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Thread: Ghosts

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Clarendon County


    Boys let’s go see Cyrus. He is a lot more interesting than any of us and I thought we were the most interesting.

    One of you young bucks go scout it out and come back with your scalp and I will get on the plane.

    Cyrus, do some reading on the nephilim. Thats where most folks think demons come from. It will blow your mind.
    Last edited by santee11; 07-16-2020 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I was at Gettysburg for the 130th anniversary- snuck out onto the battlefield and laid down in the killing grounds in front of Devils Den and spent the night- if you don't believe in haints- go spend a hot July night trying to sleep there.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    My place is spooked, compared to what some of you have described here, the manifestations are fairly mundane. I've been bumped, stepped on, sat down on, heard voices, heard doors open and close where none exist, and a few other things. It doesn't bother me much anymore, perhaps we have gotten accustomed to one another.
    \"Free your mind, your ass will follow\"

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Two months ago I was in a dark place in life, and still too this day I'm still recovering within my mind. However, long story short my Dad passed away on May 5th 2018 from a drunk driver in which I took very hard on the account we had had a bumpy last few months before he passed. Essentially I wasn't in a spot to where I wanted our relationship to be at the time of his death.

    One particular day, late May this year I was cutting grass in the evening and trying to catch up on a few other yard work items that I was behind on. Of course at the time my Dad's death was on my mind and I had just had a coming down with my brother in regards to that.

    My shop sits a good ways off from the road, and I was riding the mower to put it up when I catch a figure sitting on a stack of cedar posts I have under my camper owning. It wasn't dark and the sun had just set not only maybe 10 min prior. My first thought it was one of my sons that had snuck over to scare me or my neighbor getting his tractor I store for him since he lives a ways off, and I didn't see him come over and was sitting there to talk. So I make my way over to the figure to see who it is to have it fade off by the time I get roughly 100 ft from it. I get off the mower, look around the awning and kinda dumbfounded at what happened because I hadn't drank anything this particular day. I sit there for a min wondering at what the hell I just saw trying to look for things under the awning that could have played a trick on my mind. After a few minutes I decide to say scew it and I went over and opened the roll door and drive the mower into the shop. Still feeling uneasy and my mind trying to still figure it out.

    I rolled the door down, set the lock, and glanced right back under the awning for one last look. This time my dad was sitting on the stack of wood. Legs crossed with a cigarette in his hand. Full figured, full sight with a smile. Now when I was growing up, this was how I met my Dad for the day every morning. Him sitting there smoking watching TV telling me good morning. More memorable because a lot of these times where before we went hunting or fishing growing up and I went to work with him during high school and college to this being our every day routine.

    Of course It felt like every ounce of breathe was gone, and my muscles just hardened like a rock. However I could see my dad plain as day. He took a puff of the cigarette, looked dead at me and smiled, raising his hand with the cigarette. Dropped the hand back down, took another puff and laughed like I always remembered and was gone. My dad had a distinctive laugh every body knew of and it was one thing I missed from him. For me it was a away of him communicating a calmness to me and understanding he was ok and that I would be too.

    I stood there for I swear an hour waiting to see him again but he never came back.I walk over at least 3 nights a week right about dark looking to see if I see him again but I haven't. I've never been a person to state there isn't a such thing but, just like the mother story of her driving up and hugging. This too felt just a real as as it could get.
    Last edited by dhall1693; 07-17-2020 at 10:00 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    Indeed, yet I have killed no Jack Miners today, this month, or this season as our boy DHall has. I am more jealous of his awesome pig of a bird than everyone else combined.

    First Peter 5:7 "Cast all your care upon God"

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Meathook View Post

    Lots of activity in our current house from the day we moved in. Never any dark spirits that I can tell and never anything harmful. No one has died in our home or anything like that to have a reason for spirits that we are aware of. Home is only 20 years old and we have been in it 13.

    A few short ones...

    1. Home with flu a few years ago. Wake up to the sound of someone walking down the upstairs hallway. Grab the 45 and one. 20 minutes later same thing. Go back to sleep and wake up again to the sound of carpet crunching and coming into bedroom. Told the spirit I was sick but fine and to leave me alone. Didn’t hear anything rest of the day.

    2. Same time but at night I feel a hand on my chest. Assumed it was one of the kids and open my eyes and no one is there but there is a hand print in the blanket on my chest. Look at monitor and kids are asleep in their bed and my wife is sawing logs.

    3. Many times been woken up to covers being pulled off of me. No one there pulling them. Even happened when no one else is home. I have been awake to see the covers being pulled.

    4. Lights turn off and on regularly I’ve had the electrical checked, put in new switches, and replaced the lights.

    5. Tennis ball rolled down the hallway into my oldest sons room. He was home after school by himself.

    6. French doors latched shut open on their own.

    The best story I have of unexplainable is my nephew was at the house over a weekend and he left a little soccer ball. Monday I get home from work and the ball is in the living room floor...we had put it in a basket with other balls in the corner. I put it up in the bed of a little dump truck on a toy box. Tuesday I come home and the ball is back in the floor with a picture off of the mantle of my nephew sitting beside it. The soccer ball went bye-bye after that.

    If you don’t believe in them, watch you dogs. They typically have a strong 6th sense. My shepherd will act like someone is walking down our stairs... he look at our stairs and the hair stands up on his neck. Sometimes he will have a little growl. But never anyone there that I can see but sometimes it coincides with me having a feeling someone is watching me or near me.

    You have a squatter in your attic.

  6. #146
    Join Date
    May 2009
    pee dee


    I don’t believe in ghost...(people who are dead still roaming the earth) BUT in the book of Job, 1:6 it says that the “sons” (plural) came to present themselves before the Lord...and satan came among them.” Satan goes on to say he has been walking the earth...(this would have been before Christ resurrection). My understanding of this scripture is that there are multiple spirits “roaming”..... angels-yes. Demons-yes. Humans who spirit
    Are still on the

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roddie View Post
    SCducks is not checkers, it's chess.

  7. #147
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shotunderit View Post
    My place is spooked, compared to what some of you have described here, the manifestations are fairly mundane. I've been bumped, stepped on, sat down on, heard voices, heard doors open and close where none exist, and a few other things. It doesn't bother me much anymore, perhaps we have gotten accustomed to one another.
    There was a movie awhile back about a family moving into a house that was haunted. Typical ghost scary movie but in the end it turned out they were the ghosts all along.

    Edit: The Others
    Last edited by M.R.Ducks; 07-18-2020 at 09:33 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by squatty View Post
    R. Not
    So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. —Colossians 2:6–7

  8. #148
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    pee dee


    Quote Originally Posted by wbrown609 View Post
    I don’t know what I believe, but......we used to go to the Bingham Light a good bit in the very late 80s/early 90s. Have fun in the mud on the way in, then hang out, and do other things we couldn’t tell our parents about. Sometimes we would see nothing at all and sometimes we would see lights off in the distance which we just assumed were car lights through the woods. One night we parked and walked towards water/woods, and we saw a ball of light appear between us and our trucks. Light moved up and down a couple of times then moved quickly through the woods and disappeared. I don’t have a clue what it was, but I know it wasn’t a person with a light or vehicle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Highstrung View Post
    I've been there and have seen it.. early 90s, typically with Cisco, maybe some bud ice.. but I've seen that light jiggle around and shit.
    I’ve lived less than 2 miles from there my entire life, so I’ve heard just about every light story you can mention...I’m 100% convinced 99% of these stories are a result of doing things you can’t tell your parents about, the other 1% won’t let the truth get in the way of a good story...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Quote Originally Posted by Roddie View Post
    SCducks is not checkers, it's chess.

  9. #149
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    May 2009
    pee dee


    Quote Originally Posted by Geetch View Post
    The neighbors kids had imaginary friends. One was an old black man in a chef's type jacket. Very graphic descriptions.
    This gave me goosebumps.... I dated a girl about 10 years ago, who’s niece had an imaginary friend who became increasingly violent, and the stuff she’d repeat, hadn’t been heard from anyone in her family....I don’t believe in ghost but that junk got weird.....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Quote Originally Posted by Roddie View Post
    SCducks is not checkers, it's chess.

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Anderson sc


    My oldest daughter was in her room just a few months before her 2nd birthday and my wife was across the hallway in the bathroom laying in the tub. My wife hears my daughter singing a song she has never heard before, so my wife says baby what are you singing? She replies back oh it’s just a song Bridges sings to me sometimes. So after she got out of the bathtub she asked her who is Bridges? She says she’s the lady that rocks me during the night if i can’t sleep and she sings this song to me. Of couse she tells me the story when i get home from work that day and we chalk it up to kids imagination. Well 2-3 weeks later we are at my parents house and my daughter goes over to a book shelf in the living room and is looking at pictures. There sits a picture of my fathers mother and father who we called Grandma and Grandpa Bridges because thats our last name both of which has been dead for years. Anyway she says look dad there’s Bridges and points at my grandmother. My dad walks up and says yes baby that was my mother. My daughter replied oh i know she comes and rocks me at night and sings to me. My dad kinda chuckles and said well what does she sing to you? She starts singing the song and my dad goes pale as a ghost and walks out the front door of the house and goes and sits on the swing. I walk out with my wife and ask him whats wrong and he informs us thats the song my grandmother sang to him when he was little but he hadn’t heard it sang in over 50 years. Not saying i believe in ghosts but there have been a few other things this same daughter has said or says she seen that could have only been passed to her by my family that is already gone.

  11. #151
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    This is better than Netflix. Normally when I read stuff like this I say 'and these people vote' but at least I think y'all vote like me. Very interesting.

  12. #152
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Hells half acre


    In Cancun on honey moon reading this. Pretty captivating.
    A fish bites 2 times a day, right before I get to the water, and as soon as my boat gets back on the trailer.


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