Well, this might get long, but here goes...
My biological father was a POS and he and my Mom divorced when I was 4 yrs old. So, it was Mom, my brother, and me. My Dad is actually my stepfather, but, from day one, nobody would ever have known that. When they got married, she had 2 boys and he had 3 boys from previous lives. Then my youngest brother came 2 years after they got married. So, for those keeping track, that's 6 boys, all within a year or so of each other ranging from newborn to about 8 or 9.
We hunted for food and entertainment. Lots of weekends during deer season, we would load up and camp at whichever land we had to hunt and spend all weekend hunting. It was a blast. We all started pretty early sitting stands alone. My Dad had already scouted and placed stands in good locations (baiting was illegal and we couldn't afford those tickets). Once my Dad thought we could be safe enough, we hunted stands on our own. Most of the hunting instruction was, "be still, pay attention, bucks only today, stay till I get back, and if you shoot I'll come get you." The actual woods knowledge came later, but he was good at that too. I killed my first deer at 7yrs old with a Browning BAR 30-06 (my Dad's gun) sitting a stand by myself.
When deer season was over, we'd load up in the boat and try till fill all of our coolers with crappie. I remember the disassembly line in the back yard cleaning all those fish. Great times. Dad also loved to quail hunt and from time-to-time, he'd take a couple of us along, but I always felt like that was more his thing and I understand that. I'm sure he needed a break.
When I was 14, we moved way out into the country and the rest is history. All of my younger childhood had prepared me for all those woods and I was thrilled.
My brothers and I, somewhat, returned the favor by getting him into turkey hunting later on. He enjoyed that alot too.

I am extremely grateful for my Dad and how he treated me and what he taught me. I could not have had a better Dad. He didn't have to do any of it, but he did.