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Thread: Lottery turkey hunts

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hack Swamp


    Quote Originally Posted by sc sportsman View Post
    This is no slight to WNM, but I'm partial to Wateree so I'm using it as an example. The opportunity for 3 people to have 3700 acres to turkey hunt for themselves, exclusively, is reason enough to put in for the hunts. The measure of success that 2th mentions is my issue as well. A one day, daylight-11am turkey draw hunt (I know most areas offer a scouting day) will not produce a high harvest success rate and there are too many factors in play to even produce a high quality hunt overall, consistently. There are things that could change, sure, but I think this is misguided.
    No slight taken. I was happy to know I wasn't going to run into any other hunters. I do think there could be a good balance between 1 hunter per 1200 acres (and not being allowed to move the truck from the gate where you start) for 4 hours every 5-10 years and an all out, free for all, every day hunting pressure situation.

    I think the property could easily support 4 or 5 groups hunting either one or two days per week (Wednesday and Saturday maybe) to keep the draw period from being as long while still keeping people from hunting on top of each other and decreasing hunter satisfaction. Thursday through Saturday is not a bad compromise in my opinion, but there is no doubt that it will get crowded some days in the future.

    Each DNR property is different, and I'd imagine it requires a couple managers and biologists at each to learn the place and outline what amount of pressure, opportunity, and take is reasonable. I just don't think DNR can attract and retain enough people to care enough. Not to mention, I'm sure new rules have to go through the legislature anyway...

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    If they wanted to increase success rates, they have plenty of options. For one, the 11:00 cutoff sucks. My son has been lucky on the youth draws and two out of the last three years we had to leave a gobbling bird to head to the gate. I have no doubt that with additional time, we would have connected. They could also make it a two day window hunt. Weather plays a big roll in success and the ability to chose a day to hunt would be ideal...

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto Duck View Post
    Like to just point out that this ranks close to the top of dumbest posts ever on this site. “ the only way....???” Since I don’t have the time to make a list of other options, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you meant “ONE way” or you could just say you misspoke, which by nature I’m sure you won’t. Even if what you said were true, and even if we assume these properties are all in great shape Turkey population wise, how is increasing pressure with this change helping the turkey population problem, which is what DNR has recently spent a lot of time, money, effort, and made recommendations on to the GA???!! I agree with you on not liking the timing and optics on this move. But you’re waaay out over your skis with this ONLY way bullshit.
    I get you have it our for me but if you want to play wordsmith, I'm your guy.

    The only way is to mandate people. I'll say it again if it makes you think I'm dumber (sic).

    You can't manage a resource with discretion. We may have already had this science experiment. I was NOT pointing out the turkey population. I was only pointing out that the DNR has to have game laws, including season dates and harvest limits, to manage the resource.

    Ergo, there only way of managing the resource is by managing the people.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.


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