Bible Study Verse

Psalms 77:11-12
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. (NIV)


After talking with a friend who is an avid fly-fisherman and a local guide, I realize how useful it would be to keep a journal. Several years ago we fished the Big Horn River in July. We caught some nice rainbows and browns on Pale Morning Duns and Blue Winged Olive emergers. I don't recall the size, the river conditions, or other details that might be helpful. Another time, we had a sensational day on the Wiggins Fork catching Cutthroats on dry flies. Again, I don't remember the important details of that trip. It would be interesting and very helpful to read about the weather conditions, the flow and clarity of the river, the hatch, what flies were used, tippet size, and the fish that were caught.

The Bible contains many examples of God-inspired journals. Your journal could include: a favorite scripture verse, insights into scripture, your thoughts and feelings, prayer requests, and help in monitoring your spiritual goals and progress. In his book, Spiritual Disciplines For the Christian Life, Whitney states, "By slowing us down and prompting us to think more deeply about God, journaling helps us to feel more deeply (and biblically) about God." (TL)

Action Point:

Keep a journal for a few weeks; go back to it later, read it and reflect. You will experience its value.

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