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Thread: Everyone is getting on the train

  1. #1
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    Default Everyone is getting on the train

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  2. #2
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    Rodman said Kim understands "bits and pieces of English," and described him as "more like a big kid even though he is small."

    Houndsmen are born, not made

    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    I knew it wasn't real because no dogbox...

  3. #3
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    this is awesome, led.

    I cant think of a better person to speak out about the historic meeting with n korea....
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  4. #4
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    We agreed to end joint training with S. Korea in exchange for....hey, who cares??!!! He’s no longer Rocket Man. He’s no longer a brutal dictator. He’s now “a very talented man” that’s on the MAGA train! Dennis Rodman too??? I was about to buy a ticket until I saw the C4 on the undercarriage.

    We just helped Kim bolster his legitimacy in both his own country and his region. Those nukes aren’t going anywhere. That’s what keeps him in power.
    Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roddie View Post
    We agreed to end joint training with S. Korea in exchange for....hey, who cares??!!! He’s no longer Rocket Man. He’s no longer a brutal dictator. He’s now “a very talented man” that’s on the MAGA train! Dennis Rodman too??? I was about to buy a ticket until I saw the C4 on the undercarriage.

    We just helped Kim bolster his legitimacy in both his own country and his region. Those nukes aren’t going anywhere. That’s what keeps him in power.
    reading the liberal talking points I see? They said the same thing about Regan and Gorbachev also when they started talks. I don't have a clue as to whether this will work or not, nor do I trust Rocket Man at this point. But doing nothing since 1953 hasn't gotten us anything. The reason he is at the table is but for the fact that Trump would wipe him and his regime off the planet if they don't play nice, and I think he knows that Trump is crazy enough to do it. Carrying a big stick works with someone like him, I think. This is a big deal to come this far, so consider me cautiously optimistic. Thawing of relations with this country is a step in the right direction for the people of North Korea AND our Allies. China has also begun to march to a different drum.

  6. #6
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    Using a phrase from Joe Biden, "this is a big fucking deal". The remains of our service members will be coming home after 70 years. Think about that for a moment. No other president in history has been able to achieve that.

    The nukes will be gone. It may take 15 years to completely de-nuke but they finally realized they were on a road to no where. This would not have happened if not for tough talk and sanctions.

    All you naysayers can take a hike. This is a huge turning point in Asia. This is what real leadership looks like. No more excuses.

  7. #7
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    The Donald is working so fast no one can keep up. Watching the news this morning was a repeat of election night. They all have that sea sick look to em. Stock market should respond positively.

    But I'm sure Hillary woulda done much better.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by LowcountryBuck View Post
    reading the liberal talking points I see? They said the same thing about Regan and Gorbachev also when they started talks. I don't have a clue as to whether this will work or not, nor do I trust Rocket Man at this point. But doing nothing since 1953 hasn't gotten us anything. The reason he is at the table is but for the fact that Trump would wipe him and his regime off the planet if they don't play nice, and I think he knows that Trump is crazy enough to do it. Carrying a big stick works with someone like him, I think. This is a big deal to come this far, so consider me cautiously optimistic. Thawing of relations with this country is a step in the right direction for the people of North Korea AND our Allies. China has also begun to march to a different drum.
    First off, let’s not create a false divide. I’m not a liberal. I’m not using liberal talking points. Im voicing my opinion based on what has transpired. The only historic thing that happened was that a sitting US President sat down with a current N Korea president. One concession was given. Given by Trump. To stop joint training with S Korea. For NOTHING. He is going home a hero. We just agreed to ramp down our defenses and assure his security in exchange for nothing. This was Al Capone’s vault meets Fonzie jumping the shark, but this time Geraldo found a used condom and Fonzie shit himself pre-jump.

    ETA: it’s ironic that you mention the Reagan-Gorbachev summit. The same one that Gorby used for political clout and nothing was resolved. Reagan used that as a learning lesson and got his ass later. That was a classic play used by the Soviets and North Korea many times. Every president since avoided taking the bait. Until now.
    Last edited by Roddie; 06-12-2018 at 08:23 AM.
    Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie

  9. #9
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    You really have to look at all side of the deal. The joint exercises we have been doing with South Korea since forever, were really only to flex our military muscle at their doorstep. As a practical matter, they were useless and cost the American taxpayers many millions of dollars every year.

    The old way of doing things has not worked in over 70 years. Doing what Obama, Bush, Clinton yielded no results. I believe this is a turning point in history. It's the same tactic Reagan used to win the cold war.

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    Let’s wait and see what happens. No way to make sound judgments on anything the morning after. I do have a feeling any deals made will be better than the sneaky, crooked deal Obama made with Iran though.
    Last edited by wbrown609; 06-12-2018 at 08:28 AM.

  12. #12
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    Last edited by Mars Bluff; 06-12-2018 at 08:30 AM.

  13. #13
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    There is some great duck hunting in the DMZ if you mind a few land mines.

  14. #14
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    Valid points. Way too early to see.
    Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie

  15. #15
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    Kim was being controlled by "someone" else. The media (mouthpiece) for this mystery group told all of us to hate Kim, he was crazy and evil. The good guys (military intel, military, SEALS) freed Kim up, they took out the power that was controlling Kim. That power did this by executing people in his own family, remember the uncle. Then the media told us Kim did it and Kim was letting dogs kill people. And we ate it up like good little automatons. Looking back at all that I'm ashamed that I fell for such BS.

    This was back in Nov. 2017, I tried to tell y'all about it but everyone just laughed. That also when the missile testing stopped and it's when this meeting was held in China with Trump, Xi and Kim. Now that Kim is free of this rogue evil group, for the first time in his life he is free. That's why he is traveling for the first time since he went to school in Switzerland. That's why his sister was escorted by Pence at the Olympics, that was an in your face to the deep state by the good guys. The Singapore meeting was a staged event (like a scripted movie) aka a trap. The deal was done already. That's why I was saying it was fake news when CNN said NK was saying harsh words (later confirmed as fake) about Pence. It was fake news, but I'm sure military intel planted it so CNN would run with it. So Trump played his part by saying he was balking on the meeting. It changed the narrative in the news, got peoples eyes off something else and made the rogue deep state hesitate in their plans. This gave military intel time to get all the details they needed on the deep state using their assets and the NSA (which Adm. Rogers cleaned up before he left. Remember he is the one that told Trump that his transition team was being tapped). As a matter of fact some of that NSA clean up bled over. Remember the car that the news said "tried to crash the gate" at the NSA. Sounds good but that ain't what happened, you can even tell by the car and lanes separated by concrete medias, that car was trying to get AWAY from the NSA building. Why? Because the military operative raided them and cleaned out the chaff. Oh you probably don't remember because the deep state changed the media narrative by shooting up a high school in Broward county a few hours later on the same day. That got the media and the people off of that little small disturbance at the NSA.

    By the way, the trap in Singapore worked to perfection. All the rogue operators that were sent there were rounded up. Military operators and another group was protecting Kim while all of it was going on. The other group has never lost a protected asset. You won't believe it when I say the name, but trust me, it's all true. The guy who was charged by our government to protect Kim in Singapore was none other than Erick Prince and his group, remember the former SEAL who founded Blackwater, yeah that guy. They have been neck deep in this stuff with Trump and the good guys since almost the beginning.

    Remember ISIS started withering and Antifa, BLM sort of went dead after Trump went to Saudi Arabia. The strings/funding was cut. That was oil money.

    Syria, the same rogue group including McCain wanted us to go to war with Russia, so they thought if they faked Asaad gassing his own people we would attack and Russia would counter attack. Remember Trump waited a week or so, saying he wanted more information? He wasn't lying, he was giving Putin's boys time to target the terrorist chemical facilities, ammo dumps, etc. Then he sent a B1 Lancer to hit 18 marked targets with missiles. Russia shot down most of the EU crap incoming (no matter what the news said very few of their made impact). The terrorists thought the big war had started and they headed out to take over the government, they ran smack into a bunch of pissed off Russian soldiers that were waiting for them. Word came out that it was a slaughter like hasn't been seen in generations, dead terrorist covered the ground. You may have noticed no Syrian airbases or military facilities were touch. Not much of an all out missile strike if you aren't targeting the military assets.

    Don't just read the damn news, read into the news, expand your thinking and research it. I could go on for a while, but I know y'all won't believe it and will laugh again, that's fine. You will learn in good time. "Most" of it (not all) will come out and your grandchildren will study this time in their history books. If they ask you about it just tell them, "Hey I didn't know it was going on. I was busy not paying any attention cause I just flipped it off to crazy talk."
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gander View Post
    There is some great duck hunting in the DMZ if you mind a few land mines.
    Got an old friend who was stationed in South Korea during the 60's and maybe early 70's. He told tales of killing ducks in farmer's rice fields. With mortar rounds and air burst fuse settings. Dinner was served.
    "Only accurate rifles are interesting " - Col. Townsend Whelen

  17. #17
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    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roddie View Post
    One concession was given. Given by Trump. To stop joint training with S Korea. For NOTHING. He is going home a hero. We just agreed to ramp down our defenses and assure his security in exchange for nothing.
    Yep.......nothing indeed

    North Korea agrees to ‘complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula' after Trump-Kim summit
    By Edmund DeMarche, Benjamin Brown, Serafin Gómez | Fox News

    Trump sees 'tremendous success' in summit with Kim

    President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a document on Tuesday stating that Pyongyang would work toward "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula"— a historic concession, which was one of the requirements the U.S. sought at the summit in Singapore.

    The historic agreement came after the two leaders held several meetings throughout the day. Trump was asked by a reporter if Kim agreed to denuclearize and he said, “We are starting that process very quickly.”

    Trump did not refer to the document as a treaty or agreement.

    Trump said at a press conference that he will be ending joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea.

    He also said Kim agreed to destroy a 'major' missile testing site, but did not offer specific details.

    The joint declaration states that the U.S. has committed to providing "security guarantees" to Pyongyang.
    After their historic meeting, President Trump shows North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un a sneak peek inside the presidential limo.

    It's unclear exactly what Trump has promised Kim in terms of security. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declined to say Monday whether guarantees might include withdrawing U.S. troops from the Korean Peninsula.

    Col. Chad G. Carroll, U.S. Forces Korea spokesman, said there has been no updated guidance on execution or “cessation of training exercises.”

    “We will continue with our current military posture until we receive updated guidance from the Department of Defense and/or Indo-Pacific Command,” Carroll said.

    Trump appeared optimistic at a press conference after Kim had left the island.

    Trump told reporters that the remains of U.S. prisoners of war and those missing in action during the Korean War will also be returned.

    Trump said he asked Kim to commit to returning the remains "and we got it."

    The president said he has received "countless calls" and letters from family members asking him to help them receive the remains of their loved ones.

    A reporter asked Trump if he would be willing to invite Kim to the White House and he responded, “Absolutely I would.”

    Trump was asked by reporters in Singapore during his final appearance with Kim on Tuesday what surprised him most during their meetings.

    Trump said Kim has a "great personality" and is "very smart. Good combination."

    Trump raised some eyebrows when he said he learned Kim is "a very talented man" and "loves his country very much."

    Kim, who was sitting alongside Trump at an earlier conference, said through a translator, “We had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind and we are about to sign a historic document.”

    Trump said future talks will include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton. The joint agreement said North Korea will hold follow-up negotiations, led by Pompeo and "a relevant high-level DPRK official" at the "earliest possible date."

    Reporters pressed Trump about human rights issues in the Hermit Kingdom, and the president acknowledged that the situation must improve.

    Trump and Kim did not respond to a reporter who asked if they discussed Otto Warmbier.

    Warmbier was an American student arrested in North Korean in January 2016 for stealing a propaganda poster and sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard labor. He was was sent home from North Korea in a coma and died soon after.

    Trump later said that the meeting between the two leaders may not have happened if not for the death of Warmbier.

    Trump said he thinks "we'll probably need another summit"-- or at least a second meeting. Trump said he is willing to meet with Kim "many times" in the process.

    In the run-up to the talks, Trump had hopefully predicted the two men might strike a nuclear deal or forge a formal end to the Korean War in the course of a single meeting or over several days. But in a briefing with reporters Monday, Pompeo sought to keep expectations for the summit in check.

    "We are hopeful this summit will help set the conditions for future productive talks," the secretary of state said.

    Fox News' Samuel Chamberlain and The Associated Press contributed to this report
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    Mic drop

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    I finally got rain on my sunflowers and corn last night.


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