Quote Originally Posted by scbulldog View Post
Im in Beaufort county. I am a firefighter, and we see some of it, but not much. My neighbor passed with it, but he was 74, a cancer survivor, and recently had a stroke and had cardiac issues. I ask people what their experiences are all the time, and most people seem to have similar experiences. Maybe it is worse were you are, who knows, but there is no reason to be a smart ass
Look everyone on here is a smartass. Don’t get all poopy pants. I know at least a dozen teenage and high school kids who’ve had it, all pretty much assymptomatic and several families where it’s been through the entire family. That’s from Charleston to Greenville. Several people also have friends who have died. I’m assuming, wrong I guess, that most people are seeing the same thing. I’m glad there’s not that much in Beaufort in your experience. I’m edgy as hell and aggravated as fuck from all this lockdown, mask wearing and election bullshit. Don’t wear your feelings on your sleeve around here. You probably won’t be very happy.