Quote Originally Posted by mohill View Post
A taser to keep the mother in law in check.
Funny story here...

We were arrived at the hospital at 8pm Monday and they gave her something to relax her before giving her the Pitocin. The contractions got closer and more painful quicker than anticipated and they began Pitocin around midnight.

By 7 am, the nurse took an educated guess we would probably have her around 1pm.. Well no later than 8, my mother in law was in the room asking anyone wearing scrubs to "come look at her daughter, because the baby is coming"... I quickly ran out of "deep breaths"

Needless to say, she got the message around 11, after my polite attempts at asking her to step out, my wife finally yelled- "are we going to have to tase you to get you out of here, I love you but you're stressing us out..."

baby arrived happy and healthy at 1:36pm.