Fact: The Flyway Foundation hen house project is probaby the best return on a SC duck dollar you can find anywhere. Catdaddy taught me this math so if you want to refute it, he's your man.

Fact: If we had 150 auction items that brought in an average of $75 a pop, the project would basically be paid up for the year....assuming the duck run folks still let us benefit from their "endowment."

Some thoughts: Stripa is going to ease the pressure a bit when I buy Glenn's arra's to shoot Catdaddy and Jab's hogs, then use Rapchizzles' knives to shuck Duckcrazed's oysters. So...maybe a hunert folks at $50 a pop'll get us there.

In all seriousness, a few of these boys bust there arse on their own time to pull off what has been an incredible feat when you think about what they are working with.....you fill in the blanks here. Easing some of the fundraising pressure and record keeping bs that comes with raising 20k the hard way is the least many of us duck welfare recipients can do.

Pro tip: The big dollar items are awesome but we can't hit the goal without lots of folks pitching in some smaller stuff.

That is all......