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Thread: Just Vote NO on 2/26!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Just Vote NO on 2/26!

    Just say NO!
    No more taxes.

    They have at least 1.3 billion dollars in the bank now and they want more.
    They don't need anymore!

    They need to use what they have. The idiots from up north Jersey, New York, CT and other yankee enclaves are running for the south because of SALT. Yet the idiots want to bring their idiotic policies with them. When asked why we need to tax property O'Mally answered that is how we did it in Jersey???

    All of those states use to pass on their sky high property taxes to all of us by shifting the federal burden. They no longer can do that so they can't afford 40-60-100k in property taxes on house.

    That is the first thing.

    The second is we are getting kids that can pencil in a bubble and think its ok for a woman to have a "addadicktoome" men too use a woman bathroom, but can't balance a check book, know which end of a shovel digs, think cooking means to go to Cook Out, they can't list 15 elements of the periodic table, they can't list any 2 of the bill of rights, name 3 of the 7 continents, or know how many branches of government we have.

    Oh! Not too mention Siri has become their god. They walk around like mindless zombies. They act like they have all been abused and refuse to look you in the eye. How to go to a job interview? Forget that! I'm trying to figure out what they actually teach anymore. Seems like they are nothing more than a glorified baby sitting service.

    When they are turned loose at 18 they are useless to the workforce and or society.

    They should be ready to tackle life head on. When the school system starts doing that, and is about to run out of money maybe we can discuss raising taxes.

    We are not getting any sort of return on the current investment. As a matter of fact it is getting worse! So until they can show that they can in fact they can turn the young skulls full of mush into critical thinkers who can make it outside of moms basement on their own the idiots wanting to raise our taxes I got 2 words for you:

    Political theorist, founding father, and our third American president Thomas Jefferson said, “Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it”.
    I write not to pass judgement nor advocate for a particular outcome. I simply ask the people of Florence County School District 1 to consider all information available before voting in the school tax referendum on February 26. I’d like to furnish some critical information I think is paramount (and missing) to making a sound and informed decision.

    I believe strongly that you can support our new superintendent, Dr O’Malley, and oppose this tax increase. I also believe you can support public education in our community and not support the 198 million dollar tax increase. I believe you can want what’s absolutely best for our local economy and citizenry and challenge why our public school system needs more money. I believe all this because I’ve dedicated a substantial amount of energy and effort understanding this fairly complex scenario.

    I’m a lifelong resident of Florence County and product of public education. My wife and two sons are as well. My daughter is a sophomore at West Florence high so this issue is important to me. I realize the significance of a better educated work force. Great schools will lead to a better community.

    The past 15 years of my life has been in both the private and public sector as an elected official. I noticed very quickly that one of the biggest differences in these two orbits was the reaction to not meeting expectations or substandard performance. In the private sector the reaction was always, “is there something we’ve done to cause this”. In the public sector the typical response is, “we can fix this if we only had more money”. That can’t always be the answer. We the people must demand accountability for the manner in which tax dollars are spent. It’s your money.

    If our school facilities are substandard and the quality of education in district 1 is negatively affected by these facilities, is it because of a lack of funding? That’s the only legitimate question there should be. None other leads to the just answer. Others will make you feel better. Some others will lead you to the conclusion you desire. But no other gets to the issue at hand.

    Do we need more money? I honestly don’t know. Is the school district a good steward of current funds? Don’t know that either. Is the current plan being proposed going to improve the quality of education the best and most appropriate plan to consider? No idea. But these are the three essential and intertwined questions that the public deserves to have specific and detailed answers to before voting on a huge property tax increase.

    Because I don’t have clarity on the three above referenced questions I will provide details on what I do know.

    The school district collects 201.7 mills of school operating taxes. They also collect 31.5 mills of school bond taxes. These taxes account for about 71 percent of all ad valorem taxes collected by the county treasurer. If this proposed 35 additional mill increase is imposed it will mean nearly eighty cents of every dollar in district 1 directly funds our public schools. Is that too much? Not enough? I don’t know. It’s damn sure a lot.

    There’s been much talk of the quality of schools and it’s correlation to economic development. I agree it’s important. Very important. I also argue that amongst the things that allow for velocity and growth in the economy raising taxes ain’t at the top of my list. This 198 million dollar referendum is the baseline. It doesn’t include origination fees, legal cost, administration, or debt service. The total cost to the taxpayer is 340 million dollars over 25 years. Or a little more than a third of a billion dollars. Let’s do some math together in regards to the impact on our local economy. 340 million over 25 years equals $13,600,000 per year that won’t be available to circulate in our local economy. Let’s go a step further. That’s $1,133,333 a month that is extracted from residents of our community to pay taxes instead of supporting local businesses through traditional consumerism. OVER A MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH. EVERY MONTH FOR 25 YEARS. Paying taxes instead of buying stuff. I’ve heard it said that it’s only a Pepsi a day or going out to eat a couple of times a month. Or two or three outfits of clothing a year. What if you sell Pepsi or own a local restaurant for a living? Or own a retail business that depends on discretionary income to provide jobs for your employees? Gets real doesn’t it?

    Here’s where I get less factual and more opinionated. A sales tax is a much fairer and more equitable way to generate revenue for our government to provide services we’ve come to expect. The notion that a non property owner has autonomy and authority to raise taxes on property owners is clearly uneven and I’d argue a bit un-American. Taxation without representation ring a bell? It’s my opinion (not fact) that if we get clarity on the above fundamental questions and decide additional revenue is indeed necessary to provide a high quality education to our deserving young people, let’s exhaustively explore every sales tax avenue possible. I think it can be done.

    In closing, I do believe in Dr O’Malley. I believe in public education. I believe it’s a cornerstone of advancement as a community. I’d love for ours to be a model for others to admire. I just can’t get satisfactory clarity on the pivotal and essential question. Is a lack of funds the problem with public school in district 1? Your vote is powerful. Put some thought and effort into it.

    Ken Ard
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Blythewood, SC


    TL/DR. But have a great weekend.
    When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home. -Tecumseh-

    Quote Originally Posted by Griffin View Post
    You're also one of select few clemings with sense.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Mars Bluff, SC


    Yup. No real plan. No plan B. Just need more $$$. That'll surely solve it. New school buildings are the answer!!

    How come they never show us how they have done more with less?

    Govt schools are a damn joke. VOTE NO!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    I agree. Finally saw a vote no sign in my neighborhood the other day. Made me believe there is hope.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I have been on the yes side of this until the last meeting that I attended...which was the Florence co republican meeting at the dr Eddie Floyd center. After much research and talking to several county officials, as well as city officials and our local delegation to Columbia, I can no longer support this referendum with a yes vote. I could type a book on this subject because I've spent hours discussing, debating, and researching the what ifs.......but I won't. One thing I will say is that I want to let our illustrious Mr. Lowe know will never received not even a thought of another vote from me and I will do my level best to encourage the same from anyone else who will listen. Now you can come on here and say what ever you want too but I would advise you to be very professional because I live in this town as I know you do. If you would like we can discuss anything you want to face to face and you convince me I'm wrong, I will publicly apologize.

    I would advise anyone that cares anything about our education system in South Carolina to research this new education bill that his name is on. It will be disastrous for our state and I like to compare it to "Little Washington" at the state level.

    Back to the original topic........I know that years ago FSD1 tried to pass another referendum like this and it was voted down. If our delegation knew then that there was a law that held the school district to just a tax increase why would they not get involved then to try and get that changed? anyone that is interested that lives in Florence wants to know or cares what all this is that I'm talking about, pm me and I would be more than happy to enlighten you.

    Lastly, that 1.3 billion that you speak of is broken down further by district. FSD1 has 40 million. It is required by state law that they have 2 months of operating expenses on hand.......think of it as a "savings account". Our district decided that they would keep 3 months on hand. I came up thru these schools. Graduated from South Florence in 87. Have had 2 graduate from there and 1 still there in the 10th grade. I'm very involved and truly care about my kids education and my alma mater. But this ain't the way to accomplish what needs to be accomplished so badly.
    Last edited by DuckorBust; 02-15-2019 at 11:01 PM.
    All Men are self made, but, only the successful ones admit it!

    2thDoc "because nothing matters till the games are played and clemson people have enjoyed success and know how to deal with it.

    any other stupid questions?"......Classic!


  6. #6
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    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mars Bluff View Post
    Yup. No real plan. No plan B. Just need more $$$. That'll surely solve it. New school buildings are the answer!!

    How come they never show us how they have done more with less?

    Govt schools are a damn joke. VOTE NO!
    When Dr O'Malley was asked at the meeting the other night about what his plan b was.......He said that he has the mindset that if he has a plan b, that means his plan a wasn't good enough. The man has been to 52 meetings in 47 days about this referendum and stood in the face of some of the most idiotic people that makes me embarrassed to live in this town. But the majority of the vote no people have had very valid concerns and questions.

    Govt schools.......I see what you did there. Some of us can't be rich like you

    I will be voting no!!!
    Last edited by DuckorBust; 02-15-2019 at 10:44 PM.
    All Men are self made, but, only the successful ones admit it!

    2thDoc "because nothing matters till the games are played and clemson people have enjoyed success and know how to deal with it.

    any other stupid questions?"......Classic!


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Petville Township SC


    I'll definitely be voting "no"!
    Molon Labe
    HRCH Coal's Sparkleberry Cache MH

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Petville Township SC


    On another subject, I'd like to meet some of the other guys from Florence that are on here. No passion involved.
    Molon Labe
    HRCH Coal's Sparkleberry Cache MH

  9. #9
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    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by skrimp View Post
    On another subject, I'd like to meet some of the other guys from Florence that are on here. No passion involved.
    I'm game....set it up. I only personally know Mars Bluff from here........wait did I just admit that? Damn
    All Men are self made, but, only the successful ones admit it!

    2thDoc "because nothing matters till the games are played and clemson people have enjoyed success and know how to deal with it.

    any other stupid questions?"......Classic!


  10. #10
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    Im in for a meet and greet.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Mars Bluff, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by DuckorBust View Post
    I'm game....set it up. I only personally know Mars Bluff from here........wait did I just admit that? Damn
    You know I’m your fran .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    They’ll be getting a firm No from my camp

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Sandy Run


    My wife is a teacher. She says money is not the problem. Lack of disapline enforcement is. Bad kids run the school. They won’t expell or suspend as they should. Makes it incredibly stressful. If a teacher wants more money then get their masters degree and then get another 30hrs. Big increases in pay and most school districts will pay the teachers tuition for it. Aka they will pay for you to get a pay raise.

    Kids coming into 5th grade that are reading on 3rd grade level are another issue. Kids had all A’s and B’s untill they reach her. No one told them their kid was behind or in several cases LD. Yes that is right, kids get that far and no one asks why. Kids have great grades and yet are in the bottom 15% when tested. My wife will work with them for a couple of weeks to get documentation and then has to fight to get the LD kids tested. All to get the kid the help they need.

    She withdrew from the red shirt facebook groop that is pushing pay increases due to their negativity.

    If a man is alone in the woods, says something, and a woman does not hear, is he still wrong?

    Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. —George Carlin

    Common sense is not a gift. It's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone else who doesn't have it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Teaching is a joke. Just another government run cluster.
    Wonder when the last test was typed out and made by a teacher? All they do is go over standardized tests.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Sandy Run


    Yea, well those standard test are the best measurement of your kid. Not class participation. To bad parents don’t look at those test and most teachers don’t.
    Last edited by mello_collins; 02-16-2019 at 10:27 AM.

    If a man is alone in the woods, says something, and a woman does not hear, is he still wrong?

    Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. —George Carlin

    Common sense is not a gift. It's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone else who doesn't have it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    This needs to go back to the top. Vote No. I'm all about implementing a plan to better the school districts, but this is one of the dumbest things I've seen drawn up. Where does our resident rep sit on this? I would think he would be "stumping" for this, but I haven't seen him around town. Too busy trying to dig stumps out of the lake. Rep. Lowe, get your slack ass in gear and let your constituents know what the hell is going on. DAMN. The stumps at the lake have been there for 100 years, they can sit there another month before we start discussing that.

    FYI, I asked my wife how she was gonna be voting on this, here response was "I don't know, probably yes.". She will now be casting a "NO" vote. Remember to get your women in line boys.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2017


    Every person Ive spoken too about it has said No. My sample size is relatively small. I see where they've been sending students to church congregations every night to lobby for their vote. I'm a bit pissed that they'd use students who definitely haven't thought about the tax implications for their families, certainly have never paid taxes in their life, and don't understand that just cause the government collects more money doesn't mean everyone is gonna get A's and go to the college of their choice.

  18. #18
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    Let me first make it clear that I'm a no vote 110%. I can tell you that most I've talked to are a no as well. I've spent a large amount of time with Dr. O'Malley, some of our county government elected officials, and spent an hour and a half with our auditor yesterday. I know the adults that are involved with the students first organization and personally know one of the "students" that you speak of personally. He is actually my pastors son and is a heck of a kid. These meetings were intended to be information purposes only. So people like you and I could make sure we know exactly what's going on and cast our vote. What I don't understand is how people can make statements like you just made without knowing the facts. That's all these were ever intended to get information out there. The meetings that have been held at churches are strictly because there are limited places they can have them and church buildings are one option that makes sense. They can't have these at any building associated with the schools. The teachers are not even supposed to talk about it with anyone at school. I might add that O'Malley has been at most of these if not all. I know he's been to all that I have attended. There was one scheduled for tonight at our church but was cancelled due to some threat concerns. I'm sure "someone" on this very post could chime in about the meeting last night and how that went.
    All Men are self made, but, only the successful ones admit it!

    2thDoc "because nothing matters till the games are played and clemson people have enjoyed success and know how to deal with it.

    any other stupid questions?"......Classic!


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Buckshot14 View Post
    This needs to go back to the top. Vote No. I'm all about implementing a plan to better the school districts, but this is one of the dumbest things I've seen drawn up. Where does our resident rep sit on this? I would think he would be "stumping" for this, but I haven't seen him around town. Too busy trying to dig stumps out of the lake. Rep. Lowe, get your slack ass in gear and let your constituents know what the hell is going on. DAMN. The stumps at the lake have been there for 100 years, they can sit there another month before we start discussing that.

    FYI, I asked my wife how she was gonna be voting on this, here response was "I don't know, probably yes.". She will now be casting a "NO" vote. Remember to get your women in line boys.
    This is my issue with it all. No way they should increase property taxes when there are other options. I can assure you that the resident rep that you speak of is on the sidelines on this one because........he was never asked.
    Last edited by DuckorBust; 02-19-2019 at 05:01 PM.
    All Men are self made, but, only the successful ones admit it!

    2thDoc "because nothing matters till the games are played and clemson people have enjoyed success and know how to deal with it.

    any other stupid questions?"......Classic!


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Florence, SC


    I would like for FSD1 to show the taxpayers what they can do to try and fix the problem that they have created with the resources they currently have. Not stand there with their hands out looking for more money. That would be a simple fix for them that will lead to more waste and more financial problems in the future. As they say easy come easy go


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