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Thread: Serious Question About CrossFit

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I think you have mental health issues if you have a 26.2 sticker on your car but that's probably not what you mean.

    We evolved as the swiss army knives of motion. No other living species has the distance running capacity that we do. So, if somebody can't run 26.2 miles, on what basis would I have to consider them healthy. If they can't perform funtionaly as designed then that's sort of a problem, yes? If your car can't get out of second gear and go more than 30 mph, would you call it healthy?
    "hunting should be a challenge and a passion not a way of making a living or a road to fame"


  2. #42
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    Columbia, SC


    You are basing this on the premise that humans must run to survive. You are saying that because we are designed to run, we must run. I dont think that is the case.

    We are also designed with a shoulder joint that allows 360 motion, but that doesnt mean you have to swing your arms around for 45 minutes a day just because you can.

    "Health" is a relative term. Would you consider "dying as slowly as possible" to be the definition of health?

    I think we have a LOT to learn about our ever-changing bodies. Call it epigenetics if you'd like, but I still dont think the key to optimum health means jogging 5k every day.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    You are basing this on the premise that humans must run to survive. You are saying that because we are designed to run, we must run. I dont think that is the case.

    We are also designed with a shoulder joint that allows 360 motion, but that doesnt mean you have to swing your arms around for 45 minutes a day just because you can.

    "Health" is a relative term. Would you consider "dying as slowly as possible" to be the definition of health?

    I think we have a LOT to learn about our ever-changing bodies. Call it epigenetics if you'd like, but I still dont think the key to optimum health means jogging 5k every day.
    Good post. And I'm going to make it my life mission to never, ever run over a mile at any given time. Ever.

    Now if there was someplace I needed to be or something I needed to get and it was 26.2 miles or even 5k away I have no doubt I could get there on foot. Would I run to do it? Absolutely not because that would be stupid to expend that much energy just to do it. If something is chasing me and we get over 800m into it and they're still coming then I'm turning and getting physical. On that same line if I'm chasing something and I haven't caught it within 800m then I probably don't need it that bad.

  4. #44
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    I'm saying we were designed to run and do many other complex movements. We have large brains and small guts for a reason. If every biomechanical and biochemical element of our design is related and evolved to make us a purpose built species, how could not using the tools has intended NOT have negative health effects. What you think doesn't matter. What IS matters.

    If you are really interested in exploring some of the current theories and research on this stuff, check out a book called GO WILD by Dr. John Ratey as a good starting point. Its a pretty good discussion that includes most of the current research and theories around this topic. Some of it is so interesting, you'll want to explore the researcher at the Univ of Utah who tried to run an antelope to death in Wyoming.
    "hunting should be a challenge and a passion not a way of making a living or a road to fame"


  5. #45
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    If every biomechanical and biochemical element of our design is related and evolved to make us a purpose built species, how could not using the tools has intended NOT have negative health effects.
    You make a LOT of assumptions in that sentence alone.

    You want to study diet? Read "The China Study."

    I dont think you can make the link between intended uses of our body's "tools" to negative health affects.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  6. #46
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    "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

    "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

  7. #47
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    Rule #2: Double tap

    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

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  8. #48
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    Shhh. We're off CrossFit and on to speed walking here.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    Shhh. We're off CrossFit and on to speed walking here.
    Rule #2: Double tap

    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

    Duncraft Pro-Staff

  10. #50
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  11. #51
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    I'll throw in my two cents on this...

    Back in 2006-2010 I was into the running thing. I lifted some. But I did a lot of running. Ran numerous 13.1 races, and two marathons.

    I started CF two years ago. I am in better shape now than I was when I was running long distance. My body knows it, my labs show it, and I the proof is in the pudding as to completing tasks on a daily basis.

    Running certainly helped me stay in shape...but it was a one trick pony.

  12. #52
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by marsh chicken View Post
    I'll throw in my two cents on this...

    Back in 2006-2010 I was into the running thing. I lifted some. But I did a lot of running. Ran numerous 13.1 races, and two marathons.

    I started CF two years ago. I am in better shape now than I was when I was running long distance. My body knows it, my labs show it, and I the proof is in the pudding as to completing tasks on a daily basis.

    Running certainly helped me stay in shape...but it was a one trick pony.
    I agree with this whole heartedly. I can still step out and run a more than respectable 5k and 13.1 right now just training Crossfit and strength 4-5 times a week. I attempt to keep most of my training to stimulate anaerobic response and adaptation i.e. sprinting and lifting heavy shit. Higher anaerobic capacity will give you a higher aerobic capacity to a certain point, but the converse doesn't translate. You can NOT run miles to decrease your 100m sprint time, but you can run sprint ladders to decrease your mile time.

    I don't mind running but I feel like I'm tearing myself down running for more than 30 minutes at a time multiple times a month. I do a few hill run 5ks a month with a weight vest just to embrace the suck for a while and to make the WOD's with multiple 800's more palatable.

    Here again, it's a matter of goals. My goals don't coincide with someone that wants to run 26.2 miles at one time. That just doesn't make sense to me ,the same way my fascination with working towards squatting 400 lbs probably doesn't make sense to a marathoner.

    In most real life situations, I'd rather be able to run a 6:30 mile(for 2-3miles) and have a higher than average total body strength capacity than be able to run a 2.5 hour marathon time.

  13. #53
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    I'll concede running is natural.

    Running extreme distances for no good reason isn't and no one will be able to convince me otherwise.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    You make a LOT of assumptions in that sentence alone.

    You want to study diet? Read "The China Study."

    I dont think you can make the link between intended uses of our body's "tools" to negative health affects.
    Doesn't make you special. But you should read some of the stuff associated with exploring that connection. You should also read some stuff about how to "think" based on the latest information available. Nate Silver's book, the Signal and the Noise comes to mind.

    Rational people thinking logically are often blind to what is actually happening. Would it have been rational to think you'd get blown up by a towel head flying an American commercial airplane on the morning of Sep 11, 2001 as you walked into the World Trade Center for work that day?
    "hunting should be a challenge and a passion not a way of making a living or a road to fame"


  15. #55
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    You're making a LOT of leaps to fit how YOUR brain works...and just because its "in print" doesnt mean its factual. Who is to say that rational thought isnt to blame for your muses writing too?

    I have actually given a lot of time into studying diet in the last couple of years. I admit I havent studied the "exercise" side of it but I will look into some of the ones you mentioned.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  16. #56
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    Since the article you posted on the other thread was written by someone who is in the vegetarian hall of fame, I'm not sure you've given diet enough study either. Bias is something to think about when you want to think seriously.

    What leaps am I making? The only assumption I have is that we are a product of evolution. If you accept that assumption, then I'd be open to the speed at which new knowledge is going be shed upon us about the human body and how it is impacted by it's environment. Or, you can keep your subscription to the Vegan Journal and be shielded from any information that says eating animal parts may be better for you than eating plants.

    Again, what leaps am I making?
    Last edited by Stripa Swipa; 10-15-2014 at 11:14 AM.
    "hunting should be a challenge and a passion not a way of making a living or a road to fame"


  17. #57
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    Damn..this thread is officially hijacked. Glennda, wanting to look like Hulk Hogan doesn't have anything to do with health, just your unit size. Hunter gatherers looked more like marathoners than Hulk Hogan or the latest Crossfit Games champion. In all seriousness, Brian McKenzie is running ultras on a Crossfit regime so I don't really prescribe to traditional marathon training OR the typical non endurance Crossfitter. I "think" they are both a bit out of balance. "Balance" being a relative your breathe 2th.
    Last edited by Stripa Swipa; 10-15-2014 at 11:19 AM.
    "hunting should be a challenge and a passion not a way of making a living or a road to fame"


  18. #58
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    re-read. my vegetarian hall of famer was to refute something else posted. No matter their background, you cant argue with science and math.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  19. #59
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    and I think we agree on a lot more than we disagree on. You have a chip on your shoulder like Glenn used to when I posted.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  20. #60
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    and I NEVER badmouthed meat. I actually agreed that we could/should eat more organ meat. I also admitted it is and will be a part of what I consider a "healthy" diet.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.


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