just got back. fished the surf infront of the campsite a few times for ZILCH. Thursday i decided to walk the mile to the murrels inlet jetties. took shrimp, squid and artificials on the incoming tide. Fished shrimp for awhile and had a few good bites, no hook ups, then put on squid and immediately got hooked up. actually about lost my rod that was wedged into the rocks. fish starts tearing drag and wasnt slowing down. look down at the reel and notice most line gone, decide to break it off so i didnt lose all my line. about 10 minutes later another good hook-up, landed about a 3 foot shark(dont know what kind) about 10 minutes later another one. then a ray/skate critter. Awesome time, great trip. really looking forward to moving down in a few months. that murrels/gtown area looks like a great place to live if you like fishing.
On a side note, after walking 3/4ths of the way to the jetty a couple guys on bikes ride right past me on the sand. alls i kept think was that i had 4 perfectly good bikes sitting back at camp and could of saved a walk, who'd of thunk about riding on that hard packed sand?