Originally Posted by
We Jeep Inn
Ask for help if you need it.
This brings an interesting thought into my haywired brain.
It was brought to my attention that I'm really bad at empathy. So I decided to read some books in an effort to learn about it, what it means and how to better practice it.
Putting this responsibility solely on a person who is hurting completely lacks empathy. As a human it would behoove all of us as a whole to recognize when a person is hurting and be intentional about extending a helping hand to that person. I'm sure signs were there, people simply overlooked them because they chose to for whatever reason. I do it all the time, but I'm working on it. Not putting blame on anyone else, just saying there's a lesson to be learned here. To assign blame on the hurting doesn't do any good. If everyone close to him could have shown that they cared enough to have some real conversation and engage the man, it coulda changed him and the outcome. He likely just needed someone to prove they cared.
Comfort over criticism. That's empathy.
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Last edited by willyworm; 09-26-2023 at 07:14 AM.
Delta in a nutshell: Breeding grounds + small wetlands + big blocks of grass cover + predator removal + nesting structures + enough money to do the job= plenty of ducks to keep everyone smiling!
"For those that will fight for it...FREEDOM...has a flavor the protected shall never know."
-L/Cpl Edwin L. "Tim" Craft