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Thread: Might As Well Be Christmas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    mt pleasant

    Default Might As Well Be Christmas

    I have tried to refrain from posting this opening day drivel, but I just can't help it. Its 2 in the AM, Monday night and I can't sleep, because I'm thinkin' about the ducks we are gonna swat Wednesday morning. I've not been this optimistic about a season since '02. I hope I'm right. Every year I get caught up in fishing and now turkey hunting, and kinda forget about duck hunting. However, just around this time, certain friends start calling and(hopefully)the weather starts getting colder, and the itch comes back. Every year, I ask myself,"Why in the name of God are you out here?" And every sunrise answers that question with a resounding,"Because this is what you love!" Really looking forward to reading y'all's stories and seeing your pics. Maybe I'll even have some of my own. Good luck out there boys. I hope y'all are half as fired up as I am.
    "Never Trust a Skinny Chef."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    we are in the same exact boat foie....i had to get dave to come play poker at 1 just so id have sumthin to do cuz i couldnt sleep cuz i am to excited.
    hope you and everyone else have a good and safe opening day....shoot em when the landin gears are down and everyone stay safe....reports to come.


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