Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
For what its worth...

Try to keep the bar really close as it passes your knees and moves into your pockets. The bar should literally touch your legs through the entire lower part of the lift. If the bar is close through the middle, it'll be close when it passes your chest and face. Once the bar is above your knees and the hips begin opening, you need to generate lots of speed through the middle in order to accelerate the bar. This is accomplished with a big jump and a shrug. And when I say jump, I mean everything you've got. Forget finesse here. Brute strength from your hips and traps is what powers the snatch. This should give the weight enough lift so that you only have to bend your knees slightly to get 135 into a full snatch.

If you use a push jerk for shoulder to overhead, remember that rebend in the knees when snatching moderate weight. If you'll rebend your knees after the big jump, your arms should lock out and your legs can finish the lift.

Judge Tip - if the bar stalls before lockout during a snatch, pressing out should be judged a no rep. So if the bar is traveling up, don't let it stop.
I actually worked on them some after the WOD and hit some with a lot more shrug and it made a difference. I now know if my feet come off the floor I'm pulling hard enough.