Bible Study Verse:

John 18:10-11

Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.) Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" (NIV)


I love this part of the story. Peter had a sword. What's Peter doing with a sword? He was a fisherman. For one, I don't think Peter was aiming for an ear, I think he was just really bad with a sword. A fishing pole or a net wouldn't have done any good, so Peter picked up a sword. He was probably trying to cut Malchus' head off. He just missed and cut his ear off instead.

Imagine what if Peter had cut off the servant's head? Remember the rest of the story. Jesus picked up the servant's ear and put it back on his head. He healed him. Could you imagine if Peter would have cut off his head? Jesus just leans down, picks up his head and puts it back on. Bam, you're healed. That would have been awesome! (Donny N)

Action Point:

I know the head cutting off sounds a little brutal, but that's what the Bible is, harsh, brutal, and bloody.

But, it's also a love letter. Can you feel the passion pouring out of Peter as you read this story? No pause. No second thought. Just BAM! He whips out a sword and is willing to kill for his King.

This passage speaks of passion. No greater love that this that he would lay his own life down for his friend. That's what Peter was willing to do, lay his life down for his King.

How far are you willing to go for your KING?

Challenge yourself this week to search your soul. Ask yourself this question, "How far will I go for my King"? Is it in you?

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

Every hunt requires a different type of rifle, load and method of take for a successful harvest. Always make sure you have selected the proper rifle, ammunition, bow, arrow, broad head, etc. You don't want to take the animal's ear off. Use the proper equipment for the safe and ethical means of take. Also double check your state or local area's rules and regulations on method of take.