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Thread: Hog Attractant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The Atlantic Flyway

    Default Hog Attractant

    Best hog attractant You guys have been useing, Someone told me suger and water sitting in a bucket outside for awhile is the best, Also seen hog wild.
    "Pass it on in the name of Conservation"-Tracy Byrd

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Carolina Backcountry


    i've always heard to get a pair of hole diggers and dig a hole about 3 feet. Punt in some corn, then a little dirt, then some corn and then dirts etc etc. This allows the corn to ferment and not be on top the ground to be eaten by deer and squirrels. Once it is fermented, the hogs will smell it and root it up.
    "Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.
    I am haunted by waters" Norman Maclean.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    all that and a little diesel fuel on top...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Corn, sealable container, cheap ass malt liqour, sugar, and grape kool-aid if you really want to go all out. Mix ingredients, leave in sun until it has that "smell" (can't miss it).

    I've had better luck covering a fence post, power-pole or pine tree with diesel, but these days that's an expensive proposition. They use the fuel to rid themselves of their many bugs and parasites.

    Fuck a hog, I wish they'd all die.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Atlantic Flyway


    I've had better luck covering a fence post, power-pole or pine tree with diesel, but these days that's an expensive proposition. They use the fuel to rid themselves of their many bugs and parasites.

    Thats very cool to hear thanks!
    "Pass it on in the name of Conservation"-Tracy Byrd

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    this is all jolly and dandy, but you realize you cant do any of this on WMA's right?

    but all good suggestions. Buttermilk poured over the corn pile will do it too.
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Miller View Post
    Who fucking cares? Fuck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Atlantic Flyway


    Adk Incorrect you can bait wma's all summer long bring them in a area and cut the supply 10 days off before the season and make sure its all gone.
    "Pass it on in the name of Conservation"-Tracy Byrd

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    is this true for all game zones?
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Miller View Post
    Who fucking cares? Fuck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Atlantic Flyway


    From DNR book:

    ON ALL WMA lands,as follows.

    2.6 On all WMA lands, baiting or hunting over a baited area is prohibited. As used in this section, "bait" or "baiting" means the placing, depositing, exposing, distributing, or scattering of shelled, shucked, or unshucked corn, wheat, or other grain or other food stuffs to constitute an attraction, lure, or enticement to, on, or over any area. "Baited area" means an area where bait is directly or indirectly placed, deposited, exposed, distributed, or scattered and the area remains a baited area for ten (10) days following the complete removal of all bait.

    I've Called the dnr offices and talked to Leo's and they have told me you can get a away with this.
    "Pass it on in the name of Conservation"-Tracy Byrd

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcmbsc View Post
    From DNR book:

    I've Called the dnr offices and talked to Leo's and they have told me you can get a away with this.
    Thats probably not the smartest thing you've ever posted on here.
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  11. #11
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    Costa-- What would be the smartest thing Spellcheck has posted? Inquiring minds want to know.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Highstrung View Post
    I like fishing topwater. Will one of you jot down some of this redneck ghetto slang and the definitions for those of us who weren't born with a plastic spoon in our mouths?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    So how exactly can you get away with baiting?
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Miller View Post
    Who fucking cares? Fuck.

  13. #13
    tradorion Coots

    Default Technically correct-

    There may be some aspect of putting out corn on WMA's that is illegal. I will ask the lawyers...

    But in a nutshell the placing of foodstuffs and attractants is not the illegal part of it- unless you are baiting to screw with someone else then there are issues in some places- the illegal aspect is HUNTING over the BAIT (its only "food" til you-or someone else- hunt it LOL)

    Having said that- you better check the area close on Day 10... b/c if there is one half of one kernel of the bait left then the area is still baited and for trying to skirt the law by splitting hairs you would be toting the note and Payment In Full would be expected.


  14. #14
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    so dchfjdoshjgdfnvjsc is right?

    But it clearly says in the regs that he copied that "baiting" on wmas is prohibited.

    So trad you wouldnt write a ticket to someone for dumping corn, as long as they wernt hunting over it?
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Miller View Post
    Who fucking cares? Fuck.

  15. #15
    tradorion Coots

    Default Read it again BadAss

    First- DxsiyCsiwjhtMdiwhjBfuiehtSdfjtuCdkjdfht is NEVER EVER EVER right. Write that on your forehead and never forget it. Don't even HINT at such a stupid thought ever again of him being right about ANYTHING
    do you understand?!?!

    Second- i said I would check with the lawyers to see if there was a kicker I was missing...

    But at face value (minus something like a "litter" violation) putting out food is not illegal- hunting over it is. You can keep corn out for turkeys all through the season provided you never hunt over it or near it. Or you can put corn out all winter and clean it ALLLLL up 10days before the season and you are not hunting over bait. If those caveats are followed then unless there is a rule on NOT putting out food on a WMA you could theoretically do it.

    The one thing that comes to mind is that if you put out bait on a WMA saying "I am not going to hunt there for 10days" and someone else was busted then you may have a liability issue.

    THe simplest thing is DO NOT DO IT- however it may not be illegal in all aspects.

    I can think of a few things that if i mentioned them you'd be like "That has to be illegal as hell" and it is NOT...

    Point being- if you can legally do something that may not be the brightest idea I'd be wrong to tell you "No that ain't legal"... but i'd also be wrong to not say "You can LEGALLY do it but your Dumb Ass is skating on some Real Thin Ice..."

    As noted- i will find a definitive answer.

    Last edited by tradorion; 07-06-2008 at 10:09 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    ok. i would be interested to know the definete answer. thanks trad
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Miller View Post
    Who fucking cares? Fuck.


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