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Thread: Newsome Desantis Debate?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    Silence = guilt?
    In the context of the civil trial in NY, the silence infers guilt, which is why summary judgment was granted and the trial that is being conducted now is to determine the amount Trump Org must disgorge for its fraud.

  2. #62
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    Sandy Run


    With the large number of politicians, news media and courts trying to stop Trump at any costs, I would plead the 5th too. They just want to try and trip him up once so they can bring the power of the judicial system down on him.

    The Russian hoax should be all you need to know about the strong opposition to him.

  3. #63
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    Except your party fraudulently spends MY money at an exponentially higher rate to go after political opponent with a weaponized government. But keep that popcorn popping while you jack off to false thought of Trump not being your President again.

  4. #64
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    united states of america


    Sorry, add an s behind opponents and false thoughts

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    Sorry you have been conned by a Yankee goon... with no respect for the rule of law.

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    united states of america


    Conned right into a fuller checking account, low gas prices, national security, and world peace.

    Sorry you've been conned into thinking Biden is anything but a fraudulent puppet to globalist commies.

  7. #67
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    Sandy Run


    Sorry you have been conned by the Biden crime family...who has no respect for the rule of law and uses the judicial system to go after his political opponents.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hogg View Post
    If the whole thing is a sham and Trump had nothing to worry about then why did he plead the 5th over 400 times in his deposition?
    Because the Constitution affords him that right. They have to prove your guilt not you prove your innocence or at least that's how I remember it from US Government in 10th grade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hogg View Post
    Sorry you have been conned by a Yankee goon... with no respect for the rule of law.
    Do you think the Left has any respect for the rule of law? This moral high horse is why the conservative continue to lose. I understand morality but when your opponent has none, it puts you in a situation were you must chose to lose with morals and suffer the consequences or you can beat them in their trench and hopefully improve things.

  9. #69
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    Aug 2014


    Where is this lack of respect for law, you keep referencing?

    I would suggest he was probably the most law respecting President we have had since Nixon. Yes, I said Nixon. They wanted him gone at all cost, he was a threat as well to their play house. If you ever study that whole debacle you realize quite quickly that the CIA wanted Nixon gone, and who were the burglars, and whose pay roll were they on???

    As much as Regan is heralded as a great President, I'm not totally convinced GHB wasnt running that show. Any way you slice it there was Iran Contra. There was the Barry Seal story, which means we were bringing in the coke just like Freeway Ricky said, we aint got no planes, or boats. Sure we sold the crack, but how did it get here?

    Slick Willy sold the Chinese 4 axis machines and tech, along with a host of other things.

    GWB, were do I even start. Let's go invade a country over weapons of mass destruction, that didnt exist. The Patriot act???

    Obama, oh my gosh what didnt he do. The biggest thing was rolling back the Smith Mundt act, then passing a EO that made it ok to propagandize the American people with military grade pshy-ops. Bombing women and kids via drones.

    Trump shows up, no new wars, stock market on fire, everyone who wanted a job had a job interest rates were great.

    Then Joe shows up. While the others committed crimes, he has committed treason. He sold influence to the highest office for money. That is literally treason.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hogg View Post
    Sorry you have been conned by a Yankee goon... with no respect for the rule of law.
    you keep running with the "respect for the rule of law." you ever cheated on your taxes?

    I dont throw stones at trump for his legal woes. Its all bullshit, anyway. I'll be honest, his stormy daniels stuff bothers me more than his current trial.
    Last edited by 2thDoc; 12-04-2023 at 11:51 AM.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    I'll be honest, his stormy daniels stuff bothers me more than his current trial.
    Just for the record, he paid her too.

  12. #72
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    I'm not sure how we have gotten to this point in the country, even globally, and we are still somehow convinced that an elected official will be able to "fix" things.

    Call me a quack, but I am convinced more and more that looming darkly above all the politics and conspiracies is an ever-present, ever-increasing power of evil. The modern world points to things around the proverbial room, "it is the butler in the library with a candlestick", blaming the greed of one or the corruption of another, but I can not see it as simple or small as that feels. What we see in looking through history is an encroaching shift away from what is truth, the absolute truth of God, to the shifting sands of personal feelings labeled as a higher truth. Call me a bantering fool, but I am convinced that there is a higher power of evil that has turned our nation into what it is and what it is becoming. To my simple mind, any conspiracy that places all the cogs of our destruction in the hands of one group of people lends far too much credit to the human ability.

    I am sure that with each passing generation, there have been religious fanatics that found themselves convinced that the end of everything was near. Whatever hesitations I may have in that idea, I do not waver in the belief that the Bible has foretold what we see today and the antidote to this problem is not found in a worldly solution. No man is gonna solve this nations problem, unless, and only when that man is Jesus Christ.
    "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

    "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by MolliesMaster View Post
    I'm not sure how we have gotten to this point in the country, even globally, and we are still somehow convinced that an elected official will be able to "fix" things.

    Call me a quack, but I am convinced more and more that looming darkly above all the politics and conspiracies is an ever-present, ever-increasing power of evil. The modern world points to things around the proverbial room, "it is the butler in the library with a candlestick", blaming the greed of one or the corruption of another, but I can not see it as simple or small as that feels. What we see in looking through history is an encroaching shift away from what is truth, the absolute truth of God, to the shifting sands of personal feelings labeled as a higher truth. Call me a bantering fool, but I am convinced that there is a higher power of evil that has turned our nation into what it is and what it is becoming. To my simple mind, any conspiracy that places all the cogs of our destruction in the hands of one group of people lends far too much credit to the human ability.

    I am sure that with each passing generation, there have been religious fanatics that found themselves convinced that the end of everything was near. Whatever hesitations I may have in that idea, I do not waver in the belief that the Bible has foretold what we see today and the antidote to this problem is not found in a worldly solution. No man is gonna solve this nations problem, unless, and only when that man is Jesus Christ.
    Amen, Brother!
    Crops are harvested, animals are killed.

  14. #74
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    Mars Bluff, SC


    This nation isnt even in the grand scheme of things. I feel we'll be long gone as a country before JC returns. Or at least long gone as the USofA. We'll be occupied by somebody.

  15. #75
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    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by MolliesMaster View Post
    I'm not sure how we have gotten to this point in the country, even globally, and we are still somehow convinced that an elected official will be able to "fix" things.

    Call me a quack, but I am convinced more and more that looming darkly above all the politics and conspiracies is an ever-present, ever-increasing power of evil. The modern world points to things around the proverbial room, "it is the butler in the library with a candlestick", blaming the greed of one or the corruption of another, but I can not see it as simple or small as that feels. What we see in looking through history is an encroaching shift away from what is truth, the absolute truth of God, to the shifting sands of personal feelings labeled as a higher truth. Call me a bantering fool, but I am convinced that there is a higher power of evil that has turned our nation into what it is and what it is becoming. To my simple mind, any conspiracy that places all the cogs of our destruction in the hands of one group of people lends far too much credit to the human ability.
    November 22, 1963. The coup went into effect.

    In 1974 our favorite crimes against humanity member who just passed at age 100 released Security memorandum 200.

    Let me give you a small snippet:

    "It recommends that US leadership "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID."

    In other words there are too many people and we need to kill some off and keep the rest from breeding.

    This is in direct conflict in what God told Adam and Eve after being kicked out the garden. So that tells you where it is from. These demons have been sitting around waiting to implement their global warming hoax sense at least 1974, my guess is before then. These people are evil pure evil. It's hard to imagine just how evil they are until you study their own words.

    Take the time and read the whole thing. You will fall out. It is the whole we are running out of fuel, we cant have kids, the world is going to end if we dont limit the population, and only a certain amount of us are worth living. Then you combine that with the tech guys who want to merge with robots/computers so they can live forever and become gods. Where have we heard that lie before?

    The idiots dont get it, they already have eternal life, it's just where are they gonna spend it. I can assure you no matter how cool their tech looks dont take that chip. They think they can out smart God.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    November 22, 1963. The coup went into effect.

    In 1974 our favorite crimes against humanity member who just passed at age 100 released Security memorandum 200.

    Let me give you a small snippet:

    "It recommends that US leadership "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID."

    In other words there are too many people and we need to kill some off and keep the rest from breeding.

    This is in direct conflict in what God told Adam and Eve after being kicked out the garden. So that tells you where it is from. These demons have been sitting around waiting to implement their global warming hoax sense at least 1974, my guess is before then. These people are evil pure evil. It's hard to imagine just how evil they are until you study their own words.

    Take the time and read the whole thing. You will fall out. It is the whole we are running out of fuel, we cant have kids, the world is going to end if we dont limit the population, and only a certain amount of us are worth living. Then you combine that with the tech guys who want to merge with robots/computers so they can live forever and become gods. Where have we heard that lie before?

    The idiots dont get it, they already have eternal life, it's just where are they gonna spend it. I can assure you no matter how cool their tech looks dont take that chip. They think they can out smart God.
    They are right we need population control world wide to keep the numbers manageable. Way to may poor people who will stay poor and so will their kids and grand kids . The question is as always who will be making those decisions and by what means.

  17. #77
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    This is a link to a series of articles on Breitbart news called Controligarchs. Plenty of good info about the New World Order.

  18. #78
    Join Date
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    Foreshadowing scowl. Saying without saying, “Beware swamp creatures, retribution awaits.”



  19. #79
    Join Date
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    Columbia, SC


    ^that's one of the points the Ds will make. DONT VOTE FOR TRUMP bc he's out for revenge. he's going to be a dictator, etc....

    not a great look. just sayin'. you gotta remember who votes and why.

    lots of noise now. when its all boiled down, abortion will be a key. i doubt israel and ukraine factor in a lot at the polls. we shall see. its trump vs whoever.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  20. #80
    Join Date
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    Yeah, they do like to blame the victim.

    Nonetheless it’s their bed that they’ve made.
    Sorry their guilty consciences are worried, but I’m giddy watching the squirming.

    (Back to the topic)
    The victor will be plagiarizing DJT’s platform if it isn’t him.
    Last edited by DoubleSprig; 12-05-2023 at 08:06 AM.


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