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Thread: Donald trump

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccleroy View Post
    Whats scary is how our youth think of him, they like the rude,snide comments and endless money flow, but lack real knowledge of him.
    Saying what's on your mind and not fearing political correctness, is not rude in my opinion. I appreciate a blunt response, versus a bunch of fluff. Endless money flow???...have you actually looked at how much money special interests groups have put into the hands of all the other candidates? 100's of millions, versus Trump's middle finger towards them. I'll stand by the guy who doesn't owe all the favors. And please don't accuse a Trump supporter of not having any knowledge...that's an asinine assumption to make of someone that you don't know, just because they support a different candidate than yourself
    "Truth, is treason, in the empire of lies"

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrowningGold View Post
    Saying what's on your mind and not fearing political correctness, is not rude in my opinion. I appreciate a blunt response, versus a bunch of fluff. Endless money flow???...have you actually looked at how much money special interests groups have put into the hands of all the other candidates? 100's of millions, versus Trump's middle finger towards them. I'll stand by the guy who doesn't owe all the favors. And please don't accuse a Trump supporter of not having any knowledge...that's an asinine assumption to make of someone that you don't know, just because they support a different candidate than yourself

    I wasn't speaking of you, I'm talking about the college voting base, the younger voting crowd that are very impressionable. I've never pretended to be the smartest guy in the room, but have a knack for feeling people out when it comes to their true intentions by watching them speak. To me someone that has knee-jerk reactions like expounds upon in his interviews and while he's on the podium in front of thousands/millions just doesn't make me think highly of someone that supposed to hold the title and responsibility of POTUS. To tell the truth there aren't any of the candidates I'm happy about, but Trump I am scared to death of.
    Last edited by ccleroy; 02-16-2016 at 10:12 AM.

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by LowcountryBuck View Post
    apparently adults do as well, CC.

    If you watch him for any period of time you will see that he is not genuine. This guy supports planned parenthood, believes Bush should have been impeached, believes he was responsible for 9/11, believes that companies should be taxed upwards of 35% for producing products overseas, and swears he will get rid of every illegal immigrant (12 Million), and he is running as a republican.

    He throws anything against a wall to see if it will stick.

    He is a liberal in sheeps clothing.

    He preys on the thinking of folks like you BrowningGold, those that say they are tired of the same old same old.

    I understand the frustration.

    I also understand that our country hangs in the balance and you don't take chances and try experiments with the presidency of the united states. The power of that position here at home and abroad should be enough to concern all of us with an unknown.

    The next president will replace somewhere between 1-4 supreme court justices. That alone should make us think long and hard about our choice.

    I have seen him in person. I have seen several of them in person.

    You may not totally like Rubio or Cruz or Bush or Clinton. But you know exactly how they will govern.

    This cat, you have no idea. None.

    No thanks.

    This last debate was the straw for me.

    A complete nut he is.

    I'm very familiar with the definition of insanity...i.e., doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I've dealt with this various times in my own life...when I see a pattern starting to emerge, that is keeping me away from the end result I desire, I CHANGE
    "Truth, is treason, in the empire of lies"

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccleroy View Post
    I wasn't speaking of you, I'm talking about the college voting base, the younger voting crowd that are very impressionable. I've never pretended to be the smartest guy in the room, but have a knack for feeling people out when it comes to their true intentions by watching them speak. To me someone that has knee-jerk reactions like expounds upon in his interviews and while he's on the podium in front of thousands/millions just doesn't make me think highly of someone that supposed to hold the title and responsibility of POTUS. To tell the truth there aren't any of the candidates I'm happy about, but Trump I am scared to death of.

    This right here I am scared to death of trump and would not touch him with a ten foot pole. In my opinion he stands no chance to beat Hilary Clinton. I further believe if he does not get the nomination he will split the vote and she will win. This is a lose lose situation for he Republican Party.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrowningGold View Post
    I'm very familiar with the definition of insanity...i.e., doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I've dealt with this various times in my own life...when I see a pattern starting to emerge, that is keeping me away from the end result I desire, I CHANGE
    I get it. I really do.

    This guy is NOT the answer. You will get change, though. I'm afraid it will be change you will quickly determine was not what you had in mind.

    He is unhinged.

  6. #26
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    If the establishment wins, America loses.
    “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”

    ― Norman Maclean

  7. #27
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    Before the last debate I was wondering if we needed 4 yrs of Trump to break up Washington. However, I think he has no substance and my 3rd grader could give a better argument than him. Cruz seems to be a snake. Both of these candidates are preying on people's angry emotions. I think Cruz actually has a plan but he is slippery and nothing will happen in Washington.
    This election cycle you will need to pull from the independent and moderate democrats. If a third party candidate runs, we are screwed.
    I'm leaning to Kasich strictly because I think he has experience doing the things that need to be done in Washington. How do we run a country with an in balanced budget. He has foreign policy experience. We need to quit trying to find our "Reagan" in this group of candidates. That ship has sailed and I'm frustrated as hell that the GOP is giving away this election to the Democrats. They have had 8 yrs to develop a candidate to beat Hillary, and right now I think they failed. Time to find new leadership in the GOP or get a legitimate third party.

  8. #28
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    Trump will mop the floor with Hillary but that may not be a good thing.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by LowcountryBuck View Post
    wow, just wow.

    should scare folks to death. Instead seemingly smart people are ready to jump off a bridge for him.

    I've never seen anything like this in our country's history.
    2008 comes to mind....
    "Pain, or damage don't end the world — or despair, or fu**in' beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, ......and give some back." -Al Swearingen

  10. #30
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    Some of you remind me of that "won't have to worry about putting gas in my car, feeding my ten illigitamate kids Obama money" bitch from the first Obama election. Think and dissect what you've heard or not heard from Trump. It's mostly bullshit and catch phrases with zero substance.
    Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

    You might take out a dozen before they drag you from your home and skull fuck you to death. Marsh Chicken 6/21/2013

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by MorningWoody View Post
    If the establishment wins, America loses.

    Tell me what the so called "establishment" is, exactly?

    I follow politics to the tee and I can't tell you what it means.

    Is it the RNC? Is it donors? Special interests? We all have special interests. Every one of us.

    Hunting groups, NRA, NWTF, DU, Flyway Foundation, United Way, MUSC, Paving Companies, Vet associations, Accounting Clubs, Dentist Associations, AMA, etc.

    My guess is several of members on here give to certain organizations to ensure that their needs and wants are represented in washington and columbia.

    It sounds great to say special interests are inherently bad, just like it sounds great to say that we should deport 12 million people and build a wall and make our neighbor pay for it.

    Sounds great. Not true, however.

    So how does America lose if Marco Rubio, for example, is elected president? Please tell me.

    America loses when we fall victim to a silky pony with no record of working with other groups bashing this person or that person, making up things as they go along, pandering to the masses by saying what they want to hear.

    There is no possible way on earth that you will save American Jobs by forcing a company like Ford to pay a 35% tax on every car manufactured outside the united states. Think about that. What kind of policy is that? LIBERAL.

    Who is going to pay to deport 12 Million people, a strong majority of which are here doing things Americans dont want to do. Go hang around a farm in the lowcountry for a few days and you will get my drift. Let's make them legal immigrants (not citizens), and make them pay taxes going forward.

    These are all sound bites that appeal to angry folks that want to try something different. it is so easy to sit back and hammer the guy in office when you have no record and can say anything and make promises you dont or cant ever intend to fulfill.

    Everybody loves the backup QB until its his time for him to throw the ball.

    This guy is a kook Morningwoody. What do your friends at Church think about his support of Planned Parenthood, you know, the agency that was caught selling aborted fetus body parts on the black market using taxpayer dollars?

    Does America win when we continue to support "special interests" like that, because trump apparently thinks so?
    Last edited by LowcountryBuck; 02-16-2016 at 10:57 AM.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManvsDuck View Post
    2008 comes to mind....
    agree but we all knew he was a liberal. I mean, we could see that coming.

    He had never donated to Bob Dole or the Regan Library. He was a chicago democrat and has governed as one.

    Independents just took him at his word that he wasnt going to be as left wing as his record.

    He hasnt surprised me or anyone that had the sense to research his background.

    sadly, trump has been all over the map, and he was handling his talking points pretty well until last Saturday and then he started to show his true colors.

    The other candidates are finally starting to address his inconsistencies in position and it is making him flail his arms and throw out insults in addition to his real position on things, which is overwhelmingly liberal.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrowningGold View Post
    Saying what's on your mind and not fearing political correctness, is not rude in my opinion. I appreciate a blunt response, versus a bunch of fluff. Endless money flow???...have you actually looked at how much money special interests groups have put into the hands of all the other candidates? 100's of millions, versus Trump's middle finger towards them. I'll stand by the guy who doesn't owe all the favors. And please don't accuse a Trump supporter of not having any knowledge...that's an asinine assumption to make of someone that you don't know, just because they support a different candidate than yourself
    I am sick and tired of this BS because I think we need to get something straight. There is a BIG difference between 'saying what is on your mind and not being politically correct' and being a pompous ass clown.... Trump is insulting to multiple economic classes, races and religions as well as pretty much being a blatant sexist, a grown man bully, a liar and just an arrogant fool in my opinion and the second to last person we need in the WH.

    But, but, but, HE SAYS IT LIKE IT IS!! which is apparently all that matters. And btw, what DOES he actually say that is so glorious and better than any other candidates?

    I just really do not see on a moral level how a person can support this guy. He has changed his political stance and 'friends' more times than we can count, what is to keep him changing again?

    I think that this hollow argument is used to avoid the conversation where the trump supporter has to admit that DT actually knows nothing and based on his speeches has about a 20 word vocabulary. What are DT's plans for immigration? Taxes? Foreign Policy? Health Care? - 'I'll get a real good guy for that stuff.' Meaning he doesn't have a freaking clue. Sure you can get 'good guys' to head up that stuff but at the end of the day you are the boss and actually need to be in touch with realty when it comes to these issues. 'Building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it' doesn't cut it for me.

    He is a wolf in sheep's clothing if you ask me. My Dad has said all along that he feels like somehow trump is in cahoots with the clinton camp.
    "A duck call in the hands of the unskilled is conservation's greatest asset."-Nash Buckingham

    "The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

  14. #34
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    The establishment, you know what the establishment is. Im pretty sure you are an intelligent man, I've drawn that much so far from your post. The establishment is every single politician in washington right now that allows the political quagmire that is American politics to continue. Every single politician pounds the words of change loudly but never really accomplishes jack shit. So excuse me for not trusting politicians, politicians who have had their chance in Washington already and have yet to derail the cluster that BHO has put us in. Donald Trump is the middle finger to the establishment, the career politicians who are good at nothing but getting re-elected. Washington is so disconnected from the voters its not even funny anymore. We are falling further and further into the shitter and we need someone who isnt going to tote the line of the party. The same party that is content with keeping up the status quo and not doing a damn thing different. They continue to pad their pockets with lobby money while ignoring the voters who put them in office.
    “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”

    ― Norman Maclean

  15. #35
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    So what is Trump going to do in office that will change things? What will he actually DO to make a difference?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mergie Master View Post
    There's evidence coming out...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cottontop74 View Post
    I dabble in a lot of things, but don't get too technical with any of them.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by duckman88 View Post
    I am sick and tired of this BS because I think we need to get something straight. There is a BIG difference between 'saying what is on your mind and not being politically correct' and being a pompous ass clown.... Trump is insulting to multiple economic classes, races and religions as well as pretty much being a blatant sexist, a grown man bully, a liar and just an arrogant fool in my opinion and the second to last person we need in the WH.

    But, but, but, HE SAYS IT LIKE IT IS!! which is apparently all that matters. And btw, what DOES he actually say that is so glorious and better than any other candidates?

    I just really do not see on a moral level how a person can support this guy. He has changed his political stance and 'friends' more times than we can count, what is to keep him changing again?

    I think that this hollow argument is used to avoid the conversation where the trump supporter has to admit that DT actually knows nothing and based on his speeches has about a 20 word vocabulary. What are DT's plans for immigration? Taxes? Foreign Policy? Health Care? - 'I'll get a real good guy for that stuff.' Meaning he doesn't have a freaking clue. Sure you can get 'good guys' to head up that stuff but at the end of the day you are the boss and actually need to be in touch with realty when it comes to these issues. 'Building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it' doesn't cut it for me.

    He is a wolf in sheep's clothing if you ask me. My Dad has said all along that he feels like somehow trump is in cahoots with the clinton camp.
    I would suggest that you start at for explanations on his plans for taxes, immigration...etc. Has it crossed your mind to try that yet? The wall will be bought and paid for by Mexico via trade agreements. The United States has so much power when it comes to trade agreements, yet we continue to get walked on by not only Mexico, but China as well. I'm not trying to insult your Dad, as I'm sure he's a great guy, but just because he says that Trump is in with the Clintons, it doesn't make it true. Also, just because you may feel insulted, doesn't mean that the overwhelming majority that plan to vote for him do too
    "Truth, is treason, in the empire of lies"

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggy View Post
    So what is Trump going to do in office that will change things? What will he actually DO to make a difference?
    He's going to win and have a lot of wins.

    At least that's what he says 100 times a day.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrowningGold View Post
    I would suggest that you start at for explanations on his plans for taxes, immigration...etc. Has it crossed your mind to try that yet? The wall will be bought and paid for by Mexico via trade agreements. The United States has so much power when it comes to trade agreements, yet we continue to get walked on by not only Mexico, but China as well. I'm not trying to insult your Dad, as I'm sure he's a great guy, but just because he says that Trump is in with the Clintons, it doesn't make it true. Also, just because you may feel insulted, doesn't mean that the overwhelming majority that plan to vote for him do too
    I'm not insulted, nor would my dad be, just kind of a running joke between us because it would not surprise me if there were something to it.

    I should not have to go to his website. I should be hearing it in his interviews and at the debates but I have not heard one ounce of substance from him in any of the debates or his interviews. I am not going to bicker back and forth about this, we live in America and therefore can vote for whom we want. I just don't get the attraction to trump. In my opinion, he is an idiot.

    Mexico funding the wall is a pipe dream, that will not solve any problems so long as Americans continue to hire illegal immigrants. They will find a way to get here.
    "A duck call in the hands of the unskilled is conservation's greatest asset."-Nash Buckingham

    "The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrowningGold View Post
    I'm willing to take my chances as this country needs a change. The way that the Republican led Congress has ran things, further convinces me that another politician is the last thing we need. I agree, I'm taking Trump on his word,
    How has that "Hope and Change" worked out for you the last 7 1/2 years?
    Become one with nature then marinate it.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkleberry Ridge Runner View Post
    How has that "Hope and Change" worked out for you the last 7 1/2 years?
    You got me, I'm an Obama supporter
    "Truth, is treason, in the empire of lies"


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