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Thread: Folks, please put phones down while driving

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Anderson, SC

    Default Folks, please put phones down while driving

    Knew several folks that witnessed this horrible event and all due to a cement truck driver so infatuated with his phone he never hit the brakes and an infant is now gone and last report is the Mom is fighting for her life

    Really shook up those guys, road construction crew, that witnessed all this

    Just please THINK before you use that phone while driving and PLEASE remind your teen drivers to not text and drive ( I can not preach this enough)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    I'm surprised this type of thing doesn't happen more often. Seems like all I see are people on their phone while driving. Phones are a very addictive thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sandy Run


    I wouldn't expect anything to change with this phone addiction. It's bad and seems to be getting worse. Just look around. You can't go anywhere without seeing people scrolling thru their phones. I see it every night I'm working out at the gym. It's pathetic. The younger generation seems to be the most addicted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2020


    Can't put all the blame the younger generation though.
    How many of them were raised by parents who instead of being active in their kids life's, found it easier to shove an iPad in their kids hands to get them to behave.
    See it all the time out and about at restaurants where parents have their toddlers tapping away at some device so they'll be quiet.
    Those children will be addicted to their devices for life, and the blame rest solely on their parents.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Remy View Post
    I'm surprised this type of thing doesn't happen more often. Seems like all I see are people on their phone while driving. Phones are a very addictive thing.
    It happens a lot, just under reported. Survivors don’t admit to being distracted when they crash.
    Hands free laws were passed in other states and you would think traffic collisions would decline. Unfortunately, drivers in those states try to hide the distraction more than ever and tend to crash more.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Remy View Post
    I'm surprised this type of thing doesn't happen more often. Seems like all I see are people on their phone while driving. Phones are a very addictive thing.
    It happens a lot, just under reported. Survivors don’t admit to being distracted when they crash.
    Hands free laws were passed in other states and you would think traffic collisions would decline. Unfortunately, drivers in those states try to hide the distraction more than ever and tend to crash more.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    I wouldn't expect anything to change with this phone addiction. It's bad and seems to be getting worse. Just look around. You can't go anywhere without seeing people scrolling thru their phones. I see it every night I'm working out at the gym. It's pathetic. The younger generation seems to be the most addicted.
    While the younger generation seems more suspect, I've seen just as many 40+ year old people scrolling away. Heck even my 70+ year old parents use their Iphones 10x more than they did when they first got them years ago. It is a serious problem and one that will need to be addressed at some point.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2020


    There will be a civil case against the concrete company. Trucks nowadays are equipped with the technology to lock out cell phone use while the truck is on. Ten yards of concrete and a truck that weighs almost as much is quite the liability rolling down the road. Add that to the fact that some drivers could be on the clock starting at 1-2am and work all the way through the afternoon.

    My condolences to the family and a terrible situation with a life lost so young. How sure are you that he was on his cell phone?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    Distracted driving, cell phone and texting are as bad as drunk driving and probably cause twice as many accidents. If you crash HPD will be looking for your phone to see if you were texting or on the phone when the accident occured.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ScoobieMcDoobie View Post
    Can't put all the blame the younger generation though.
    How many of them were raised by parents who instead of being active in their kids life's, found it easier to shove an iPad in their kids hands to get them to behave.
    See it all the time out and about at restaurants where parents have their toddlers tapping away at some device so they'll be quiet.
    Those children will be addicted to their devices for life, and the blame rest solely on their parents.
    Those parents can't be on their phones if they're engaged with their kids so they need the kids to leave them alone so they can facetickgram.

    Wife and I sashayed up to the El Conquistador for some carnitas the other night. One family, with 3 kids, was seated two doors down from us. Between the 5 of 'em there were 5 devices. 3 ipads and two phones. All 5 were rolling non stop. Before the waitress could even get them seated mom was unloading the ipads and shoving them at the kids.

    I see it across all age ranges, male and female, from blue hairs to 8 year olds. Yes, my 8 year old triplets have friends who have their own iphone and free access to the web.

    I'll text my wife and immediately receive "I am driving with focus on and will respond when I arrive at my destination." Then 10 seconds later I get a reply from her. My next text is "Stop looking at your phone while driving!!!" Then I get the "I'm at a stop light" excuse which is equine manure. She knows it's a problem and the only thing we come close to fighting about.

  11. #11
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by FULLCHOKE View Post
    There will be a civil case against the concrete company. Trucks nowadays are equipped with the technology to lock out cell phone use while the truck is on. Ten yards of concrete and a truck that weighs almost as much is quite the liability rolling down the road. Add that to the fact that some drivers could be on the clock starting at 1-2am and work all the way through the afternoon.

    My condolences to the family and a terrible situation with a life lost so young. How sure are you that he was on his cell phone?
    There was a verdict within the last few weeks in Greenville County (traditionally very conservative) in a minor impact wreck case where the jury awarded $1.2M. That was one of the plaintiff's biggest arguments- SCDOT equipping the truck with two way radios and allowing their drivers to use phones/not blocking them.
    Carolina Counsel

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Boone, NC


    I've never been one to text or get on the internet when driving and while I'm not on it 24/7 by any means, I spend more time than I personally like looking at apps on my phone. My ultimate goal is a flip phone one day, but that isn't practical since I need access to email, weather, river levels, maps, OnX, banking, etc. I ended up ordering one of these last night: I plan on blocking all social media with it (I'll keep SCDUCKS). It should curtail a lot of my use.

  13. #13
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    Today I learned I have "bricked" my phone. I have all notification silenced/turned off. My phone doesn't even ring. you call me and it goes straight to VM. I don't have any social media apps either.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    i love cell phones and always have
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    i love cell phones and always have
    2th may have been sarcastic but I actually mean it. It may be addicting but I enjoy my phone. I don’t use it while driving anymore or try to refrain the most I can but I’m not going to look back and say I wish I would have spent less time on it. We all have our vices. I do fully understand and agree with the driving part for the record.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    i love cell phones and always have
    2th may have been sarcastic but I actually mean it. It may be addicting but I enjoy my phone. I don’t use it while driving anymore or try to refrain the most I can but I’m not going to look back and say I wish I would have spent less time on it. We all have our vices. I do fully understand and agree with the driving part for the record.

    I’m also a tech geek though. I haven’t found a way to justify apple vision and a way to make money from it but I’m close. There is survey grade scanning applications being developed for it as we speak. If that comes to fruition I will be the first one in line.

  17. #17
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    Nov 2004


    There’s $40,000 worth of barrels and signs announcing to the world that there’s construction ahead and it begins WELL in advance of the traffic circle that’s being built.

    Ok, I just measured it on my handy dandy ass iPhone, it’s 0.6 miles from the beginning of the barrels and signage to the accident site.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Newberry SC


    Its not just phones. The info and entertainment systems are far from hands free today. You have to look at them to operate them.

    Just reach over to turn on the AC now....It requires you to look at locate the button and see that it turned out. Operator once had feed back as you have dials and levers that moved to and from certain postions with travel limits. Detents along the way for settings like fan speed of 1 through 5.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    I drove by the aftermath of a dumptruck plowing into a stopped line of traffic on 95N in Boca years ago, amazing the damage MxV does.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Anderson, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by PalmettoTrooper View Post
    It happens a lot, just under reported. Survivors don’t admit to being distracted when they crash.
    Hands free laws were passed in other states and you would think traffic collisions would decline. Unfortunately, drivers in those states try to hide the distraction more than ever and tend to crash more.

    With the cement truck driver charged what actually happens , curious and like to have all this information for our teen drivers we work with. I stress his all time but we all know at that age you are “invincible “ until “deification hits the rotating oscillator “ as my long time classroom instructor tells these kids.


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