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Thread: Cant kill snakes on public land in SC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default Cant kill snakes on public land in SC

    There are more than forty species of snakes in Georgia and South Carolina. Chances are the one you stumble across in your yard is not one of the six venomous ones in our region.

    According to Georgia law, it is illegal to possess or kill any non-venomous snake. The charge is a misdemeanor, but it can be punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and one year in jail. (O.C.G.A. 27-1-28)

    In South Carolina, it is illegal to kill any snake on public land. That is also a misdemeanor and can carry a fine of $200 or 30 days in jail. (Title 51 – Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Chap. 3, State Parks, Sec. 51-3-145 (B)).​

    Many of us have children and pets, and their safety is our number one concern.

    “The best thing to do is to get a water hose. Snakes don’t like trauma, so if you get a cold water hose and you just spray them really hard, they’re going to head the other direction,” said Trish Hobbs, Park Coordinator at Reed Creek Park.

    Even if you find a venomous snake in your yard, trying to kill it can put your life in danger.

    “In fact, most bites occur when people are trying to kill a snake, so I would argue don’t try to kill any of them because if you are trying to kill a rattlesnake, that’s the time you’re going to get bit,” Hobbs said.

    Snakes serve a big role in our ecosystem. They control rodent populations and serve as food for other animals. Certain types of snakes will even eat venomous snakes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    No comprendo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I bet Hobbs drives a Prius. A buddy of mine killed a big rattlesnake in his yard a few days ago with a piece of water hose. I reckon he didn’t know you could just spray them and they would just move on....

  4. #4
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    Clarendon County


    Quote Originally Posted by thunderchicken View Post
    I bet Hobbs drives a Prius. A buddy of mine killed a big rattlesnake in his yard a few days ago with a piece of water hose. I reckon he didn’t know you could just spray them and they would just move on....
    He used the wrong end of the hose.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I didn't know there was a law for that. Thanks for sharing. Not that I would kill a snake anyway. I have a set of balls so they don't spook me. I just give the venomous ones a wide berth and keep rolling.

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    Delta in a nutshell: Breeding grounds + small wetlands + big blocks of grass cover + predator removal + nesting structures + enough money to do the job= plenty of ducks to keep everyone smiling!

    "For those that will fight for it...FREEDOM...has a flavor the protected shall never know."
    -L/Cpl Edwin L. "Tim" Craft

  6. #6
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    I'll make sure I take a hose with me next time I'm out wandering around in the middle of nowhere.

  7. #7
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    I’ve been on Planet Earth for almost 36 years, with 85% of that time spent in rural SC, and don’t know a single woman, child, or man killed by a snake, diamondback or otherwise.
    An elderly man in his 70s with pre-existing heart conditions was bitten by a canebrake in Cuddo.... That’s it.

    Never once in my life, at the community hunting club, church, or boat landing, has anyone ever told me that someone was killed by a venomous snake in SC.
    Out of the 30 some-odd 70-80+ old men in my church growing up, nary a one ever mentioned someone losing their life to a snake.

    As a matter of fact, I didn’t know it was possible for a person over the age of 15 to even be afraid of snakes until I found this website in 2005.

    ....snakes are out there folks. They are in your backyard and in the woods.
    I’ve given up on trying to understand how an adult male human being can possibly be afraid of a 18inch-5ft long critter that can’t jump, has no legs, and is terrified to death of us, so I leave you with this...

    We know snakes are out there.
    Although it is an absolute oxymoron to call yourself an outdoorsman, and then post a pic of a 2ft garter snake asking “what kind dis be,” go ahead and kill whatever snake you see in your yard if it makes you feel safe. By all means forget teaching your children about the different species and what to stay away from. That’s stupid.

    I want your children to be safe, despite your ignorance.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  8. #8
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    united states of america


    Rats fire ants mosquitos raccoons crows cowbirds pigeons mice spiders coons coyotes and wild hogs don't scare me either.
    What does fear have to do with killing snakes?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Horry, SC


    Sometimes I don’t kill snakes but then sometimes I feel like beating something to death with a stick. Fear has nothing to do with it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Carolina Backcountry


    I let non venomous go free but when these are by your back steps where your two year old walk they die and i dont give a flying shit how it offends anyone.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    "Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.
    I am haunted by waters" Norman Maclean.

  11. #11
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    I was hunting a public dove field a few years ago. I heard a random shot to my right when things were slow. I looked over and hoped to see a folded up dove falling through the air. Instead a see a guy walking a few feet in front of him and picked up a big copper head. He had his 10 year old kid out there with him. He claimed it was coming towards them so he shot it. I don’t know but I probably would have done the same. Not scared of snakes and I know they probably wouldn’t kill me but I’d rather not deal with going to the ER and the medical bills that follow.
    Quote Originally Posted by squatty View Post
    R. Not
    So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. —Colossians 2:6–7

  12. #12
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    I don't know anyone that's been killed by a rat either. Why do we encourage rodenticide?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coastal Woodie View Post
    Sometimes I don’t kill snakes but then sometimes I feel like beating something to death with a stick. Fear has nothing to do with it.
    Sometimes shits got to die...
    you aint did a dawg gon thang until ya STAND UP IN IT!- Theodis Ealey

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel Yell View Post
    The older I get, the more anal retentive I get.

  14. #14
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    Nov 2014


    I doubt a rattlesnake bite would kill me, maybe it would. However it would suck either way. I try and keep my life as suck free as possible. Less poisonous snakes would definitely help me achieve that goal.
    Last edited by TheVisorGuy; 09-23-2019 at 08:14 PM.
    "They are who we thought they were"

    You can dress a fat chick up, but you cant fix stupid

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phone Man View Post
    I let non venomous go free but when these are by your back steps where your two year old walk they die and i dont give a flying shit how it offends anyone.
    Damn , where you build your house? Indian burial ground

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  16. #16
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    He's got the mother load of opportunities to prove how tough he is by letting poisonous snakes live.

  17. #17
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    Here’s the deal. I’ve never sought permission from any of you yahoos to kill anything I’ve ever killed, so I’m not about to start concerning myself with y’all’s opinions on whether or not I choose to kill venomous snakes. Whether I’m in my yard, or the middle of nowhere.

    You don’t like it? Tough shit, I don’t GAF.

    PS - Fear has nothing to do with it. I’m not in the woods with them, they’re in the woods with me.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mars Bluff View Post
    Only thing we need to be wearing in this country are ass whippings & condoms. That'll clear up half our issues.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    He's got the mother load of opportunities to prove how tough he is by letting poisonous snakes live.
    I’m betting every snake that looks like it will possibly cause harm to his 2yo will die. Tough or Not, He will protect his baby.

  19. #19
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    1 in 50 million die from snakebite in USsnakebite_death_stats.gif
    Last edited by tman; 09-23-2019 at 08:48 PM.
    "Hunt today to kill tomorrow." - Ron Jolly

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    The Wild, Wild West


    Quote Originally Posted by BOGSTER View Post
    I’ve been on Planet Earth for almost 36 years, with 85% of that time spent in rural SC, and don’t know a single woman, child, or man killed by a snake, diamondback or otherwise.
    An elderly man in his 70s with pre-existing heart conditions was bitten by a canebrake in Cuddo.... That’s it.

    Never once in my life, at the community hunting club, church, or boat landing, has anyone ever told me that someone was killed by a venomous snake in SC.
    Out of the 30 some-odd 70-80+ old men in my church growing up, nary a one ever mentioned someone losing their life to a snake.

    As a matter of fact, I didn’t know it was possible for a person over the age of 15 to even be afraid of snakes until I found this website in 2005.

    ....snakes are out there folks. They are in your backyard and in the woods.
    I’ve given up on trying to understand how an adult male human being can possibly be afraid of a 18inch-5ft long critter that can’t jump, has no legs, and is terrified to death of us, so I leave you with this...

    We know snakes are out there.
    Although it is an absolute oxymoron to call yourself an outdoorsman, and then post a pic of a 2ft garter snake asking “what kind dis be,” go ahead and kill whatever snake you see in your yard if it makes you feel safe. By all means forget teaching your children about the different species and what to stay away from. That’s stupid.

    I want your children to be safe, despite your ignorance.

    Fuggg it. I don’t know Bog, so I ain’t going to go there. How about, to each his own, and the govt should stay the fuck out of 99% of the shit it’s in.
    Last edited by WhitewaterDuck; 09-23-2019 at 09:20 PM.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!


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