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Thread: Expedition retractable running board issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Expedition retractable running board issues

    I figured there'd be enough dudes on here that there'd be a decent sample size of you who has or is married to someone who drives one, or even a Navigator with the same feature. Going on that assumption, is anyone else seeing these issues?

    So my wife's 2020 Expedition has been sporadically having the issue where the running board would start to deploy, only to get part of the way down then folds back up. Happening regularly on both sides now. I know, 1st world problems, but it's been driving her nuts. She messed around and let the 3 year warranty expire before getting it resolved. Big mistake, but I'm not dying on that hill.

    Vehicle's been in and out of the dealer a few times, with no real resolve. First time they said they couldn't duplicate it and just threw their hands up. Second time they replaced the module that controls this. No change. Just got back from a 3rd trip and now they're recommending replacing both motors, we're already in $450 for them to just guess only to be wrong. Each side is ~$500. Not really crazy about dumping a grand into with a real strong suspicion it's not going to resolve it.

    I believe that is binding beyond the friction threshold, kinda like the safety feature on power windows these days, or automatic door closing mechanisms. I've lubed it at an the friction points, still doing it.

    What say y'all?

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    Delta in a nutshell: Breeding grounds + small wetlands + big blocks of grass cover + predator removal + nesting structures + enough money to do the job= plenty of ducks to keep everyone smiling!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Find the fuse that controls those things and pull it. If she wants running boards replace with permanent. That's all I got.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    God's Country


    My 08 had similar issues and I just lubed the heck out of every single place I could and kept working them up and down, it worked for about a week and it’s back to the same thing. I said the hell with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Sandy Run


    Disassemble the hinges and clean them.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Beaufort Co.


    Take those off and put some permanent ones on if they’re needed.

    Not being a smartass, but I can’t stand that type of technology on a vehicle. It will surely break, no matter the manufacturer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chessbay View Post
    Literally translated to, "I smell like Scotch and Kodiak".
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Georgetown SC


    Most of the time it just gets dirt in the hinges and some liberal doses of WD40 will clear it up.

    I have changed the motor on one of my wife's previous expeditions and it wasn't very difficult at all. If my memory serves me correctly the motor is up near the front wheel and I found the part online for less than $200.00.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Georgetown SC


    Most of the time it just gets dirt in the hinges and some liberal doses of WD40 will clear it up.

    I have changed the motor on one of my wife's previous expeditions and it wasn't very difficult at all. If my memory serves me correctly the motor is up near the front wheel and I found the part online for less than $200.00.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Update on this: 8 trips back to the dealer and it's finally fixed. Typical troubleshooting, they said it's the module. $1k later with a new module, problem hasn't gone away. Next trip they pumped grease into every imaginable crevice to no avail. Next trip back they suggest new motors. At this point my bride is fuming. She engaged Ford and they said they'd cover em. Got 2 new motors, everything seems to be working fine but now the passenger side is making a hellacious noise. Takes it back, they say needs another motor. On the 8th trip back they issue is finally resolved.

    Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
    Delta in a nutshell: Breeding grounds + small wetlands + big blocks of grass cover + predator removal + nesting structures + enough money to do the job= plenty of ducks to keep everyone smiling!

    "For those that will fight for it...FREEDOM...has a flavor the protected shall never know."
    -L/Cpl Edwin L. "Tim" Craft


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