Bible Study Verse:

James 1:2-4

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (ESV)


It was cold, dark, and dreary day. The sky wanted to snow, but it held back for some unknown reason. Not that it mattered, because today was already turning out to be one of the hardest and worst days of his life. Would he have enough endurance? Would he have the will to do whatever it took to continue?

The pains from his injuries were increasing with each and every step. The steep mountain terrain didn't help matters, and the mossy, dark timber made navigation even more difficult. If he made it out alive, he would have to navigate nearly two miles of rough terrain in order to reach safety.

On three different occasions, he lay down in the snow and prayed that the Lord would take him home. On this day, God had a different plan for this sixty-eight year old wounded hunter.

Gene Moe was in the process of field dressing a Sitka black tail deer on Raspberry Island, Alaska when a seven hundred and fifty pound Kodiak bear approached the perimeter without warning. The distracted hunter, busily focused on the task at hand, was unaware of the lurking danger. A blood- curdling roar bellowed from the bear that shook the dark timber. The surprised hunter wheeled around with a heart and liver in one hand, and a 3 3/4 inch folding Buck knife in the other. A battle of epic proportions would soon take place pitting man against beast.

To be continued tomorrow . . . (Michael T)

Action Point:

As we begin another year, it is important for each of us to spend time in prayer and reading our Bibles. Life is an adventure. It can be an exciting experience and a bold undertaking with various trials and seasons of blessing.

Nobody knows what the coming year will hold, but each of us should surround our families in prayer and study so that we can bring glory to God in every circumstance.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

When hunting in areas that have dangerous animal populations such as mountain lions or grizzly bears, be prepared. Hunt in pairs and always keep your firearms within reach. Contact the local ranger station or DNR, Department of Natural Resources, office near your favorite hunting grounds for up-to-date information on how to deal properly with an attacking animal.