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On this…. I havent had time yet to check mine. I am sure a clean box helps in the long run but also have to figure none of their natural nesting trees/holes are getting cleaned out.
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You're right but I get 2 to 3 clutches out of my boxes when I clean them out after jump day. I know for certain my boxes don't get used until I clean them out. Now, Blackbellied Whistling Ducks, that's a different deal. They'll carry out old eggs in their bills and clean out the box. They don't use nesting material either, lay eggs on bare wood bottom of the box. The parents will fan the eggs with their wings if temps get over a certain degree. Smart, prolific breeders.
I don't know how many old natural tree cavities get reused each Spring or annually. Does anyone have any info on that?
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"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give" Sir Winston Churchill