Quote Originally Posted by ccleroy View Post
Violator 7 has nothing on Jeff Dunlaps Hellfire, I had my postal courier personally call me one day to tell me she just delivered a small box and threatened to quit if I ever again ordered whatever was in it. When I say it’s bad, I’m under exaggerating 10x....it’s pure uncut skunk essence.
Two years ago I ordered some lures and powder river paste from Min. Trapline. It made it to Columbia and never moved. I waited a few days and called the post office. Nobody could tell me what happened to it. So I called Min. Trapline and they sent me a reorder. It came in a few days . Then about a week later the orginal order showed up in a bigger box. The mail carrier complained how bad it smelled, said she had to keep it in the very back of the truck. She told me that when it got to Columbia a drug dog hit on it and they had to go through it to make sure no drugs where in it. So drug dogs like Voodoo, Hawbakers coyote special, and GH II.