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Thread: Starting a program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Petaluma CA / Moncks Corner SC

    Default Starting a program

    I've always had trouble losing weight. I'm in the gym for an hour a day three days a week at least. I've just been doing cardio lately in an attempt to drop some pounds for weigh ins. About two weeks ago I started to incorporate weight lifting again.

    This is my first step to my new program. It's a 10.5 mile round trip ride to work. I'll be doing 4-5 days a week in the gym with a little cardio, but mostly weights.

    We've also started a modified Paleo diet at home. My wife is all for it, but my eight year old isn't quite sold on the full blown program. We've purchased "Primal body, Primal mind" and I'm about half way through it.

    Looking for some changes over the next couple months! My starting weight is 251.2lbs as of this morning and I've got a 38-40" waist. Wish me luck!!
    Living in Moncks Corner but looking forward to moving back to the West Coast in 2020 where there are more ducks and less duck hunters!! LOL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Grok on

    I guess that's the lingo
    You've got one life. Blaze on!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Lexington, SC


    Good luck with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    First off, good for you on taking the first steps. Changing old bad habits, especially eating habits, is hard but not impossible. You have a huge advantage in that your spouse is on board. Don't worry about the kid just yet. Put your oxygen mask on before you put your childs on. I've seen enough pictures of you with that kid to know that he eventually will want to be like step dad and will fall in line. Especially when he sees what a bad ass you're turning in to.

    Second, if you like to ride that bike that's cool but fuck all that extended cardio shit. There ain't no marathons in the jungle. Short, hard, intense metcons (metabolic conditioning) with functional weight lifting mixed in is what you want. Ever see a tiger get up, stretch a hami and take off on a 10 mile bike ride or 26 mile run? I didn't think so. Stay primal man. If you want to run or ride that bike then sprint. Short and fast. 200 meter sprints, 8 rounds as fast as you can with a minute rest between each one. Then go eat good food.

    Congrats on getting after it. And Squatty had it right...

    Grok On!


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