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Thread: Biden's VP pick

  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    congrats on finding a democrat that didnt like this selection.

    The truth is that harris solidifies that (D) ticket and they are attempting to get some excitement behind the campaign. You people SERIOUSLY need to hear from the other side more often. Its beyond asinine that you could sit here and say the VP choice was bad. (not picking on you, seem to get it....sometimes)

    Seriously. watch CNN. MSNBC. They are drooling over her.
    Seriously what did you think CNN or MSNBC would say no matter who he picked? “You people” are a special kind of opinionated. I’ll leave it at that. Let me ask you another question, what were CNN and MSNBC saying about 5 pm on Election Day in 2016 and then what happened. Of course they’re trying to energize their side and picked someone they absolutely had to for their party; a woman at a minimum and a black or at least non-white woman at that. They need to give people a principal to stand behind, 1st non white woman to run as VP.... because they know their main candidate is an absolute fucking joke shit show.
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  2. #142
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  3. #143
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  4. #144
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    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

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  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto Duck View Post
    Seriously what did you think CNN or MSNBC would say no matter who he picked? “You people” are a special kind of opinionated. I’ll leave it at that. Let me ask you another question, what were CNN and MSNBC saying about 5 pm on Election Day in 2016 and then what happened. Of course they’re trying to energize their side and picked someone they absolutely had to for their party; a woman at a minimum and a black or at least non-white woman at that. They need to give people a principal to stand behind, 1st non white woman to run as VP.... because they know their main candidate is an absolute fucking joke shit show.
    What idiot beside you would watch CNN that is the most biased show in all of TV history. I said show because it certainly isn’t news.
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  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by LabLuvR View Post
    What idiot beside you would watch CNN that is the most biased show in all of TV history. I said show because it certainly isn’t news.
    Didn’t 2th say that we should watch it to get the other sides opinion. So does that mean 2th watches CNN?
    Quote Originally Posted by squatty View Post
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  7. #147
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    They are entertaining to watch after a major Trump win.

    Trump still wins but the mail bs they are setting up hanging chads for all the swings states and lawsuits into 2021. They will want Pelosi to be president until it is sorted out. That is what the whole he will not vacate the office is about. Worse attack on the Republic yet.

  8. #148
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    I just wanna see the snowflakes cry again. That was better than anything on TV in the last 20 years.

  9. #149
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    They are going for broke on this one. They won one small battle with killing Trump rallies in the north & west. That's why the libs don't want college football. Can't allow those kinds of crowds to gather right now.

  10. #150
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    We have mail-in voting, its called absentee voting. I don't get the big deal or is their proposed mail-in voting much easier to defraud?

  11. #151
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    There is a big difference between mail in voting versus absentee ballots. You have to request an absentee ballot. Mail in voting is where the state election commission just sends ballots out to all voters on their roster. Those records aren't maintained very well. Thats where you get dead people voting. If the government can send 1.4 billion dollars in stimulus checks to dead people, imagine how many fraudulent ballots they will get returned from people who died.

  12. #152
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    Wife and I were talking about voting stuff yesterday.

    If they are really concerned, why not make voting over a few day period rather than one day? 7am-10am every day for at risk/elderly only (just like groceries). Then bracket things by last name (i.e A-F goes on this day, etc.). Have voting outside if weather permits. Require masks, have a dang rubbermaid bin filled with bleach that you gotta dip your hands in prior to going into the booth if its that big of a deal.

    Maybe this is easy to think of in Greenwood, SC not so much in Los Angeles. I just think there are a lot of ways to mitigate perceived risks. But then again, maybe that is just asking too much of the .gov....
    Formerly DM88

  13. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    There is a big difference between mail in voting versus absentee ballots. You have to request an absentee ballot. Mail in voting is where the state election commission just sends ballots out to all voters on their roster. Those records aren't maintained very well. Thats where you get dead people voting. If the government can send 1.4 billion dollars in stimulus checks to dead people, imagine how many fraudulent ballots they will get returned from people who died.
    That was kind of my point. We have a working mail-in system in place, to say we don't is a lie. What they are asking for is a system that they can run like a puppet show.

    Quote Originally Posted by dubs View Post
    Wife and I were talking about voting stuff yesterday.

    If they are really concerned, why not make voting over a few day period rather than one day? 7am-10am every day for at risk/elderly only (just like groceries). Then bracket things by last name (i.e A-F goes on this day, etc.). Have voting outside if weather permits. Require masks, have a dang rubbermaid bin filled with bleach that you gotta dip your hands in prior to going into the booth if its that big of a deal.

    Maybe this is easy to think of in Greenwood, SC not so much in Los Angeles. I just think there are a lot of ways to mitigate perceived risks. But then again, maybe that is just asking too much of the .gov....
    There should be an electronic roster and ID of some sort required and voting should be available for 10 days. Once you vote your name is checked off and on down the road you go. It really isnt that hard, yet the left is screaming about it.

  14. #154
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    I suspect that if your party's platform depends on less people voting then you've got issues. You'd think random mixed up ballots would be fairly evenly distributed as well.

    But it's OK if Florida votes by mail, Trump said as much.

  15. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBtflo View Post
    You'd think random mixed up ballots would be fairly evenly distributed as well.
    Think it will be random? That is funny. If dead people can vote they will print them and fill them out for as many as it takes to get the result they want. Remember, You can justify any action with an emotional argument. And a lib is pure emotion with little logic.

    If a man is alone in the woods, says something, and a woman does not hear, is he still wrong?

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  16. #156
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    If masks work, then everyone should put a damn mask on and go vote. Simple as that.

  17. #157
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    And if they work, that means "no mask, no vote"?

    That wouldn't go over too well.
    Last edited by wob; 08-14-2020 at 04:04 PM.

  18. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southernduck View Post
    That was kind of my point. We have a working mail-in system in place, to say we don't is a lie. What they are asking for is a system that they can run like a puppet show.
    A puppet show is exactly what they want. The Democrats have been leading in fraudulent voting for decades and it's gotten worse every election.

    And, no, we don't really have a solid, working, Absentee Voter process. We have the framework, but various State rules don't jive with the reality of the US Postal Service turnaround capabilities. Example, some States allow you to request an Absentee ballot seven days ahead of time, and you're required to return it by 8 PM on voting day. The USPS says they might be able to do that. However, other States allow you to request a ballot as short as four days before voting day, so there's really no way that ballot can be returned and counted with any confidence factor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Southernduck View Post
    There should be an electronic roster and ID of some sort required and voting should be available for 10 days. Once you vote your name is checked off and on down the road you go. It really isnt that hard, yet the left is screaming about it.
    Solid proposal, but since it would be hard to cheat, short of hacking the systems (which is done every election), the Dems won't buy into it since they're nothing but a bunch of corrupt POS's... which they continue to prove to the honest people of the world every day.

    Here's an article that describes some of the issues... and the newest accusations against Trump for his position against mail-in voting.
    Last edited by WoodieSC; 08-14-2020 at 05:12 PM.
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  19. #159
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    Looks Trump gained some e Union Yankee votes.


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