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Thread: Fort Sumter flags..

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    This is a federal park. Not state. I hope they close down the tourism to the Fort since the flags are coming down.
    They'll be bulldozing the fort next, not that it will bother anyone. Confederate statues will be gone from every county in this state and so much for "Dixie Youth Baseball".

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Why are you proposing the Bonnie Blue? It's a flag from Florida.

    The secession flag is a SC flag that led to the creation of the Battle flag.

    Hell the SC state flag was the first flag of the republic of SC, ergo the confederacy.

    I will say, it's better than the other Alternatives at this point

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    This time, the only slaves are the taxpayers.
    The truth. People just don't want to hear it.
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by lil 2 sleepy View Post
    Why are you proposing the Bonnie Blue? It's a flag from Florida.

    The secession flag is a SC flag that led to the creation of the Battle flag.

    Hell the SC state flag was the first flag of the republic of SC, ergo the confederacy.

    I will say, it's better than the other Alternatives at this point

    As the secession crisis intensified the'Bonnie Blue Flag' gradually became the unofficial banner of independence and self-government for the Southern states. It was adopted by the people and waved prominently at political rallies and parades.
    Many states used variations of this flag, but not all of the lone star flags were blue many were of other colors as were the stars. But the single star ties them all together. In January 1861 Mississippi officially adopted the 'Bonnie Blue Flag' and it was incorporated as a canton in the flag of the new Republic of Mississippi.
    With Mississippi's secession document being signed on the 9 January 1861 a ceremony was held at the capitol building at Jackson when large blue flag bearing a single white star, the 'Bonnie Blue Flag', was raised over the building.
    While to the people this flag represented 'The South' and the Confederate government considered it along with others as the national flag.

    Another opinion
    Livingston — As debate rages across the country about the display of the Confederate battle flag, Louisiana has its own standard that may at first appear to be connected to the Confederacy but whose own story is far more complicated.

    Commonly known as the Bonnie Blue Flag, the single white star on an azure field is a familiar sight to those who regularly drive Interstate 12 between Baton Rouge and the Mississippi state line. The flag is posted to signs along the roadway, which is also known as the West Florida Republic Parkway. By state law, the eight Florida Parishes must fly the Bonnie Blue over their courthouses, but because of a variety of misunderstandings, the flag has not always been displayed, and in some instances, the flag of the African nation of Somalia has appeared in its place.

    When Mississippi broke away from the Union, the Bonnie Blue flew over that state’s secession convention, LSU history professor Gaines Foster said. During the Civil War, the design was incorporated into several new confederate state flags and military units’ battle flags, he continued.

    The Bonnie Blue became a cultural touchstone in the South. Rebels sang a song also known as “The Bonnie Blue Flag” as they marched off for war. In the 1939 film “Gone With the Wind,” actress Cammie King played “Bonnie Blue” Butler, Rhett’s daughter.

    So is Louisiana mandating that a symbol of the Confederacy fly over courthouses in Baton Rouge and other parish seats?

    Advocate staff photo by BILL FEIG -- Confederate States of America flag, right, flying in front of the Louisiana State Archives Building along with other flags that have flown over Louisiana. Different Confederate flag flies across Baton Rouge public spaces; weigh in on issue in our poll
    No, explained Southeastern Louisiana University professor Sam Hyde, director of the Center for Southeast Louisiana Studies.

    Part of the confusion is that state lawmakers got their history wrong.

    The two 1990s statutes that demanded the display of the flag on the highway and over courthouses referred to it as the Bonnie Blue Flag of the West Florida Republic, a briefly independent territory that included Baton Rouge and seven other present-day parishes.

    But the people of the republic would have called their standard the Lone Star Flag. While the precise color varied by maker, the Lone Star has a background hue of sky blue, while the Bonnie Blue is closer to navy, Hyde said.

    The Lone Star was flown over Baton Rouge in 1810 when the West Florida Republic rose up in rebellion against Spanish rule during a dispute over the boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase. By the end of the year, the Lone Star was replaced by the American flag as the territory was forcibly annexed by the United States.

    The struggle against Spanish colonialism spread from there, and historians believe West Floridians may have migrated to Texas and brought the Lone Star with them, Hyde said.

    The flag may have later appealed to Confederates in Mississippi as a symbol of independence and a fight against perceived oppression, the professor continued.

    The Confederacy eventually spawned a number of flags, including the battle flag that has sparked a renewed focus on whether symbols associated with slavery and black segregation are appropriate in modern times. The debate has rolled across the South over the past week since the shooting of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina.

    Shooting suspect Dylann Roof appears to have written a racist manifesto and celebrated the Confederacy in his personal photos.

    Critics of the flag have noted that at the time the victims lost their lives, the Confederate flag flew on the grounds of the South Carolina Capitol and continues to do so, although lawmakers will soon debate taking it down.

    As for the Bonnie Blue, it isn’t clear when the design took on that name, but it was some time between the Republic and the Mississippi secession, despite the Louisiana statutes’ confusion.

    “(The Lone Star Flag) has absolutely nothing to do with the Confederacy,” Hyde said.

    Still, courthouses in the Florida Parishes continue to fly flags featuring white stars and an array of background colors, some closer to the West Florida Republic banner, others closer to the Confederate design.

    The most bizarre turn came in 1997 when an amateur historian alerted officials in St. Helena and Tangipahoa parishes that they were in fact displaying the Somalian flag, yet another white star on a blue field.

    The flags were replaced, though the light blue Somalian flag may have been closer to the West Florida flag than the dark blue version on the pole Wednesday. In Livingston Parish, the courthouse doesn’t have any flag depicting a white star on a blue field — Republican, Confederate, Somalian or otherwise.

    The chief judge and district attorney were surprised to hear Livingston was in violation of state law. District Attorney Scott Perrilloux wryly wondered aloud what penalty the parish could expect for the transgression.

    Chief Judge Robert Morrison doubts anyone would be offended by the Bonnie Blue because it’s likely that no one recognizes it or connects it to the Confederacy. But with the recent scrutiny of Confederate symbols, maybe having a courthouse with too few flag poles isn’t a bad thing.

    “I guess we’re safe from criticism in (our) ignorance,” he said.

    Another viewpoint.
    Why the Bonnie Blue Flag?
    The Bonnie Blue Flag, to me, represents the desire for independence. It represents the desire for self determination and self sovereignty. It is a unity, a system that provides its own light and heat. It is the one Star, the one Individual, and, if you will, the one G-d.

    While it was first flown over the Republic of West Florida for 90 days in 1810, it was the 1861 flag of the Secession of Mississippi (the Republic of West Florida included the southern counties of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana). The flag was immortalized by the song of the same name, written by an Ulster immigrant, and because of the song, the Bonnie Blue Flag became the first if unofficial flag of the Secessionist movement of the Southern States.

    Nowadays, the flag has the opportunity to represent the reborn movement of the supporters of the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution, and the Tea Party movement. I have seen it in pictures of various Tea Party rallies, so some people "get it". The Bonnie Blue Flag was (fortunately) never associated by the victors of the War Between the States with Slavery as they did with the Confederate Battle Flag. In addition, it has never been co-opted by the forces of racism and white supremacy that have tainted (in the minds of the miseducated general public) the glorious Confederate Battle Flag. Therefore, it is the historical Flag of Secession with the best chance to be adopted by converts to decentralism, States rights, smaller Federal government, etc.,.

    The single star represents each single State of the union. It represents each single individual in each State. Buy it and fly it.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.


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