“… duckhunting stands alone as an outdoor discipline. It has a tang and spirit shared by no other sport—a philosophy compounded of sleet, the winnow of unseen wings, and the reeks of marsh mud and wet wool. No other sport has so many theories, legends, casehardened disciples and treasured memories.”
--John Madson, The Mallard, 1960
"Never trust a duck hunter who cares more about his success than his dog's."
A accident that had major consequences, flying is inherently dangerous. Y’all act like she flew into it on purpose. A busy airspace, close flying aircraft, etc. my point is still stands. A lesbian democrat had more balls to serve this country than yall do. Reflect on that.
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“… duckhunting stands alone as an outdoor discipline. It has a tang and spirit shared by no other sport—a philosophy compounded of sleet, the winnow of unseen wings, and the reeks of marsh mud and wet wool. No other sport has so many theories, legends, casehardened disciples and treasured memories.”
--John Madson, The Mallard, 1960
"Never trust a duck hunter who cares more about his success than his dog's."
Weak as water...
What if the instructor pilot Warrant Officer was flying? Would that change? Y’all are retarded. Literally nothing has came out of the investigation. Flying at night with NVGs, in a busy airspace. Every pilot that has flown into there has said this was bound to happen. Yet some numbskulls on Scducks know better.
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“… duckhunting stands alone as an outdoor discipline. It has a tang and spirit shared by no other sport—a philosophy compounded of sleet, the winnow of unseen wings, and the reeks of marsh mud and wet wool. No other sport has so many theories, legends, casehardened disciples and treasured memories.”
--John Madson, The Mallard, 1960
"Never trust a duck hunter who cares more about his success than his dog's."
this is the key.
noone could know any better, because they did not produce all of the information.
Witholding evidence is fishy business.
- sure seems diversionary to direct attention towards feelings rather than the facts of the case. This chick went pretty quick from a white house nobody to a night time training ops over DC .
- even though the tax payer purchased the helo and it crashed into and took the lives of the tax paying citizens whom THEY ARE TO PROTECT.
Last edited by DoubleSprig; 02-02-2025 at 09:24 PM.
Someone will need to answer for asking for visual separation at 5NM and for being 125’ above the allowed ceiling they were flying in. Obviously it won’t be anyone that was in the Blackhawk that night, but I would suspect there will be some changes to the operational schedule of that helicopter route.
Can you prove she did not? On the tape she was at 200' when the plane was at 400'
She unexplainably went to 300' told to watch for the bird & then proceeds to go up another 50'
I don't care if you have NODs on or not. Up is up down is down. That part has yet to be accounted for.
NODs will cause you to loose peripheral. They also enhance anything that remotely gives off light and you see it with no problem. Sorta what they were built for. Problem is you have something like a the sun cut on in front of you and even the best NVG is gonna start giving you a fit. So at the least it would be a huge identifier there is something in your path.
Being they were on a COG train mission I suspect she was probably wearing a GPNVG. She would have had more than most when it comes to peripheral. They were probably 3k plus FOM. On that clear night it would have looked like the sun came up in front of her all of a sudden. So much so I doubt the auto gate could account for it.
Oh well we will see shortly.
Yup, he's crazy...
like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.
Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
~Scatter Shot