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Thread: Great idea for the refuge and the swamp!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Matthews


    What's your point JABIII?
    The more food around the lakes - in the right spots - the better for the wild ducks - even dt has said that a pond and food in the wrong spot will only hold the tamies released there.
    Are you trying to say that instead of helping the refuge you're gonna try and out do it?
    You seem to want people to think you're all for helping the refuge and the ducks then you make a statement like this and it leaves people wondering what you really mean and want.
    So do you want to help with the refuge and the other ideas and projects or just keep doing what you're doing?
    Either way's fine with me - just want to know where you stand.
    I always thought a website was a selling tool, not a product repair manual!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Wateree, South Carolina


    No, as I said, you work on getting the Refuge planted, I will work on getting my place planted, PL will work on getting his place planted and there you have it.

    Are you saying that a Refuge like mine on one side of the swamp that actually holds ducks, is less important than the old refuge way down the lake that does not hold ducks?

  3. #23
    trigger Coots


    So Nab, what you are demanding is that the private pond owners plant their places and then turn around and plant the public's land too?

    Are you out of what little mind you have?

    You run your mouth every year and never get the job done, so you are finally leaning on the guys that actually do something for the ducks.

    You are a piece of work.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    whats wrong with that trigger?
    are you saying that private pond owners should only plant their places, and not be concerned with public waterfowl areas?
    seems pretty assinine to me.
    nab seems to be concerned with public water hunting. something that really doesn't effect private pond owners (until the birds have been good and shot on the lakes, and then the pond owners have a hay-day.) which i think is great, i have private ponds myself.
    but i think that we should be concerned with all waterfowl areas in the state.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    i would do anything necessary to better waterfowling in sc.
    do you feel the same, or are you just concerned about having ducks on your pond for opening day?

    hunters are the backbone of conservation

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Santee, SC


    Ohh it's Nab Lite.
    Well I was too young and pretty and the whores wouldn't leave me alone.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    no, boom bomb, who the hell are u anyway,
    santee, me and you have the same stomping grounds
    and no i don't agree with everything nab says, i just think he wants something done,
    and i just wanted to clarify what trigger meant.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Santee, SC


    What you don't realize is that Nub has been attacking these same people for years. Then every year at this time he asks them to help him. When they offer he then bites the hand that feeds him. Those boys do more in a year for migratory waterfowl than 1,000 Nab's could do in an eon.
    Well I was too young and pretty and the whores wouldn't leave me alone.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    i realize that.
    im not defending nab,
    i just think that some of his views are worth looking into.
    his heart is in it,
    seems to me, that he can't let go of the old santee.
    the santee cooper lakes system has had so much damage done to it in the last 20 yrs that it will take yrs to repare it. not saying we'll ever have ducks like we had in the 70s and 80s, but i think the santee is capable of holding birds eqivelent to the early 90s.
    if something is done.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Santee, SC


    No one can argue with you there.
    Well I was too young and pretty and the whores wouldn't leave me alone.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Santee Cooper LONG ago ceased to be the biggest draw in this state, duck-wise. I'm not sure it ever was...

    This fascination some of you have with Sparkleberry/the refuge is infantile.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Matthews


    No, JABIII yours is one of the ponds that is in the right place to help - this is not a competition thing to see who can plant the most corn - this a plan to make things better for ducks in this state.
    You make people think that you have all this know how, money and pull so why not use it to help us with the refuge - your place is going to get planted whether you want it to or not - that's really not your call - so again, why not use your know how to help do something for the other ducks around here?
    tigger - biting the hand that feeds me? - that's funny - as far as calling people out, I do do that - alot say they'll do things until they see it might affect them for a while then they back out. No one is "demanding" anything, just asking these people that supposedly know what to do to help us out - they don't want to help then fine, it'll still happen - this ain't rocket science. tigger, one day you might take a break from the ass kissing you're so good at and we can meet in person and discuss what we've done for the ducks and what still needs to be done - you game for that?
    I always thought a website was a selling tool, not a product repair manual!


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