For those of you with young ones, the Columbia Chapter of DU is having it's annual Greenwing Event this Sunday, December 5th at Millaree Hunt Club off Bluff Road. The event is for youth ages 17 and under with parents welcome. If the child is already a Greenwing member it is free, otherwise the charge is $10 per child and this includes their years membership as a Greenwing.

Lunch will be served at 1:00 and a host of events will be available for the children. Brad Jones is bringing his snake collection to do a talk on them. Tom and Owen Jeffery will be on hand to do an archery demo and provide an opportunity for the kids to shoot some bows. There will be BB gun contests, along with a host of other activities for the kids. Again, Millaree Hunt Club, 1:00 Sunday December 5. Hope to see you there.