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Thread: Waiting for The Facts.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Waiting for The Facts.

    I have spoken with what I normally consider rational folks as of late. They are ready to be judge jury and executioner for the cops.

    Clearly this is racist, they say.

    As we have seen over and over when more of the story comes out we discover that the media narrative was completely false.

    We have a judicial system. Lets let this play out. Are there bad cops? Sure there are. There are bad apples in every profession. But before we all condemn this man to death, lets look at some of the facts we already know.

    Mr. Floyd was being detained for using counterfeit currency. (We don't know if it was intentional or not)

    Mr Floyd was resisting arrest from the get go. (As seen from multiple videos and angles)

    Mr Floyd was acting erratic. (Word is he swallowed some drugs as the officers approached in order to hide said drugs, this has not been confirmed)

    Mr Floyd begins to act as if he is in medical distress and EMS is called to the scene.

    Mr Floyd began spitting and claiming he has the Corona virus.

    Mr Floyd begins directly opposing the police commands and is put on the ground.

    Mr Floyd expires.

    Autopsy is conducted and there were "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

    But, "combined effect of being restrained, his underlying health conditions, and intoxicants in his system, caused his death"

    If there is no signs of strangulation by the cops, and Mr Floyd did in fact consume a large dose of a drug this would explain his erratic behavior as well as his inability to breath.

    So can we just wait for the facts?
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    He was choked out on video. Have someone take the same trail run on your neck and let us know how it turns out.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    If he was chocked out the autopsy would have showed that.

    He was pinned in such a manner he could not move his head and continue spitting at the cops and pedestrians.

    He died either by his own hand or his health and or the combination of the 2.

    Everyone keeps saying why did EMS or the other officers not do anything.

    To start with we were not there. We don't know why was happening. We are watching heavily redacted videos and snippets.

    We were not there that day. But the simple fact that all those folks were standing around 2 of which appear to be asian doesn't lead me to believe it was some modern day lynching and there is a systemic racism problem.

    It leads me to believe something totally different than the narrative we have been handed was going on.

    The sheer fact the EMS guys didn't jump in to save him makes me go back to the hombre was acting fool and they were gonna wait for him to cool his jets before they were gonna mess with drug fueld he-man.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    You are going to trust the state's autopsy. Okay.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    With al that is going down, I assure you they were looking for a misplaced hair on his neck so they could say: Ah Ha.....we got that evil cop now!

    It pained them not to find strangulation and is why it hasn't been shouted from the roof tops.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    I have not seen any videos to support your allegations that Floyd ever resisted arrest, spit on officers, etc. If footage like that existed showing Floyd wild’n out, the major news outlets haven’t published it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    From the news...

    It began with a report of a fake $20 (£16.20) bill.

    A report was made on the evening of 25 May, when Mr Floyd bought a pack of cigarettes from Cup Foods, a grocery store.

    Believing the $20 bill he used to be counterfeit, a store employee reported it to police.

    Mr Floyd had been living in Minneapolis for several years after moving there from his native Houston, Texas. He had recently been working as a bouncer in the city but, like millions of other Americans, was left jobless by the coronavirus pandemic.

    Mr Floyd was a regular at Cup Foods. He was a friendly face, a pleasant customer who never caused any trouble, the store owner Mike Abumayyaleh told NBC.

    But Mr Abumayyaleh was not at work on the day of the incident. In reporting the suspicious bill, his teenage employee was just following protocol.

    In a call to 911, made at 20:01, the employee told the operator he had demanded the cigarettes back but "he [Floyd] doesn't want to do that", according to a transcript released by authorities.

    The employee said the man appeared "drunk" and "not in control of himself", the transcript says.

    Shortly after the call, at around 20:08, two police officers arrived. Mr Floyd was sitting with two other people in a car parked around the corner.

    After approaching the car, one of the officers, Thomas Lane, pulled out his gun and ordered Mr Floyd to show his hands. In an account of the incident, prosecutors do not explain why Mr Lane thought it necessary to draw his gun.

    Mr Lane, prosecutors said, "put his hands on Mr Floyd, and pulled him out of the car". Then Mr Floyd "actively resisted being handcuffed".

    Once handcuffed, though, Mr Floyd became compliant while Mr Lane explained he was being arrested for "passing counterfeit currency".

    It was when officers tried to put Mr Floyd in their squad car that a struggle ensued.

    At around 20:14, Mr Floyd "stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic", according to the report.

    Mr Chauvin arrived at the scene. He and other officers were involved in further attempt to put Mr Floyd in the police car.

    During this attempt, at 20:19, Mr Chauvin pulled Mr Floyd out of the passenger side, causing him to fall to the ground, the report said.

    He lay there, face down, still in handcuffs.

    That's when witnesses started to film Mr Floyd, who appeared to be in a distressed state. These moments, captured on multiple mobile phones and shared widely on social media, would prove to be Mr Floyd's last.

    Mr Floyd was restrained by officers, while Mr Chauvin placed his left knee between his head and neck.

    "I can't breathe," Mr Floyd said repeatedly, pleading for his mother and begging "please, please, please".

    For eight minutes and 46 seconds, Mr Chauvin kept his knee on Mr Floyd's neck, the prosecutors' report says.

    About six minutes into that period, Mr Floyd became non-responsive. In videos of the incident, this was when Mr Floyd fell silent, as bystanders urged the officers to check his pulse.

    One of the other officers, JA Kueng, did just that, checking Mr Floyd's right wrist, but "couldn't find one". Yet, the officers did not move.

    At 20:27, Mr Chauvin removed his knee from Mr Floyd's neck. Motionless, Mr Floyd was rolled on to a gurney and taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center in an ambulance.

    He was pronounced dead around an hour later.

  8. #8
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    Wateree, South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by Meathook View Post
    From the news...
    I can show you news that says George Soros was a Nazi officer, Trump is a Nazi, and Nazi's are from out of space. Try to do a little better than "from the news"...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Not the crap reported on tv...What is reported in Europe always seems to be a little more accurate. It is still news and I get that, but this was the most detail I have seen.

  10. #10
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    Pawleys Island


    Cuffing a severely claustrophobic person, throwing them in a car and then dragging them back out and restraining them on the ground would cause immediate respiratory issues. My wife is terribly claustrophobic and just being in a closet or any restricted space would cause hyperventilating and panic attacks. She’d have to take two Ativan before a MRI and blew through Xanax. I had a hard time understanding the condition for a long time but it’s real and can be debilitating or cause someone to freak out like you wouldn’t believe. She damn near destroyed the MRI in Rutledge Tower before they switched her to Ativan.

    If Floyd informed them of this condition and they proceeded anyway, then they just made the problem even worse.
    Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

    You might take out a dozen before they drag you from your home and skull fuck you to death. Marsh Chicken 6/21/2013

  11. #11
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    he should be alive today, sitting in a jail cell not a morgue

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    This is the first time I’ve taken the time to read anything on this and have seen a single news story about it, but two things strike me as odd....

    1.) I’m always hearing people in these stories and on LivePD screaming “I can’t breathe!”.....where’s the air coming from?

    2.) I guess cop cars are more claustrophobic than the one he was in when they showed up.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    I ask again, as in the other post.

    Why were the EMS guys just standing there and not helping. Their normal inclination is to help no matter what, unless they are in danger.

    My first thoughts were the SOB cop was guilty hang him (I don't like cops with a gun and a badge mentality).

    But then as the media began to spin it I stopped and thought wait a minute. Something doesn't add up to what I know of EMS people.

    After listening to some folks on the LE forums from up there it appears as though Mr Floyd was drunk/high on some substance. He also repeatedly said he could not breath in the back of the cop car so, the cops called for EMS, at the point the arrived he began to become combative as well as began spitting and claiming he had the corona virus.

    This alone would explain why the EMS guys stood down.

    It was also reported what ever Mr Floyd was on had begun to "kick in" around this time and his breathing actually was increasing not decreasing.

    I wonder if the drug of choice was not PCP or Angel Dust or K2. If ingested both would have created this situation and if Mr Floyd was indeed high on PCP.

    turns out Minneapolis is dealing with a surge of both just before the lock down.

    Physiological effects of low to moderate doses of PCP include:

    slight increase in breathing rate
    rise in blood pressure and pulse rate
    shallow respiration
    flushing and profuse sweating occurs.

    If you are concerned that a loved one is abusing synthetic marijuana, there are a number of behavioral, physical, cognitive, and psychosocial signs and symptoms that may be observable. If you notice any of the following, your loved one may be using and/or abusing K2:

    Behavioral symptoms:

    Poor academic performance
    Impaired occupational functioning
    Engaging in risky behaviors
    Slowed speech
    Catatonic behavior
    Increased energy
    Lack of energy
    Aggressive outbursts
    Physical symptoms:

    Muscle spasms
    Profuse sweating
    Higher body temperature
    Rapid heartbeat
    Chest pains
    Panic attacked
    Blood pressure changes
    Numbness in arms and/or legs

    Notice both would have caused very one of the symptoms he had and exhibited.

    Again, we need to let lady Justice not the mob dictate what needs to be done.

    Taxation with out representation I get burning city hall down.

    Taking our guns yes, burn the place down.

    One cop may or may not have been responsible for the death of another human being? A.....No. Worst case he ends up loosing his life. But only after a fair trial.

    But nothing else needs to be done. No one else did anything to anyone else.

    No building or business did anything.

    This is ridiculous. It's time for law and order to be restored.

    We have a system, let it do its thing.

    That require facts not emotions to rule the day!
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In the middle of it


    And what drug is that you take. I swear you have to be on something to type as much as you do so quickly. Just kidding.

    Behavioral symptoms:

    Poor academic performance
    Impaired occupational functioning
    Engaging in risky behaviors
    Slowed speech
    Catatonic behavior
    Increased energy
    Lack of energy
    Aggressive outbursts

    So symptoms are catatonic behavior and aggressive outbursts. Or a lack of energy or an increase of energy.

    That doesn’t sound difficult to determine at all.
    Last edited by wskinner; 05-31-2020 at 03:50 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by wskinner View Post
    And what drug is that you take. I swear you have to be on something to type as much as you do so quickly. Just kidding.

    Behavioral symptoms:

    Poor academic performance
    Impaired occupational functioning
    Engaging in risky behaviors
    Slowed speech
    Catatonic behavior
    Increased energy
    Lack of energy
    Aggressive outbursts

    So symptoms are catatonic behavior and aggressive outbursts. Or a lack of energy or an increase of energy.

    That doesn’t sound difficult to determine at all.

    My house, businesses, Church, friends house, employees houses, local businesses. Yea I'm wound up!

    These out oft owners need to be stopped at the border and all placed under arrest.

    If deemed they were involved in any other towns demise put them under the jail for domestic terror!

    You can't go town to town destroying it, in the name of social justice.

    WTF is that any way?

    Sounds like erasing history and anarchy to me!
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  16. #16
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    In my own little world


    I have looked at the video over and over his airway does not seem to be compromised as the knee is in the middle of the neck and toward the back of the neck. I still think the officers conduct was bad however I don’t know that he actually killed the man time will tell. Too many times the stories turn out to be something different then they appeared on the face of the issue and we too often rushed to judgment. I’m just waiting to see how this plays out.
    RIP Kelsey "Bigdawg" Cromer
    12-26-98 12-1-13

    If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

    Missing you my great friend.

  17. #17
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    Oct 2014


    So, I thought cops were supposed to be wearing body cameras by now? Body cameras have been asked of law enforcement for at least 10 years! If all cops wore them and used them all the time, all questions would be answered. Wtf are they not wearing body cameras? Hell, the 2 SCDNR officers that walked over a mile through the woods to check me and my rabbit hunting crew this year had body cameras on their uniform shirts!

    - now that I think about it, I think one officer had a uniform shirt on and his was hooked on there some type of way. I believe the second officer had on a Scdnr tshirt and his camera was around him with some type of shoulder harness. I clearly remember both having them. I don’t know if they were on or not. I don’t know if you can tell by looking at them. I didn’t see a flashing light on them or anything.
    Last edited by Rabbitman09; 05-31-2020 at 04:15 PM.

  18. #18
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    In the middle of it


    Quote Originally Posted by LabLuvR View Post
    I have looked at the video over and over his airway does not seem to be compromised as the knee is in the middle of the neck and toward the back of the neck. I still think the officers conduct was bad however I don’t know that he actually killed the man time will tell. Too many times the stories turn out to be something different then they appeared on the face of the issue and we too often rushed to judgment. I’m just waiting to see how this plays out.
    Sleeper hold.

  19. #19
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    Greenville, SC


    I always wait for facts and I feel like these are facts. A timeline based upon a cellphone video. No bias. Just a timeline.

    Here is the timeline according to CNN's copy of the prosecutor filing:

    "Overall, the complaint lays out a devastating case against Chauvin -- though it adds little to the cellphone video of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck. The most compelling part of the complaint is the timeline. It notes that Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Even more damning, the complaint notes that Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for three full minutes after Floyd stopped moving and nearly two minutes after he apparently "ceas[ed] to breathe or speak." Another officer even checked Floyd's wrist for a pulse and said he couldn't find one -- and yet Chauvin still did not immediately move. Those facts alone could establish the intentional conduct necessary for a second-degree murder charge."

    Full article:

    Yes it is CNN and they lean liberal. This is not a liberal conservative debate. It is a timeline of how long a man chose to pin another man to the ground via his "knee to back of neck" before and after the man expired.***/index.html

    I don't care what Floyd did beforehand. The actions of the officers on this particular case are inexcusable.
    Last edited by DJP; 05-31-2020 at 06:39 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I guess that Mr. Floyd is not really dead. Or if he is the cops had nothing to do with it just bad optics.


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