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Thread: trump paid his "fair share"

  1. #61
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sandy Run


    The stormy Daniels story has been around for almost 10 years now. If that was a big deal, it would have sunk him in 2016. Besides, Clinton cleared the field on the sort of thing many years ago. And don't forget Biden has rape allegations against him when he used to get it up.

    Abortion is a dead issue. It's at the state level now. Biden says he will make it a law if he gets reelected but the supreme Court has already decided that case.

    Inflation and immigration are the big issues now. Besides Biden's declining faculties.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    In other news:
    Trump just announced he is selling "God Bless The USA" bibles..............I shit you not
    They are $59.99
    and I heard Tammy Faye, Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart and Joel Osteen are pissed about
    him cutting in on their action. Dabo hasn't weighed in yet
    Last edited by ecu1984; 03-26-2024 at 01:07 PM.

  3. #63
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    I don't know if the election was stolen or whatever. For 3 years we have a brain dead moron supposedly running things. The country is in shambles. The United States has zero credibility. Zero respect. Inflation has everyone spending more for the same shit and their income has not kept pace. The climate Nazis are trying to break us. Illegal immigration is out of control and Americans are paying the price for that. Both financially and violent crime. We are 32 trillion dollars in debt and shows no sign of slowing. We are supporting corrupt countries with money we don't have. Our kids will pay the price for all this out of control spending.

    Meanwhile the idiot is the white house is eating ice cream cones and telling everyone what a good job he is doing. The only plus is that we have low unemployment.
    I agree with this message.
    Carolina Counsel

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    I don't know if the election was stolen or whatever. For 3 years we have a brain dead moron supposedly running things. The country is in shambles. The United States has zero credibility. Zero respect. Inflation has everyone spending more for the same shit and their income has not kept pace. The climate Nazis are trying to break us. Illegal immigration is out of control and Americans are paying the price for that. Both financially and violent crime. We are 32 trillion dollars in debt and shows no sign of slowing. We are supporting corrupt countries with money we don't have. Our kids will pay the price for all this out of control spending.

    Meanwhile the idiot is the white house is eating ice cream cones and telling everyone what a good job he is doing. The only plus is that we have low unemployment.
    Best post in here

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    Cliff notes: Trump really won but all the courts and judges are in on "the fix"
    Does that help?
    Oh, and one more thing. only internet news that supports this theory is true and any internet news that says the contrary
    or anything else negative about T-Rump as it relates to his "crimes" or "character" is "false news".
    Hope this helps and you should be good to go up in here now.
    Man you are totally distorting everyone's arguments. Trump was cheated. Polls show he would probably have won if the Hunter Biden Lap Top story would not have been debunked by " Experts" in the deep state, and censured by every social media platform. Courts can't fix that. We all know Trump is no saint. I just do not give a shit. My problem is the way they use the legal system to take our guy out, and then ignore it when their guy does the same shit and worse.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    it amazes me that we dont realize the other 50% is saying the same thing about us.

    it appears the new repetitive mantra is about inflation.

    stormy daniels and abortion will factor in more than inflation.
    am i the only one that sees this besides ECU2?
    (see what I did there?)
    I just read all of this for the first time. I agree with pretty much everything 2th said but don't have the energy to argue anymore. I have and will always be in the camp of Are these two idiots the best we can actually do?? I want our president to act presidential simple as that. To actually be a leader, not a bumbling idiot or a narcissistic asshat that craves attention. Why can't we get somebody with some balls, with some sort of moral compass, who actually speaks like the leader of the greatest country on earth should speak? Apparently that's just too much to ask and if you do ask, well then you just can't take a president that speaks his mind or says mean words horseshit response. To that I say I can take mean talk all day long, I just can't take someone that sounds completely uneducated (Trump) or mentally compromised (Biden) and that so many on either side are fine with it. Baffles the hell outta me. Maybe the one thing that would fix some of this would be an age limit for the President. My father who is a very accomplished and smart guy is 78 years old. There is no way I would want him running anything, much less the country.
    Last edited by BCR3; 03-26-2024 at 01:52 PM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by scbulldog View Post
    My problem is the way they use the legal system to take our guy out, and then ignore it when their guy does the same shit and worse.
    and I agree 100% with this also

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR3 View Post
    I just read all of this for the first time. I agree with pretty much everything 2th said but don't have the energy to argue anymore. I have and will always be in the camp of Are these two idiots the best we can actually do?? I want our president to act presidential simple as that. To actually be a leader, not a bumbling idiot or a narcissistic asshat that craves attention. Why can't we get somebody with some balls, with some sort of moral compass, who actually speaks like the leader of the greatest country on earth should speak? Apparently that's just too much to ask and if you do ask, well then you just can't take a president that speaks his mind or says mean words horseshit response. To that I say I can take mean talk all day long, I just can't take someone that sounds completely uneducated (Trump) or mentally compromised (Biden) and that so many on either side are fine with it. Baffles the hell outta me. Maybe the one thing that would fix some of this would be an age limit for the President. My father who is a very accomplished and smart guy is 78 years old. There is no way I would want him running anything, much less the country.
    Oh look, a logical thought process

  9. #69
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    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    The stormy Daniels story has been around for almost 10 years now. If that was a big deal, it would have sunk him in 2016. Besides, Clinton cleared the field on the sort of thing many years ago. And don't forget Biden has rape allegations against him when he used to get it up.

    Abortion is a dead issue. It's at the state level now. Biden says he will make it a law if he gets reelected but the supreme Court has already decided that case.

    Inflation and immigration are the big issues now. Besides Biden's declining faculties.
    dont look in the mirror. look at the other 50% of the population. what you think just doesnt matter. change the channel just to see what they are talking about. it really will help you see the challenge ahead.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  10. #70
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    I watch and read news from multiple sources. Even liberal media outlets can't ignore the immigration crisis at the Southern border. And they rail against Trump. What they don't report is any glowing achievements from the Biden administration. They just talk about low unemployment and lower inflation rates. And liberals are not happy with Biden's support of the Israeli conflict in Gaza. It may be phoney but liberals expect Biden to show support for the Palestinians.

    You cannot get the full picture by watching one or two news media outlets. Both sides ignore what they don't want reported and spin things in their favor.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    It may be phoney but liberals expect Biden to show support for Hamas.

  12. #72
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    I don't think there are any true Liberals left. What we have now are Leftists. There's a distinct difference between the two.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Air Raid View Post
    I don't think there are any true Liberals left. What we have now are Leftists. There's a distinct difference between the two.
    and to Tooth's point, the other side doesn't think there are any conservative republicans left,
    only radical right wing that want Trump to lead a dictatorship.
    "Perspective" I think is the word thrown around by my dentite friend quite often

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    and to Tooth's point, the other side doesn't think there are any conservative republicans left,
    only radical right wing that want Trump to lead a dictatorship.
    "Perspective" I think is the word thrown around by my dentite friend quite often
    And I think many former Conservative Republicans are switching over to more aggressive candidates because we've taken the high road for so many years we've lost the way. This is more of a pseudo war. A war for children, for single gender bathrooms, a war for secure borders. and many other common sense things we used to take for granted. For the first time ever i have begun to purchase personal protection items and the things needed to make them operate. With the border letting in the people it has, it is a matter of time before we need said items.

  15. #75
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    Liberals would love for conservatives to put up another candidate like Mitt Romney. The media controlled Mitt very well. Never argued back. And whenever they went to their go-to protocols like racist, homophobic, out of touch, rich white, right wing extremist....Mitt would back down like a coward. They aren't accustomed to someone who fights back and ignores their attacks.

  16. #76
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    y'all live in a tiny bubble
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  17. #77
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    a whole lot of the other side votes and I think the folks running the other side
    did a better job (out worked) getting their people to the polls on the last election.
    I do think a lot of folks on "our side" will do a better job of getting out and voting this November
    while a lot of the other side is saying "fuck it" with Biden and may not get out on election day.
    I also truly believe this judicial persecution of Trump is bringing voters to him, there has to be some
    on the other team that see what is being done to him and disagree with it.
    Like him or not, the guy is tough as nails to face this bullshit day after day.
    Last edited by ecu1984; 03-27-2024 at 10:31 AM.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    y'all live in a tiny bubble
    A bubble of reality.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    moving on, how does trump WIN amidst all this nonsense?
    We vote. That's how. But more to the point - the Supreme Court will ultimately save Trump. However, in order to stop all this bullshit, he has to win. If he doesn't, he'll be consumed by unending lawfare.

  20. #80
    Join Date
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    It is not against the law to pay extortion. It is against the law to blackmail folks. Why hasnt Stormy and Avenatti been charged with extortion. The more they push for a trial and keep Trump in the headlines the more free advertising he is getting and more face time. All but the true TDS folks see this as a political witch hunt, even non trump fans agree. I think even the TDS folks see it but are just hoping for anything they can get against him.
    Last edited by centurian; 03-27-2024 at 01:06 PM.


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