Wow, sadly enough there are a lot of comical responses. All JAB has to do is mention something (be it negative or positive) and he has an immediate following; regardless of each individuals understanding of the subject/topic.

Bottom line, you're not going to agree with every single decision made by a single person or a single organization. Like eating catfish, eat the meat and spit out the bones.

By the way, if you (understood you - not someone directly) have put in for a draw hunt for one of the 26 designated draw hunt sites you are hunting an area that DU has pumped dollars and resources into. If you're not going to support them then don't put in for the draw hunts and don't support SCDNR, NAWCA or the Land Conservation Bank just to name a few orgs who all work with DU to conserve wetlands and habitat improvement. If you're going to be that fickle, at least be consistant.

On another note, a very good friend of mine is on the Board of DU. He's paid his own way to go to Canada twice and a couple states in the US for meetings. DU didn't foot his bill. So to answer the colloquial question, DU has done a ton for me, moreso than for him. I've been drawn for a public hunt site 2 out of the past 3 years (in SC). He's only been drawn once in the past three years (in SC). He understands what it means to give to an organization which works diligently to conserve wetlands habitat so that in turn we can all enjoy a tradition we love.

I encourage "you" to read up, do some research and figure it out for yourself. After that you'll be able to make your own mind up and carry on an educated conversation about it. However, if you simply jump on a bandwagon based on what someone else tells you then you are a hingepin on society and probably voted for Obama.