Member of the Tenth Legion Since 2004
Continued prayers from here.
Prayers for you and your family.
Done from here Kevin.
Prayers for yall from here Kevin!
Dianne and I are praying for her, you, your daughter and your entire family!!!!!!!!
Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
"Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"
Prayers up. You’ve got an amazing wife.
Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
"Keep your powder dry, Boys!" ~ George Washington
"If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'
Thanks to all of you. I’m really not the attention type but I get asked often so I figured I’d update. I’ll continue to do so.
More fuel = more boost!!
Prayers for your family. Fuck Cancer
Kevin, you know my number, and feel free to reach out if you would like. While it’s not in any way shape or form the same situation, my brain tumor in 2011 was pressing against my optic nerve in my rt eye as well.
If you or Janet have any questions on the crainaotmy, surgical recovery, etc. you know how to get me.
She is one hell of a strong woman, matter of fact all of you are! Prayers are continuing
RIP Kelsey "Bigdawg" Cromer
12-26-98 12-1-13
If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
Missing you my great friend.
Continuing to keep you all in my prayers
So anyone with cancer, has dealt with cancer or knows someone with cancer, know that all people deal with it in their own way.
I personally do not have it but it has a very large impact on my life as you all know
I deal with it personally by taking the small victories. Today was one. My wife watched our daughter graduate high school and walk the stage. Something 4 years ago I didn’t know would happen or not. A small victory to me.
She has her consult Friday with the Neurosurgeon on the next plan. I’ll keep you all posted. Again thank you.
More fuel = more boost!!
Great memory for your family.
Praying for your wife and your family and the Drs on the next steps.
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Congratulations on the graduate. Beautiful young lady. Continued prayers for you all.
Congrats on the graduation and continued prayers for blessings!
i just hope you didnt wear shorts, flip flops, and a visor.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
well done.
and congrats to M.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.