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Thread: Damn Yellowjackets

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Yellow jackets have a nasty habit of going for the face and neck area.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Yep I got drilled on the neck a couple times this week on the tractor.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by adamb61085 View Post
    Yeah the sucky thing is none of this has been at my house. It has all be at contracts we have to cut. This was a condo complex out on the lake so the trap is a no-go and so is burning them alive. I have been stung 3 seperate days in the last week all at different clients. 1 time on the ankle the first day, 6 times the next between arm, back and legs, then this 15-20 times between legs, arms, back and 4-5 on my right ear and the one above my eye brow this is 5 days after being stung the second day. I got stung years ago on my face and i had a similiar reaction. All the other locations are just normal welps, i think this is just how my face reacts. Hopefully the rest of me don’t start reacting this way. Got hit by a hornet trimming holy hedges a month or so back right under the armpit, now that bastard hurt!
    Golly man. I ran over a hornets nest one time mowing someone's yard and I thought someone shot me in the leg with a .22

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Anderson sc


    So far between 4 of us i think we have 35 yellowjacket 15 wasp or hornet and i even got stung by a damn honey bee between 2 toes with flip flops on. I have about had my fill of things that sting.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by WoodieSC View Post
    What kind of bait do you put in them... sugar water or something? I think I've got one in the garage and just might have to go hang it up.
    The traps I use come with bait but I have reloaded them with Mountain Dew and had success. Rescue traps. Amazon.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Southern SC


    I stopped at a creek crossing on a narrow trail hiking in the mountains in college. Decided to stand on a log to get a better idea of how to get across and it crumbled under my feet. The first one got me on the arm and by the time I realized what was happening I had so many on my bare legs that it looked like I had on pants. The rest of the group I was with was behind me and weren’t getting stung. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough and because they didn’t know what was going on I almost pushed two of them over the side running down the trail. When I finally stopped and got them all off of me fear set in on what was going to happen if I was allergic to them or even if I was going to be alright considering how many times I got hit. I’m still thankful to this day that I didn’t have a bad reaction because I likely would have died before I made it back somewhere where I could get medical assistance. I also act like a complete sissy any time I encounter flying things that sting.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Hornets got me 3 times on the left hand last weekend- hand swelled up like I had on a heavy winter glove- first time I ever swole up like that. Damn they bad this year.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    Big ole head like me. Easy target. Hope you feel better buddy
    "They are who we thought they were"

    You can dress a fat chick up, but you cant fix stupid

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Murrells Inlet, SC


    Damn yellowjackets almost killed me when I was 11. I hate them. Got hit 3 times a couple of weeks ago, but thankfully, all the shots I took when I was a kid made it so I didn't have a bad reaction this time.
    Crops are harvested, animals are killed.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Anderson sc


    I had been thinking all this swelling was from the one sting above my eye brow. After some of the swelling has gone down today i found another sting in the outside corner of my eye right in the crease of my eye.


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