With that budget I would get him a good, customized reel. A good reel likely won’t be replaced with new technology like a rod, can be personalized, and turn into an heirloom.
With that budget I would get him a good, customized reel. A good reel likely won’t be replaced with new technology like a rod, can be personalized, and turn into an heirloom.
I dove into this last year and ended up going with a Moonshine rod. Can't beat the warranty and they look awesome. https://moonshinerods.com/?gad_sourc...xoCERoQAvD_BwE
Of course you did……might as well get a crossbow next.
Another vote for TFO here. Their fly and spinning rods are the best for the money.
If you want to get a nice reel for a small rod set up this is one to look at. Click and Pawl drag (no real drag) but super light weight for a small rod set up
if you are in CHarleston, go to the Orvis store and spend $500. Voila. great equipment in that price range.
At least I'm housebroken.
I have some TFO set ups, they seem good to me ... They also have dust on them from not being used in 3 years and I have trout swimming within 40 yards of me right now, so take that for what it's worth.
The reel is the least important component for mountain trout.
Thanks Everyone this is what I went with. I reviewed every website and called every place that was recommended. Rather than get something that he just didn't want, I took the bold initiative of just calling him. I made him promise to act surprised then asked him directly. He really was interested in something small to get in the tangles around the upper end of some of the native trout streams. He's got a 7 weight outfit that he uses in more open areas (and in brackish water) but had been flustered trying to fish it in the tight areas. I got this, some WF line and a box of small flies all at Orvis. The one-stop shop was just to make it easy on the Procurement Department but the retiree isn't enough of a purist that the somewhat clunky looking reel is going to bother him. Thanks again. Just over $900 all told. NOTE TO SELF: Don't take up flyfishing...
Ephesians 2 : 8-9
Charles Barkley: Nobody doesn't like meat.
Good choice!
Fine choice there, RH.
"Keep your powder dry, Boys!" ~ George Washington
"If I understood everything I said I'd be a genius." ~ 'Unknown'