians think about who should be president. The people will get their chance to speak.
    they spoke in 2020
    trump is bad for the republican party, as a whole.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  11. #11
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    Y'all think Biden beat Trump???? I am shocked anyone would believe that. Hell, his own supporters don't believe it.

    Had the GOP done this, those precincts & registration offices that committed the fraud woulda been torched.

  12. #12
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    The Republican Party is bad for America, as a whole...

  13. #13
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    I just can't see it. I would think this is a pretty conservative audience and even amongst ourselves there are plenty that wouldn't want him as president. (Also known as bitch ass bitches)

    I kid. But either way, if there is that many here that wouldn't, I imagine that it's only a fraction out in the wild. Obviously hope one wrong.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
    -Samuel Adams

  14. #14
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    Well Trump winning a straw poll at CPAC was a given I think. No I dont believe biden will serve his 4 years but I also believe that the way things are going no matter which dim has the WH in 2024 it may be an "anyone but" vote.
    Last edited by Frank1; 07-12-2021 at 08:58 AM.

  15. #15
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    For those of you that didn't/don't support Trump, other than his mouth and Twitter...... What issues did you have with his 4 years?

  16. #16
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    Trump/Tim Scott ticket in 24. DeSantis sits this one out for 28. If anyone votes for Joe and the Ho again they should be arrested for treason.

  17. #17
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    South Carolina GOP Civil War: Party Chairman Calls MAGA Backers ‘Lepers’
    Drew McKissick unloads on conservative activists …


    The civil war within the South Carolina Republican party (SCGOP) – and the accompanying battle for the mantle of conservatism in this critical early-voting primary state – escalated dramatically this week. Meanwhile, the outlook for future factionalism intensified following some ill-advised comments from the chairman of the badly divided state party, Drew McKissick.

    McKissick’s comments were not only irresponsible … they exposed what I believe to be a fundamental hypocrisy when it comes to this ongoing intra-party infighting.

    More on that in a moment …

    First, though, the background: As I reported yesterday evening, the top three elected leaders of the Greenville county Republican party jointly resigned their offices on Thursday afternoon – citing their inability to work with the grassroots conservative activists currently dominating the direction of the organization.

    As I noted in my coverage, the resignations of party chair Jennifer Black, vice chair Stacy Shea and state executive committeeman Randy Page constituted a “major coup” for the so-called “MAGA” wing of the party – a growing assemblage of right-wing activists who feel more centrist (or “establishment”) Republicans are traitors to the true conservative cause.

    These activists – many of whom are affiliated with the grassroots group – came up short in their effort to oust McKissick as party chairman two months ago, but they have exerted outsized influence within several county party organizations.

    One of those parties is the Greenville county GOP – an organization which has been in turmoil following the outcome of its disputed April 2021 election. That vote was a split decision – with the so-called “establishment” capturing all three party leadership positions but the “MAGA” movement securing an overwhelming majority of rank-and-file delegates.

    Or at least that is what I thought happened …

    Earlier this week, my website published an article on a questionable “ballot harvesting” operation that helped Black, Shea and Page defeat their right-wing rivals three months ago. This operation was referenced in a recent report prepared by a special Greenville GOP committee – a committee whose members were appointed by Black.

    While many expected the special committee would exonerate Black and her allies, it did not.

    According to the report (.pdf), unknown donors to the SCGOP subsidized a controversial delegate recruitment effort in the days leading up to the county convention in April – a shadow campaign which enabled Black, Shea and Page to triumph in what critics contend was a “rigged” vote.

    The report concluded that multiple “agents of the party” were responsible for this recruitment effort – including one SCGOP field operative and multiple state lawmakers, according to sources familiar with the operation.

    Considering the state party was essentially caught redhanded meddling in a local party election, I expected SCGOP chairman McKissick to be a bit defensive in his comments following Black, Shea and Page’s resignations on Thursday evening.

    But McKissick went completely off the deep end … unloading in a most undisciplined and unwise manner on the conservative activists who ran his hand-picked slate of candidates out of office.

    According to reporter Jamie Lovegrove of The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier, McKissick predicted the new leadership of the Greenville party – which has yet to be selected, incidentally – would turn the organization into “a complete dumpster fire.”

    “(It will) essentially be a leper colony for the next year-and-a-half,” McKissick told Lovegrove.

    Wait … did McKissick just refer to the MAGA movement in South Carolina as a bunch of lepers?

    Why yes … yes he did.

    In pouring more gasoline on this conflagration, McKissick added that the state party was prepared to support rival GOP organizations in Greenville county created by “sane Republicans.”

    “We will help them do that in every way,” he told Lovegrove.

    Sound familiar? Regular readers of this news outlet will recall McKissick was involved in unprecedented state party meddling against fiscally conservative candidates during the 2020 GOP primary election cycle. He even backed one fiscally liberal GOP candidate against an incumbent in a contested primary election.

    This leads me to what I believe is the most important point of this column … the pervasive double standard that exists within the “Republican” party in the Palmetto State in the aftermath of contentious partisan primary elections.

    Whenever left-of-center GOP candidates are victorious in an intra-party squabble, conservatives are expected to (and usually do) fall in line.

    Whenever the right-of-center team wins, establishment “Republicans” take their marbles and go home.

    Or in McKissick’s case, they issue threats …

    One of the leaders of the “MAGA” insurrection in Greenville – local tea party chairman Pressley Stutts – joined other right-wing activists last fall in endorsing left-leaning “Republican” U.S. senator Lindsey Graham. As I noted in my coverage of these endorsements, Stutts and his allies backed Graham at “a pivotal moment” in his reelection bid. In other words, they were “team players.”

    Now that Stutts and his tea partiers have prevailed in an intra-party spat, though, they are “lepers.”

    To be clear: I am no “Republican.” I am an independent, free-thinking libertarian who supports individual freedom and free markets – a voter who had candidates from four different parties on his 2020 ballot. So, what ultimately happens to the “Republican” party – at the local, state or national level – is of utterly no consequence to me.

    The GOP can self-immolate for all I care … especially seeing as its legislative “super-majorities” (and its total executive branch supremacy) in South Carolina have proven roughly as effective as tits on a bull when it comes to achieving positive outcomes on behalf of citizens and taxpayers.

    No, seriously …

    While I have no dog in the SCGOP fight, I do believe McKissick’s temper tantrum (and “leper” quote) was an incredibly irrational and short-sighted approach to resolving this particular conflict … one that is going to come back and bite him in the ass repeatedly in the weeks and months to come.

    Bigger picture? His response is the latest example of a deep-seated hypocrisy within the GOP establishment which demands (and usually receives) allegiance from the right whenever its equivocating quislings succeed – but refuses to return the favor when they go down in defeat.

    Of course “do as I say not as I do” is the GOP default setting on all manner of issues, isn’t it?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrutnBPS View Post
    For those of you that didn't/don't support Trump, other than his mouth and Twitter...... What issues did you have with his 4 years?
    you wont get anyone here to respond. certainly its 90% pro trump. I'm pro trump although I think his attitude lost the election. before people put words in my mouth, I dont know what "being presidential" means any more. However, people came to vote against him in 2020. we dont need that again if we want our country moving forward. "Forward" is defined as what we think it should be, right?
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    you wont get anyone here to respond. certainly its 90% pro trump. I'm pro trump although I think his attitude lost the election. before people put words in my mouth, I dont know what "being presidential" means any more. However, people came to vote against him in 2020. we dont need that again if we want our country moving forward. "Forward" is defined as what we think it should be, right?

    I agree with you. However, I personally know and have been seeing a lot of long time democrats that are highly upset with the current administration to the point that they say that they would vote for Trump next go round.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    you wont get anyone here to respond. certainly its 90% pro trump.
    I don't think that is true. Pro freedom? Pro America? Certainly. There may be 4 or 5 young little socialists running around here. The ones espousing the bullshit that they were indoctrinated with when we abandoned their raising to the "education" system because we needed our wives to go work to pay for all those toys...


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