I had a good 8 point coming from the back of the field towards me probably 15 minutes before official sunrise. I had been watching him for several minutes just waiting for him to get closer so I could make sure it was the buck I thought it was. He was in no hurry and was coming straight across towards me. I have a pair of the Vortex rangefinder binoculars that I use most of the time. I decided to range him just to see how far he is and as soon as I pushed the button to get a distance, he took off. He ran probably 50 yards or so and then went to a steady walk out of the field for another 50 yards.

Am I thinking too much into this or do you guys think he saw the laser? He didn't blow or anything, just walked out the field. I haven't ranged many deer with them over the last 2 years but the ones I have, I've never noticed one act like he/she saw anything.