Got 1st pfizer 3/29. Currently sitting at home in quarantine, day 6 from the Wu flu. Postponed my second vax for a work trip last week and likely got it in high traffic areas in charlotte. Day 1-2 sucked, 3-4 were comparable to each other and about the same as day 5. Day 6 (today) woke up feeling shitty but feeling better at the moment than I have in a week.
Extreme fatigue, fever, bad aching and discomfort, sinus congestion. No respiratory issues aside from sinus stuff. When I first noticed possible symptoms I thought it was sinus/allergy until the fatigue hit me and I couldn’t make myself stay awake or hardly get out of bed.
Highlight: no weekend full of wedding activities mixed in with an unrelated co-ed baby shower crammed in between. There is a god.
Work gave me two weeks off and I took 2 days then picked back up working from home. I am reserving the other days (had to request) to take a day or two if needed if I feel like shit once I get second vax. Only reason I am taking vax is for travel purposes otherwise I wouldn’t get it.

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