Good mass and height and width - what cha think?!

His dad is a dog man and was in the woods driving, young lad was on the truck when the buck came by - laid him out, 2 shots, one to the head and its a Kodac moment!
I dont have pics of the bloody him up scene, but it was a GOOD one, complete with lots of blood and hang-em-downs around his neck!

Here is another pic of our HuntMaster and my son.
This is a DUMMY buck .... he ran 150 yards across a green cotton field right towards a big white (WHITE) ford f250 backdropepd by green pines - ran right up to within 20 yards and never blinked an eye, LOL!

Lat weekend we had another youth get his first deer. 1 shot to the head and its story time.
I'll see if I can post up his pics also!