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Thread: Fanning turkeys

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJ1012 View Post
    So by your theory, we could shoot them over bait with a rifle as long as we all get a certain limit and a certain timeframe?
    They allow rifles in Wyoming. At first, I thought it was really a regional decision based on the difficulty of getting a bird within 40 yards that can see 2 miles and just concluded I’d not hunt with decoys. This last turkey I killed was 15 yards from me and up the side of the hill, and I realized about the time I squeezed the trigger that anyone hunting that area from that side’s access would have been up that hill shooting right at me…probably with a rifle. Then I realized that turkeys are the only animals we are allowed to hunt on public land with rifles without blaze orange and they are the most likely of all quarry to concentrate multiple hunters in one area. So now I’m against hunting turkeys with rifles.

    If it’s your private land…why not? Maybe hunter A hunts for three years and learns to call masterfully without much effort. He’s a natural. Within five years, hunter A can talk a 5 yo gobbler into leaving 10 hens and walking 300 yards across an open field to 20 yards from the bead.

    Hunter B is tonedeaf and just can’t call for sh!t after three years of blowing on 100 different diaphragms daily. Poor dood puts more effort into it than 98% of the population, but he can’t get it figured out. He decides to fill his tags using a 22mag after still hunting them from a ground blind for hours each time he goes out.

    What’s the difference? A had x tags and filled them. B had x tags and filled them. Laws shouldn’t be counting on a certain percentage of hunters failing to fill their tags. Fair chase is important, but where does that line get drawn? Should we limit deer hunting to shotguns with buckshot? Why is it different for deer and turkeys?

    Baiting is a whole mother ball of wax. People hunt for different reasons.

    Hunter C enjoys the sport involved in hunting, owns 1000 acres, and enjoys the challenge of killing animals with stick and string. He makes good money, he bought the land ten years ago, and he’s invested a ton of time and money into clearing and planting food plots that produce food for the game year round. In harvested corn and beans in the fall with winter wheat and a variety of name brand food plot mixes producing well into winter. Chufa really draws the turkeys in the spring. He fills his deer tags in the fall, kills ducks over flooded corn in January, and lops the heads off gobblers from one of his strategically placed double bull blinds filling all his tags and the tags of a friend ou two and maybe a couple of kids tags to-boot.

    Hunter D owns 50 acres down the road that his family has owned and passed down over the years. They used to kill deer and turkeys Every year on tin bucket ridge when it was a good year for acorns. They even scratched out a few ducks that would hit the bottom on a good wet year when the creek backed up and flooded some low spots. Hunter C’s primary concern is having his kids enjoy hunting by giving them a touch of success every now and again while also supplementing their diet with venison, wild Turkey, ducks, and squirrels. He has two corn feeders out. He and his kids shoot a couple of basket racks and a couple of does, fill three turkey tags, and pass shoot a few woodies heading to the flooded corn up the road.

    You telling me Hunter C is a problem here? Of course not. The baiting thing ain’t black and white. Dumping a bag of corn and planting 10 5acre chufa patches are both baiting. Unless there is ZERO manipulation of the land beyond what Mother Nature does all by her lonesome, then it’s baiting. Funny that the most expensive, most effective baiting practices are the ones that are legal.

    So…I’m saying the DNR should make bag limits and seasons based upon the premise that everyone that buys a license will be successful and should not make any laws with the intent of making it more difficult for someone to fill their tags. I’m all for laws being written that limit or manipulate all sorts of variables/methods that may result in it being more difficult for hunters to fill their tags. Those laws should only be written and go Into effect after thorough and vigorous public debate, and the reason for them should not be for the purpose of limiting harvest.

    Good reason for banning baiting….reduce spread of disease that is showing risk to the area.
    Bad reason…we only want 10k animals killed. If you only want 10k animals killed, do not issue any more than 10k permits and adjust annually after analyzing true harvest numbers.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJ1012 View Post
    So by your theory, we could shoot them over bait with a rifle as long as we all get a certain limit and a certain timeframe?
    Shoulda put short answer first. Short answer: yes.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  3. #23
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    And know where that’s coming from; I limit myself in just about every way that still gives me a reasonable shot at being successful at killing whatever quarry I’m chasing. But who am I to tell anyone how they should or should not put wild meat on their table while enjoying hunting by whatever means cranks their scooters? As long as it does not result in over harvesting or danger or a diminished experience of surrounding properties and landowners, shoot them with .50s for all I care.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhitewaterDuck View Post
    Shoulda put short answer first. Short answer: yes.
    Your theory is flawed. By your theory we should be able to kill them by any means we want. Well we can’t kill more than say 10k a year for the state to maintain the population. If everyone is killing them by any means they want we wouldn’t have any turkeys. If the state only gave out 10k tags, a bunch of hunters aren’t even going to get an opportunity. So wouldn’t you want to have regulations making it harder to kill turkeys so everyone has the opportunity? That way everyone has the opportunity but it just becomes harder to harvest one. That’s the route the state took years ago so they outlawed baiting and rifles. Technology changes though and sometimes we have to look at modern technology and decide if the current technology is ok.

  5. #25
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    I get what you are saying, and the states already does factor in year over year success rates when determining how many tags to give vs how many animals they want to die. I am oversimplifying the scenario in order to make the reasoning clear. Let’s say turkey laws are what they are and have been for ten years. (These numbers are fictitious) The DNR knows that approximately 50,000 people are going to buy hunting licenses and apply for turkey tags. They know from looking at 10 years worth of harvest data that 1/3 of the turkey tags they issue get filled each year. They set the target harvest number at 50k birds, so they issue 3 tags per hunter. That exact reasoning is and has been baked into the mix for a long time now.

    So the 2021-2022 hunter surveys and poult surveys find the turkey numbers are down significantly and it is determined that the SC turkey population can only handle a spring harvest of 20k. The estimates are that 60,000 people will buy licenses and apply For tags in 2023. Some say that the numbers are down due to reaping and OOS hunters. Others say the numbers are down because of fire ants and stupidly timed burning practices. Others say the numbers are down because of coyote predation.

    While we can work on trying to better understand all that, the best way to ensure only 20k birds die is to reduce the number of tags given out to those 60K hunters to one tag per hunter, because statistics have shown for 10 years that 1/3 of the tags given out will be wrapped around a turkey.

    Is this perfect? No. This will likely result in under harvest, because the 10 year history data showing the 1/3 of tags being filled is likely including a lot of folks who fill all three and a lot that fill zero. Still, it’s more likely to achieve desired results than assuming reaping is the culprit and choosing a reaping and decoy ban to make things more difficult for hunters in hopes of lowering harvest numbers to target.

    Y’all seriously think that prior to YouTube and the TV hunting industry there weren’t folks fanning field birds and whacking their asses? I’d bet if you outlawed decoys, the harvest numbers might actually go up. I’ve had decoys screw me far more than they’ve helped. Anyhoo…hope that clarifies my position a little better.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  6. #26
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    And I get you pj. I’m not advocating for free for all hunting. I’m saying we have rules that work now and have for a long time. Let’s not use a dip in turkey numbers to start throwing in new laws against stuff when we don’t know what is causing the dip in numbers. Let’s reduce harvest by lowering bag limits while we assess the situation. If reaping is indeed the culprit, I’d be for exploring some reaping regulations, but there is no way to know what the exact reason is yet. I personally blame Covid and Putin.
    Last edited by WhitewaterDuck; 05-22-2022 at 10:01 PM.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by PBiz View Post
    In my opinion, lowering the limits and shortening the seasons, is no different than making a hunter use tags and letting farmers kill 500 deer a summer..
    Reading thru this all helter-skelter and just saw this. I agree. If a farmer wants depridation permits, he should have to put his farmland in a walk-in agreement so that the public can come out and help him with his deer problem on a first come, first served basis.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  8. #28
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    I can kill 3 gobblers the first 3 days of season with a strutter decoy and never touch a call
    80-20 Genaration

  9. #29
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    I'm about ready for turkeys to go extinct so I don't have to keep reading this shit.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJ1012 View Post
    Your theory is flawed. By your theory we should be able to kill them by any means we want. Well we can’t kill more than say 10k a year for the state to maintain the population. If everyone is killing them by any means they want we wouldn’t have any turkeys. If the state only gave out 10k tags, a bunch of hunters aren’t even going to get an opportunity. So wouldn’t you want to have regulations making it harder to kill turkeys so everyone has the opportunity? That way everyone has the opportunity but it just becomes harder to harvest one. That’s the route the state took years ago so they outlawed baiting and rifles. Technology changes though and sometimes we have to look at modern technology and decide if the current technology is ok.
    How many turkeys did you call in and watch die in SC this season?

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whackumstackum View Post
    How many turkeys did you call in and watch die in SC this season?
    I left way more than I watched die. I can say that with the upmost certainty

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    I'm about ready for turkeys to go extinct so I don't have to keep reading this shit.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    I'm about ready for turkeys to go extinct so I don't have to keep reading this shit.
    If we don’t change some things you will probably get your wish.

  14. #34
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    [QUOTE=WhitewaterDuck;2985028]Reading thru this all helter-skelter and just saw this. I agree. If a farmer wants depridation permits, he should have to put his farmland in a walk-in agreement so that the public can come out and help him with his deer problem on a first come, first served basis.[/QUOTE

    they can do the same with pigs, can’t call the .gov to trap until you’ve let the public get their hand at it. great idea.
    Windows Down!

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJ1012 View Post
    I left way more than I watched die. I can say that with the upmost certainty
    You’re part of the problem. You do nothing for turkeys other than run your mouth on the internet about bullshit. You know it to, so how many did you watch die? 10? 15? 20?

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whackumstackum View Post
    You’re part of the problem. You do nothing for turkeys other than run your mouth on the internet about bullshit. You know it to, so how many did you watch die? 10? 15? 20?
    I do nothing for turkeys?? How about the money I send to TFT or the mossy oak stamps I bought for every turkey I killed in 2 states this year? How about the burning I pay for on the places I hunt or the trapping? How about all the planting I do? Turkeys are on my mind 365 days a year. I’m not real sure what you’re referring to by I do nothing for them. Everywhere I hunt the populations are either growing or at a very stable place. Like I told you, I don’t need to tell numbers. I stopped posting what I kill on the internet several years ago. I have nothing to prove. I can assure you on the places I hunt, I left way more than I took and a great flock of jakes on top of the longbeards I left.

  17. #37
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    I think the real problem is does killing them. I got this one on a trail cam right before she bit its head off.

    Last edited by wob; 05-23-2022 at 09:04 AM.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJ1012 View Post
    I do nothing for turkeys?? How about the money I send to TFT or the mossy oak stamps I bought for every turkey I killed in 2 states this year? How about the burning I pay for on the places I hunt or the trapping? How about all the planting I do? Turkeys are on my mind 365 days a year. I’m not real sure what you’re referring to by I do nothing for them. Everywhere I hunt the populations are either growing or at a very stable place. Like I told you, I don’t need to tell numbers. I stopped posting what I kill on the internet several years ago. I have nothing to prove. I can assure you on the places I hunt, I left way more than I took and a great flock of jakes on top of the longbeards I left.
    This post consisted of 20 "I's"

    Let that sink in.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-stick View Post
    dave owens would be proud
    Quote Originally Posted by Mergie Master View Post
    There's evidence coming out...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cottontop74 View Post
    I dabble in a lot of things, but don't get too technical with any of them.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by wob View Post
    I think the real problem is does killing them. I got this one on a trail cam right before she bit its head off.

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