Reading comprehension...
Reading comprehension...
If you don't mind paying retail for a quality knife, check out Knives of Alaska. I think someone on this forum turned to towards them a number of years ago and i have not bought another brand since. Great gifts also because most people are not aware of them. Real quality stuff.
i just saw walmart and online reviews in the same thread.
I havent tried to read it all bc it would make me throw up.
My suggestion is to buy a knife. ANY knife. it doesnt have to have any reviews or cost a lot.
bc you might lose it. and its a knife. to cut stuff. shitty knives cut stuff.
there is a very very freaking very large gap between bullshit pocket knife to clean your nails and open cans and shit....and the Nitro bad ass custom knife.
and fork walmart
and online reviews
and cheap shit
and really expensive stupid shit
happy monday
or whatever misanthropic day it is.
I got ducks and i'm stuck here.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
Toof, im sure you use sharp cutting tools in your line of work. I doubt you just buy whatever.
Some of us also use cutting tools at work. Edge retention, blade durability, and corrosion resistance are important and end up being expensive.
Go find something else to be bitter about.
Raylon is right, Toof. Quitcha bitchin'.
- "My dad used to tell me that nothing good happens when you take your AR to an out of town riot. Or maybe it was that nothing good happens after 1:00 in the morning. I can't remember any more." - Wob
- "Any thought of romance went out the window when I saw the Ohio plates" - Squirrel Master
Sea Ark 1542 w/ Yamaha 40
Xpress 16 w/ 50 Hammer
War Eagle 15 w/ 30 Hammer
"Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and the women by the tits and take charge in your life" - General Patton
"I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over."
- Rhett Butler
well you just need to get better at losing knives like me
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
i often times miss my mark. so let me try to explain my position.
i dont need the fanciest blade for what I use a pocket knife for. It isnt terribly important. I cant recall the last time I cut something that HOLY SHIT needed a sharp edge of german steel. I pick splinters out. I clean under my nails if shit gets in there. I open bags and cut zip ties and such. yall can keep on and on about how you spend hundreds of dollars on that, even to the point of black bart pretending to poke fun at me because of how wrong I am and how right everyone else is. I really do like pointing out to someone lurking in the shadows that it is perfectly acceptable to buy and lose cheap pocket knives. you absolutely dont need the griffendore spydereked out whatever the fuck to fit in and be cool.
carry on with your knife buying.
just dont go to walmart
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
Yes. It is still a pocket knife.
It’s like saying “all you need is a smart car to get to work and back”. But you also need it to pull a trailer.
But you win. I won’t get in a puking contest with a puppy.
i feel better. well, a little.
do you? its like we bonded. like we know each other better than ever before.
we can move on to other stuff soon. like sitka and chene and such.
or fox vests. but I admit I dont think i'm allowed to comment on fox vests bc I dont shoot TSS or have a fancy sight on my thumb grip turkey only shotgun.
realize none of this makes me right....or them right....but i've seen it a lot on the www. people try to fit in and they think they have to have all this shit. they dont. look at what the hell happened to black bart. case and point. (that's a joke, BB. no need to text or PM)
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
i drive a different car to work than I drive on weekends. at least you made an analogy that tries to hit some mark.
Unless you are using your pocket knife for really important shit like cwayst, you dont need to spend lots of money on it. One man's opinion.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
Haha. You know I actually kinda like you 2th. It’s like arguing with myself. But maybe twice the age and bitterness.
So you’re saying I need two knives?
I'm not bitter! I'm contrarian and misanthropic. I think. Or I hope. Well, i really just hope I got the spelling right.
If you need one knife for your job-- like your job is so important, like combatting global warming, and you need that knife to be sharp and expensive and in your pocket to carry every day, YES--you need two knives. One for saving the planet (think expensive with sharp metal edges) and one (think sharp with different metal edges and cheap) to pick your nails and open corn bags and such.
I would label each knife so as not to get them confused when saving the planet. plus, when you lose them, someone else will know what to do with them.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
I mostly cut threads off my clothes. So it’s got to be top notch.
And the word you’re searching for is Ill-disposed.
are you sure its hyphenated?
you need to step up your game and go to the multi-tool in the sheath on the belt. I bet it has clippers for those frayed ends.
and because that is the swiss army knife of stupid shit people actually wear from time to time.....
oh and make sure its a gerber.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
Somethings I go with "works and is disposable"
Somethings I go with "buy once, cry once"
The older I get, I like better knives, the ones I cut my steak with and the one in my pocket (it's often the same knife }
Gasp. Some people carry tools with them.
Your white collar is showing.