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Thread: The State of the Union

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Kershaw County, SC

    Default The State of the Union

    Well, let’s see:
    -The economy is a train wreck right now and we have a president and treasury secretary who are in way over there heads.
    -1.2 trillion MORE dollars are being pumped into the system. This will undoubtedly lead to double digit inflation in a couple years. It's so scary to think about where that is heading I want to stock up on food now.
    -Besides spending billions of taxes payer $ to help the 8% or so of Americans who can't or won't pay there mortgage debts on time, billions are being spent on companies that have FAILED, and may continue to fail regardless of how much money they are given.
    -We have a government that can't keep track of how the above mentioned billions are being spent, and on what, bonuses, new offices, company retreats? No one knows. And as far as bonuses go, unfortunately it's the culture of Wall Street to award lavish bonuses even if you have run the company into the ground. AIG almost HAS to give these bonuses out if they have any prayer at recovering, because if they don't, there management will leave and work for someone that will.
    -We have the most two-faced, hypocritical congress ever known to man, led by Nancy Pelosi. This woman won her congressional district with only 134,000 votes, extremely liberal votes I might add. That's right, now she is the 3rd most powerful American in government, and she's a complete moron. She thinks guns are evil, but ILLEGAL immigrants are victims of horrible American policy. She thinks abortion is fine, but the death penalty for murderers unconstitutional. I've got to stop there before my head explodes. Dodd and Frank chair the Committee on Banking and the Financial Service Committee, and these guys probably don't know who to balance a checkbook. Barney Frank, and his questionable relationship with Fannie Mae and there downfall, was the loud mouth forcing banks to lend to low income people a few years ago that in part has led us to where we are today.
    -We have a president that in just 2 short months has doubled our national debt, put tax payers on the line for trillions, introduced legislation that will destroy our health care system and employ socialized medicine. Introduced legislation that will change public education (this may be a good thing) and can't answer questions about ANY of it without the use of a teleprompter.
    -Global warming, which is America's fault, will destroy our country within 100 years, so energy companies are going to have to pay for it. Guess what, you are going to pay for it.
    -Besides that, everything looks great.

    If I left anything out, fire away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    so..........................amen, you forgot that.
    easy livin'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006



    I'm tired of this Bullcrap, I want my Country back!
    I am as patriotic as anyone you will ever meet, I have numerous hats that have nothing more than a US Flag on the front of them. I still wear those hats with PRIDE, but not pride for this country anymore, I wear them with PRIDE and HONOR for the good men and women that layed there lives on the alter of freedom, so that me and you can wear any dang hat we choose.

    It is sickening to think about all of the brave folks that have sacrificed so much, only to have this country be in the shape that it is in today!
    Last edited by DeltaDucks; 03-19-2009 at 12:26 PM.
    [COLOR=darkgreen][B]"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke [/B][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#006400]"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" George Orwell[/COLOR][/B]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    all flags should be flown upside down.


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