SCD hWOD for 13 Oct 11...

Warm up...

Shoulder mobility (Pass throughs with pvc or broom stick)
30 sec small hand/arm circles forward/30 sec backward (arms straight out, palms out)
30 sec big circles forward/30 sec backward
20 yards of butt kickers (down and back, so 40 total I guess)
20 yards of high knees (same deal, down and back)


Tabata lateral jumps, push ups and sit ups.

Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. You will start with lateral jumps (over an object, both feet leaving and hitting the ground at the same time, getting feet at least 12" off the ground) and go for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, doing 8 rounds of work. After you 8th round of 10 second rest you start with push ups, 20 on/10 off, for 8 rounds. After you 8th round of rest in the push ups you start with sit ups, 20 on/10 off, for 8 rounds. So the rounds run consecutive. No rest, except for the 10 seconds, between each movement. Don't wander off and go get water then come back 5 minutes later. No hand flash on this push ups but maintain plank posture and go chest to deck. Score total reps.

Questions? This can sound a little confusing but it really isn't. But don't be afraid to ask.

3, 2, 1, GO!