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Thread: Continuing Education

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bushland, Tx

    Default Continuing Education

    Birds were fresh to this area but certainly not fresh to being shot at. Late season birds acting like late season birds can be tough but there’s still something to be learned. I’m not sure yet what I would’ve done different but I try to take more detailed notes on the days where it’s not as easy. Looking back on it, there were 3 groups that we should’ve shot but when you think you are right on the brink of that big spin that’ll land 100+ birds, it’s easy to get greedy. Late this week it warmed up to 70°, birds fed in the full moon most of the night Friday night, it rained on and off all week so everything was muddy. West Texas mud is a different beast! One more weekend of dark geese then it’ll be time to dust off the speakers and get the big snow spreads out for conservation season. 536D31DF-6D37-46FE-9346-05DC29ED9083.jpg

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Summerville, SC


    The dogs look like they enjoyed it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bushland, Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by scatter shot View Post
    The dogs look like they enjoyed it.

    They always do.

    They were moving kinda slow towards the end. So much mud caked on their feet it looked like they were wearing boots.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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