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Thread: Firearm Safety (Gun Control) EO's tomorrow

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    Default Firearm Safety (Gun Control) EO's tomorrow

    Biden To Announce Actions On Firearms, Tap Gun Safety Advocate To Lead ATF

    April 7, 2021

    President Biden on Thursday will announce initial steps his administration plans to take on firearm safety, along with the nomination of a prominent gun safety advocate to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

    The moves, which were previewed Wednesday evening by a senior administration official, come after recent high-profile mass shootings put added pressure on Biden to act on gun violence.

    Biden will announce that the Justice Department will pursue two new regulations: one to curb the proliferation of so-called ghost guns, weapons that lack serial numbers and, in some cases, can be constructed at home; and a second that would regulate stabilizing braces, accessories that can be used to make pistols more like rifles.

    Additionally, Biden plans to nominate David Chipman as ATF director. Chipman, who was a special agent at ATF for 25 years, is a senior policy adviser at Giffords, a gun safety group led by former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who became an advocate after she was seriously injured in a 2011 mass shooting.

    There were few details available Wednesday about the proposed regulations for ghost guns and stabilizing braces. The Justice Department is set to issue the proposals within 30 days, and they will be open to comment through the regular federal rule-making process before they are finalized and take effect.

    Biden will also announce a series of smaller measures. Five agencies will make changes to 26 programs to free up funding for community violence intervention programs, the official said. The Justice Department will publish model legislation for states looking at proposing their own "red flag" laws, which make it possible to temporarily remove guns from people who are deemed a danger to themselves or others. The DOJ also will work on a comprehensive report on gun trafficking — something it hasn't done since 2000 – to give lawmakers updated information.

    Advocates Disappointed By Biden's Sidestep Of Gun Legislation Given His History

    Advocacy groups pushing the administration for action following mass shootings in Georgia and Colorado are expected to attend Thursday's announcement, as well as community groups pressing for more attention on gun violence as a public health crisis.

    Biden has called on the Senate to pass Democratic-led legislation the House passed that would require more stringent background checks for all gun sales and transfers and giving the FBI more time to conduct them, but he had not taken further steps, to the frustration of advocates to prevent gun violence.

    Biden did tuck some $5 billion to support community-based violence prevention programs in his $2 trillion jobs and infrastructure plan.

    At his news conference last month, asked about what steps he would take on gun legislation, Biden said it was a matter of timing and then moved on to talk about the infrastructure proposal.

    Advocates on Wednesday lauded Biden's new measures.

    "Each of these executive actions will start to address the epidemic of gun violence that has raged throughout the pandemic, and begin to make good on President Biden's promise to be the strongest gun safety president in history," John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in a statement.

    As a senator, Biden was active in efforts to ban so-called assault weapons, a prohibition that expired after 10 years, as well as the Brady law, which requires background checks for most but not all gun purchases.

    As vice president, he also led former President Barack Obama's effort to expand background checks after the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, but the measure came to a halt in a Republican-led Senate filibuster.

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    Wateree, South Carolina


    Biden Nominating Gabby Giffords’ Gun Control Affiliate to Head ATF

    Giffords Law Center Senior Policy Advisor David Chipman speaks at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on assault weapons on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
    AWR HAWKINS7 Apr 202147

    President Joe Biden is expected to nominate Gabby Giffords’ gun control affiliate David Chipman to head the ATF on Thursday.

    The Associated Press reported Chipman “has for years worked as a senior policy adviser at Giffords,” a law center relied on by gun control proponents throughout the country.

    Biden is expected to nominate Chipman to head the ATF at the same time he will be announcing executive action for gun control.

    Breitbart News noted Biden’s executive gun control is expected to center on firearms which Democrats label as “ghost guns.” Such guns are built from partially completed frames and parts kits, requiring the builder to have the components, equipment, and know-how to finish out a firearm.

    Biden is expected to use executive action to require background checks for the purchase of “ghost gun” components.

    AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    I thought he was going to make Bozo O'Rourke "gun czar"?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Most of my guns are older than I am so I’m not really up to date on the latest trends but are “ghost guns” and “stabilizing braces” a real concern? Or does banning things, whether it has an impact or not, give anti-gun folks a warm fuzzy?

  5. #5
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    Mar 2015
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    Quote Originally Posted by BowfinClassic View Post
    Most of my guns are older than I am so I’m not really up to date on the latest trends but are “ghost guns” and “stabilizing braces” a real concern? Or does banning things, whether it has an impact or not, give anti-gun folks a warm fuzzy?
    There hasnt been any situations Im aware off where a gun without a serial number was used, and the only one Im aware of that involved a brace was the gay bar. How about the government trying to become more efficient as we already know of multiple shooting where the shooter was allowed to buy a firearm that they shouldnt have had. 3 days is more than sufficient to run a damn background check.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    It's still against the law to shoot or murder someone. If laws worked then these things would never happen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    united states of america


    Ding ding ding


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