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Thread: Texas School

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhitewaterDuck View Post
    You must be referring to a different God than we talk about and worship. All sins other than blasphemy are equal in God’s eyes, and maybe that is where you were going with this. That said, calling out the worldwide normalization and encouragement of deviant and sinful behavior that is associated with mental illness and the subsequent pushing of abnormal, dangerous, and inappropriate use of hormone therapy…calling that out is not a sin.
    This is all I was saying. Relax.
    - "My dad used to tell me that nothing good happens when you take your AR to an out of town riot. Or maybe it was that nothing good happens after 1:00 in the morning. I can't remember any more." - Wob

    - "Any thought of romance went out the window when I saw the Ohio plates" - Squirrel Master

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    Hating evil is righteous.

    Comparing the hatred of evil to killing school children is the dumbest fucking thing I have seen on this site. Congrats bart.
    You're pretty smart, but you completely missed my point.
    - "My dad used to tell me that nothing good happens when you take your AR to an out of town riot. Or maybe it was that nothing good happens after 1:00 in the morning. I can't remember any more." - Wob

    - "Any thought of romance went out the window when I saw the Ohio plates" - Squirrel Master

  3. #43
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    Mars Bluff, SC


    It's even more sad that these shootings bring out the politics & sight is lost on the ones that died.

    It's sickening to watch anti's parade around when these things happen. Why not jump on their adored govt? I mean Hussein had the WH, the house & the senate. He was able to push his shitty healthcare through with ease. Why not gun control? Why didn't they ban em? If Ol Joe is so serious, why not sign an executive order banning production of firearms in this country? Will it get tied up in court? Sure, but if I'm that passionate about it, I'm going for it. Buncha lying, disgusting pieces of shit!

  4. #44
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    It's less of a righteous fight, than it is an election opportunity. If you havent noticed by now, there is far more saber rattling than there are drawn sabers.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  5. #45
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    Oh, that's all it is. Pure grandstanding. I mean, meth is illegal but we see how that's going. I just wish when they started spewing their shit, that they'd be called to the carpet & told to sit the phuck down!

  6. #46
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    Summerville, SC


    Yep, we just need some of our "conservative", elected officials on the Right to stand up and draw their sabers to protect our Country, our Constitution and it's citizens.
    Other than Rand Paul and a few others, the rest are as useless as the Demonrats.

  7. #47
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    It's usually a rich bastard with paid security and a zip code far away from evil doers who are the loudest for gun control. The Steve Kerrs can eat shit and die.

  8. #48
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    Aug 2021


    The current phrase is "common sense gun controls". This does not mean the same thing to you as those calling for "common sense gun controls". Their ideas are not "common sense" and always lead toward bans and confiscation.. There are some things that could help keep firearms out of the hand of those not trustworthy. This will entail working together with the 2nd amendment supporters instead of dictating and BAN, BAN, BAN as they usually do and are already doing. Some of the thing are mental health, red flag laws that include COURT APPEARANCE WITH ATTORNEY, some standard on storage or firearms, and criminal prosecution, long sentences for using a firearm in a crime, swift execution, and zero tolerance for felon in possession. Universal background checks is not going to work. Trying to hold the gun owners responsible for something they did not do will not work to gain consensus. Opening gun owners up to civil suits for something they did not do will not gain consensus. Get politics out of the "common sense" and there may be some action. Politics does not include common sense.
    Last edited by centurian; 05-25-2022 at 10:15 AM.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by kquinn View Post
    Mental health crisis is very real and going to continue to get worse.
    24 hour news and social media is the feedstock for the mental health crisis.

  10. #50
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    Jun 2008


    Since there is some discussion now about why, etc., I guess it's OK to discuss if there is something "real" to add. I will attach below something I read just this morning and makes the most sense to me and certainly something our "gubment" should be talking about. For me, it makes allot of sense on "why are we here". I will say that i do believe, because I am a blood bought and born again believer, that this is evil that can only come from Satan. But, here goes
    My brother called me last evening. He is a retired military officer with 30 years of service. Highly decorated, combat experienced, CW5 Combat Engineer. He was almost in tears about the shooting in Texas. I am a retired College Professor/Police Chief with 40 years of experience. He has 3 grand children the same age as the victims.
    He wants to volunteer to patrol an area grade school. No pay, his own equipment, waivers of liability. He is a warrior and wants to move toward the sound of the guns like all righteous warriors do. We talked a long time about why this approach, although noble, will not work. It has to do, bottom line, with liability. So, our conversation drifted to why these things happen. I told him that my opinion is based on what I have learned, observed, studied and taught throughout the years. As with most complicated questions, it does not come with a quick and simple answer. The school shooting situation has a historical basis. It looks something like this.

    Back in the late 60s and early 70s the psychiatric community came up with the argument that people with mental health disorders have rights to. When the debate, and there was a lot of it, was done State supported mental health facilities started to close down and ambulatory patients were released into communities under new medications and medication guidelines. They were sedated to be easier to control. Proponents pointed to a saving in tax dollars and the development of "inclusion" into our daily vocabulary. It was the beginning of homeless people.

    At the same time this was going on, society decided that 2 incomes were now necessary and moms went to work. Gradually, day care centers were introduced and elementary schools were asked to take on more parental type responsibilities. It's worth noting that at this time schools employed teachers, custodians and a Principal. That's it. The focus was on education. Today, it is not unusual for a school to employ teachers, custodians, a Principal, 2 or 3 vice-principals, a nurse, counselors, dieticians and a kitchen staff, and a school resource officer. Schools now are focused on "Child Development". Slowly and steadily parents abdicated their responsibilities as parents and gave, sometimes forced, the care of their kids on a school. Schools, being bureaucracies, developed protocols and procedures to deal with raising kids. They had to be fair. Since maintaining order was in everybody's best interest the schools diagnosed kids with a variety of disorders that resulted in children being required to take drugs intended to control the child's behavior.

    Society was now facing a generation of children raised by institutions, not family's. In the follow up investigations it is common to find out that the shooters recently stopped taking their medication. When this happens, the person being treated often acts out in rage and frustration. The focus of this anger is the placed that raised, frustrated, and treated them like clients in a protocol instead of like kids.

    So, who is to blame for school shootings? None of us. All of us.

    Guns are not the problem. They are just easy to blame. They do not cause people to be violent and more than forks cause people to be over weight.

    Schools are not the problem. They are trying to deal with situations they are not structured to confront. It's not reasonable to ask them either. They need to stop trying to be all things to all people.

    The answer is simple and complex. Children need to be raised by parents. Two parents is the ideal number. One can do it, but it is really difficult. Every grade school secretary in the country can tell you by the end of the first week of classes which kids come from homes with a parent in them, and homes with both parents working.

    Politicians will now start shouting about our need to "act". An average of 15 gun laws are violated at every school shooting situation. More laws won't stop the carnage.

    The shooters at Columbine planned their assault for months. Lots of their peers knew they qere talking about doing something. Nobody told a responsible adult. The two boys spent a week making bombs in a garage. Not one adult bothered to ask what they were doing.

    I am reminded of an old comic strip called Pogo. He is talking about the problems in his world and tells is friend, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

    Remember, these are not my words but was very thought provoking for me.
    All Men are self made, but, only the successful ones admit it!

    2thDoc "because nothing matters till the games are played and clemson people have enjoyed success and know how to deal with it.

    any other stupid questions?"......Classic!


  11. #51
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    Fort Kickass


    Quote Originally Posted by DuckorBust View Post
    Since there is some discussion now about why, etc., I guess it's OK to discuss if there is something "real" to add. I will attach below something I read just this morning and makes the most sense to me and certainly something our "gubment" should be talking about. For me, it makes allot of sense on "why are we here". I will say that i do believe, because I am a blood bought and born again believer, that this is evil that can only come from Satan. But, here goes
    My brother called me last evening. He is a retired military officer with 30 years of service. Highly decorated, combat experienced, CW5 Combat Engineer. He was almost in tears about the shooting in Texas. I am a retired College Professor/Police Chief with 40 years of experience. He has 3 grand children the same age as the victims.
    He wants to volunteer to patrol an area grade school. No pay, his own equipment, waivers of liability. He is a warrior and wants to move toward the sound of the guns like all righteous warriors do. We talked a long time about why this approach, although noble, will not work. It has to do, bottom line, with liability. So, our conversation drifted to why these things happen. I told him that my opinion is based on what I have learned, observed, studied and taught throughout the years. As with most complicated questions, it does not come with a quick and simple answer. The school shooting situation has a historical basis. It looks something like this.

    Back in the late 60s and early 70s the psychiatric community came up with the argument that people with mental health disorders have rights to. When the debate, and there was a lot of it, was done State supported mental health facilities started to close down and ambulatory patients were released into communities under new medications and medication guidelines. They were sedated to be easier to control. Proponents pointed to a saving in tax dollars and the development of "inclusion" into our daily vocabulary. It was the beginning of homeless people.

    At the same time this was going on, society decided that 2 incomes were now necessary and moms went to work. Gradually, day care centers were introduced and elementary schools were asked to take on more parental type responsibilities. It's worth noting that at this time schools employed teachers, custodians and a Principal. That's it. The focus was on education. Today, it is not unusual for a school to employ teachers, custodians, a Principal, 2 or 3 vice-principals, a nurse, counselors, dieticians and a kitchen staff, and a school resource officer. Schools now are focused on "Child Development". Slowly and steadily parents abdicated their responsibilities as parents and gave, sometimes forced, the care of their kids on a school. Schools, being bureaucracies, developed protocols and procedures to deal with raising kids. They had to be fair. Since maintaining order was in everybody's best interest the schools diagnosed kids with a variety of disorders that resulted in children being required to take drugs intended to control the child's behavior.

    Society was now facing a generation of children raised by institutions, not family's. In the follow up investigations it is common to find out that the shooters recently stopped taking their medication. When this happens, the person being treated often acts out in rage and frustration. The focus of this anger is the placed that raised, frustrated, and treated them like clients in a protocol instead of like kids.

    So, who is to blame for school shootings? None of us. All of us.

    Guns are not the problem. They are just easy to blame. They do not cause people to be violent and more than forks cause people to be over weight.

    Schools are not the problem. They are trying to deal with situations they are not structured to confront. It's not reasonable to ask them either. They need to stop trying to be all things to all people.

    The answer is simple and complex. Children need to be raised by parents. Two parents is the ideal number. One can do it, but it is really difficult. Every grade school secretary in the country can tell you by the end of the first week of classes which kids come from homes with a parent in them, and homes with both parents working.

    Politicians will now start shouting about our need to "act". An average of 15 gun laws are violated at every school shooting situation. More laws won't stop the carnage.

    The shooters at Columbine planned their assault for months. Lots of their peers knew they qere talking about doing something. Nobody told a responsible adult. The two boys spent a week making bombs in a garage. Not one adult bothered to ask what they were doing.

    I am reminded of an old comic strip called Pogo. He is talking about the problems in his world and tells is friend, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

    Remember, these are not my words but was very thought provoking for me.
    Thank you. Very thought provoking and compelling argument.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    Mars Bluff, SC


    Spot on

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Fountain Out


    The home life of these kids is to blame. Not society. The home.
    I don't need my name in the marquee lights....

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    There's a complete and total lack of ownership in the world today. Nothing is anybody's fault anymore. It's all influence and parents and technology.

    It's the shooter's fault and that is what/who is to blame. They made a conscious decision and the fault lies with them and them alone.

    Things are tough all over. You deal with it and come to a fork in the road of be a detriment to society or be a productive citizen who helps people.

    No broad brush painting of how society is headed to hell in a handbasket is going to find a one switch flip fix. Blaming tangible items like guns and abstract concepts no one can change is lazy and keeps focus off the real issues that sin and evil entered this world and will be here till our Lord comes back for us and there isn't one solid thing we can do about it except get as close to God as possible.

    The shooter made a choice. The shooter is dead. So that problem has been solved. I pray for him, those children and their families and community.

    Talk to more people about God and don't miss those opportunities when they come.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    There's a complete and total lack of ownership in the world today. Nothing is anybody's fault anymore. It's all influence and parents and technology.

    It's the shooter's fault and that is what/who is to blame. They made a conscious decision and the fault lies with them and them alone.

    Things are tough all over. You deal with it and come to a fork in the road of be a detriment to society or be a productive citizen who helps people.

    No broad brush painting of how society is headed to hell in a handbasket is going to find a one switch flip fix. Blaming tangible items like guns and abstract concepts no one can change is lazy and keeps focus off the real issues that sin and evil entered this world and will be here till our Lord comes back for us and there isn't one solid thing we can do about it except get as close to God as possible.

    The shooter made a choice. The shooter is dead. So that problem has been solved. I pray for him, those children and their families and community.

    Talk to more people about God and don't miss those opportunities when they come.
    Well said.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    out of curiosity, what did you choose?
    He probably had to cheat.
    It's not enough to simply tolerate the 2nd Amendment as an antiquated inconvenience. Caring for the 2nd Amendment means fighting to restore long lost rights.

  17. #57
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    Amidst all of the evil that took place, there were heroes, some as young as 10. Reports are indicating that the carnage was confined to one classroom.

    On Tuesday morning, Texas fourth-grader Amerie Jo Garza, 10, beamed for a picture as she held up a colorful school certificate naming her to the honor roll at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas.

    Taken at around 10 a.m., it was the last picture of her alive, her grandmother, Berlinda Irene Arreola, told The Daily Beast in an emotional interview in which she said the girl—“super-outgoing” and a “teacher’s pet” who liked doing well in school—was fatally wounded dialing 911.

    “My Grand Daughter was shot and killed for trying to call 911, she died a Hero trying to get help for her and her fellow classmates,” Arreola wrote in a text message to The Daily Beast.

    Amerie was one of 19 children killed when 18-year-old gunman Salvadore Ramos ran into Robb Elementary School at about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, after shooting his grandmother, crashing his car in a ditch, and being pursued by local law enforcement. He barricaded himself in a classroom and fired at “whatever was in his way,” according to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

    At roughly 11:50 a.m. on Wednesday, local authorities were already engaging the suspect outside the school.

    Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Lt. Christoper Olivarez told CBS News that multiple police officers came under attack by the shooter. “Several police officers were shot,” he stated.

    Despite their efforts, the suspect gained access through a doorway shortly after the initial confrontation with police.

    Officers continued to exchange gunfire with the suspect barricaded himself inside the school, the law enforcement official told Breitbart. The shooter repelled the officers using a cache of ammunition and a rifle. The source said authorities recovered a backpack containing fully loaded rifle magazines for an AR-15-style weapon. The suspect was believed to be carrying two backpacks.

    At least one student was able to call 911, the source added. The student’s young age did not stop them from providing some information to authorities about the number of gunshots heard.
    ..... an ongoing exchange of gunfire with the suspect continued and a plan was hatched by a Border Patrol agent to storm the barricade to end the incident. According to the source, the as-yet-unidentified Border Patrol agent assisted in organizing a team of officers already on the scene who had received tactical training.

    Ultimately, the team breached the classroom where the suspect barricaded himself and exchanged close-quarters gunfire with the suspect. The gunman shot the Border Patrol agent during the exchange. The agent kept his composure and managed to fatally shoot the suspect, bringing the attack to a close.

    The point is (IMO) that in the middle of all that is evil and how it affects the human psyche, there are thousands more lights of hope that reaffirms my belief in the goodness of my fellow man. We should never bow to the fear and evil but comport ourselves with a steely resolve to fight evil at every turn.

  18. #58
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    We need a lot more Jesus and Sunday school for kids and a whole lot less XBox, PlayStation and Nintendo. A lot more God centered lifestyles and less alternative lifestyles being normalized. A lot more of the Holy Spirit and a lot less hell raising do what you want. A lot more family dinners and less fend for yourself.

    We keep taking Him out of everything and then wonder why the evil like this keeps happening. There’s a fix for all this but it won’t happen until we either repent or He’s had enough and sends Jesus back.
    Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

    You might take out a dozen before they drag you from your home and skull fuck you to death. Marsh Chicken 6/21/2013

  19. #59
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by union View Post

    Seeing a trend with this guy

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That wasn't the shooter, just another gem started by 4chan (of "Q" fame as well).


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