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Thread: turkey killin '19

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    York Co

    Default turkey killin '19

    It was an awesome season, and I was fortunate to spend most of it in the woods, enjoying God’s creation. The weather this Spring was great. Turkey's acted like turkeys... And I took several new hunters on very memorable hunts.

    April 6, Union County
    I should have killed this bird opening week, but I swung my gun on him too soon. He was in the air before I could touch the trigger. This morning I arrived an hour before gobble time, and hiked to the very back end of the property. I got near his usually spot with no issues. Daylight comes, and he gobbles not 100 yards from my truck at the gate... I hustle back the way I just came, but by now, he has made it to a ridge top above me. I crawl the last 50 yards to the top, and slide against the first tree I can. A few soft purrs on a new ceramic from Ricky, and he explodes with gobbles. I am in a shitty position, but it will have to do. Then, out of nowhere a 2nd bird behind him gobbles, and I now I have bird1 at 40 yards, bird2 at 100, and suddenly bird3 comes running across the pasture behind me, gobbling every step. I finally get a clear shot at the biggest. Fantastic hunt. The turkeys just wanted to die today...

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    April 15 near San Antonio, Texas
    This was a family vacation, with a turkey hunt thrown in... My Dad has never hunted turkeys, and I had yet to kill a Rio. I found a "day lease" nearby. The morning started off slow. It wasn't til 9am when birds began to gobble. We made a move on a group of birds out in the middle of a very large pasture. We managed to get in front, and setup near an open cattle gate. We hid in grass, up tight against the fence. A few minutes later, they walked right through the open gate…exactly what we planned for. My Dad shot the strutter, and much to my disappointment, no flop… and the other birds scattered. After celebration, and lunch, I called a pair of gobblers in. I shot and killed my first Rio, in a quick hunt of 5 minutes. This day meant more to me than the entire season. I haven't hunted with my Dad in 20 years. Growing up, we only deer hunted in the Hill Country.
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    April 20, Cheraw
    I took my brother in law hunting. This property is beautiful, but only produces a turkey every few years. Much to my surprise a bird hammers on the roost. We make our way to him and setup on a ridge I expect him to walk. He flies down and comes our way. I get BIL situated against a big oak. I sit on the other side of the tree, and call. Perfect as it gets... bird gobbles every step of the way, comes to 30 yards, strutting in circles. Now BIL is shaking (LEO mind you..) and says his leg is cramping bad, and he can't hold the gun up any longer. He lowers the gun, bird spooks. I cuss a lot. We have been hunting no longer than 10 minutes. I mean WTF. Suddenly a 2nd bird behind us begins to gobble. I told BIL to stay where is he was….do not move! I crawl 30 yards to another tree. Yelp a few times, bird comes in silent, but eventually I find his head in the thick cover.
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    May 4 Chester County
    For the last two seasons I have been taking a friend's kid hunting. He is new to hunting, and it's been quite a challenge to get him comfortable with even shooting targets. Several opportunities at birds, but none have been good enough for him. This particular bird never left his 2 hens, and is almost always in a field. Late in the morning, we are finally in the right spot. I call to the hens, and they begin to drift our way. The gobbler comes 300 yards across the field, in strut the entire way, to 20 yards away, directly in front of the boy. The hens are now 10 yards from us, start clucking, and begin to leave. I tell the boy 3 times to shoot, the turkey starts fast walking back the way he came, so I stand up and shoot him myself.. Oh well! maybe he will be ready next year... very light colored buff on this bird. He almost looks more Rio than Eastern.
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    Last edited by YoungBuckTX; 05-14-2019 at 01:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hack Swamp


    Sounds like a good season. Nothing like long-gunning a youngster or inexperienced hunter. I had forgotten the excitement that brings until I did it again this year.
    Last edited by WNM; 05-14-2019 at 01:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Awesome season, that last one sure does look like a Rio. BigBrothers son killed one this year that was similar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Florence, SC


    Looks like a great season!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    long gunning an in law and a kid makes for a GREAT season.

    and dang if that aint a pretty fan. the kid wouldnt have appreciated it....
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Good stuff
    Houndsmen are born, not made

    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    I knew it wasn't real because no dogbox...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Clarendon County


    Congrats on a fine season!

    I took a kid who missed a big gobbler with me last year, and he missed another big gobbler twice, at 10 and 20 steps, this year. I didn't shoot the turkey though. Well done.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    If you haven't long-gunned a young or inexperienced hunter, you haven't taken enough people hunting.
    Carolina Counsel

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Great job brother you did have a good season

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    North Kackalacky


    Very nice season!
    Vegetarian: Native American for Piss Poor Hunter

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Good job Phillip.

    No gun up and ready warrants a longgunnin

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Nice season, congrats!


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