Quote Originally Posted by BOGSTER View Post
1. Taw Caw, Potato Creek, and Wyboo are dangerously crowded. No way in hell I would ski, or tow my child on a tube.
A large portion of users that have lake houses over there and utilize that section of the lake, would like to steer clear of all that hustle and bustle. But they can’t. Because as soon as they come out into the main lake they enter a mine field of stumps and trees. A vast area as far as the eye can see is virtually impassable.
The benefit would be to use that area of wide open space for pleasure boating. Personally I would love to have that area open to pull kids around on tubes, or just be able to ride wide open up the lake.

2. The drawdowns on cut years would breath life back into the lakes. This is my main selling point.
Drawdowns are extremely healthy for any aquatic environment. It sparks vegetative growth the following year, not to mention its pretty good hunting and fishing during those times.

If you paid attention, you’d notice the ones that are for it, are those that live here, or fish here on a regular basis.
This isn’t a new idea by any means. Local people have been talking about this for as long as I’ve been alive.
Man, those places sound incredibly dangerous. Tons of deaths and serious injuries, especially of children,
must occur annually. Where can I find the records of all of these accidents?